Author Archives: Network Collective
Author Archives: Network Collective
In this podcast, we sit down with Daren Fulwell. Daren is a long-time network engineer, CCIE and CCDE, and is now a network automation evangelist. Tune in to hear about not only Daren’s journey, but a great discussion dissecting the intersection of SDN, intent-based networking, and how we need more focus on understanding operational processes and workflows to really make a dent within a network automation journey.
Reference Links:
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post NTC – A Conversation With Daren Fulwell appeared first on Network Collective.
Every few years the industry takes a significant step towards a more holistic and capable security model. At the beginning, everything and everyone was trusted, and for good reason. You knew every operator and every machine that was connected to the network. But as networks have become ubiquitous, that level of trust is simply unreasonable. So we’ve built firewalls, and differing levels of inspection, but all of these tools still allow for some implicit level of trust between a machine and those machines closest to them. That is changing and that is what we’re here to talk about today. The newest trend in security is the concept of zero trust, and while it’s suffering the common plight of any new trend with multiple vendors trying to shape the definition, removing implicit trust in our networks is the next logical step towards a truly secure infrastructure.
The packet capture is the one tool in the network engineer’s pocket that doesn’t lie. Or does it? In this episode we talk about the fundamental components of packet captures and how to use them effectively in troubleshooting and managing your network.
It’s also time for the NetDevOps survey. Whether you’re someone who utilizes automation as a fundamental tool of your network or someone who is just thinking about starting an automation journey, your input is needed. Please take a few minutes to fill out the NetDevOps Survey.
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Network Collective thanks NVIDIA for sponsoring today’s episode. NVIDIA is positioned as the leader in open networking and provides end-to-end solutions at all layers of the software and hardware stack. You can experience NVIDIA Cumulus in the Cloud for free! Head on over to:
https://cumulusnetworks.com/automationpod |
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post PCAP Or It Didn’t Happen appeared first on Network Collective.
No plan, no script, no net. In this episode Tony and Jordan give a peek behind the curtains on what has been going on with them both personally and professionally. This episode has a bit of everything. Personal struggles, new hobbies, work news, and a Defcon capture the flag story. This is the Smörgåsbord.
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Network Collective thanks NVIDIA for sponsoring today’s episode. NVIDIA is positioned as the leader in open networking and provides end-to-end solutions at all layers of the software and hardware stack. You can experience NVIDIA Cumulus in the Cloud for free! Head on over to:
https://cumulusnetworks.com/ncpod |
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post The Smörgåsbord appeared first on Network Collective.
From barber to Technical Leader and Developer Advocate, learn how Stuart Clark on the Cisco DevNet team transformed his career over the past 15 years. In this episode, we talk with Stuart about his career journey, his role as a Developer Advocate focused on network automation, and the role Cisco DevNet can play along the way for those looking to enhance their automation skills. We close by asking the question, “Will there be a DevNet Expert exam?” Listen and find out!
DevNet: https://developer.cisco.com/
Automation Exchange: https://developer.cisco.com/network-automation/
Code Exchange: https://developer.cisco.com/codeexchange/
DevNet Certifications: https://developer.cisco.com/certification/
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post NTC – Cisco Devnet With Stuart Clark appeared first on Network Collective.
The long standing tradition of having a secure network perimeter and a lightly protected interior has been going by the wayside for quite some time now. But the introduction of new models of connectivity are forcing us to change the way we look at security all together and invent whole new models for protecting our networks. In today’s episode we’re going to be exploring how these changes are impacting security and talk about some of these new models that meet the needs of modern networks.
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Network Collective thanks NVIDIA for sponsoring today’s episode. NVIDIA is positioned as the leader in open networking and provides end-to-end solutions at all layers of the software and hardware stack. You can experience NVIDIA Cumulus in the Cloud for free! Head on over to:
https://cumulusnetworks.com/automationpod |
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post Perimeter Security is Changing appeared first on Network Collective.
Open source continues to accelerate in the network domain with projects such as Netmiko, NAPALM, and Nornir–all of which are led by individuals, not large organizations or venture-backed startups. In this episode we sit down with Tony Nealon, creator of Netpalm. Netpalm is a network API platform that can abstract and render structured data, both inbound and outbound, to your network device’s native telnet, SSH, NETCONF or RESTCONF interface–leveraging popular libraries like NAPALM, Netmiko, and ncclient under the hood for network device communication
Helpful Links:
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post NTC – Netpalm With Tony Nealon appeared first on Network Collective.
I think we’ve all been there. The network is down, you’ve tried all the things that you know how to do, and now it’s time to call vendor support to figure out what the heck is going on with your network. Some of us dread this situation as navigating the support process can be daunting at times. We’re hoping to give you some tips in today’s episode to make that process go a little smoother. Listen in as we talk about our experiences with vendor support and what we’ve learned along the way to make the support process as painless as possible.
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A considerable thank you to Unimus for sponsoring today’s episode. Unimus is a fast to deploy and easy to use Network Automation and Configuration Management solution. You can learn more about how you can start automating your network in under 15 minutes at unimus.net/nc. |
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post Navigating Technical Support appeared first on Network Collective.
A while back Nick Russo developed a video series on network complexity for the Network Collective membership community. Today we’re releasing this content free for all to consume. This is fantastic content that helps quantify how complexity impacts network performance and network design. Thanks to Nick Russo for continually providing such fantastic content to the networking community.
You can find the documents referenced in the case study videos at the publications page on Nick Russo’s website.
The post Network Complexity Series appeared first on Network Collective.
A gaggle of networking geeks sits around the virtual roundtable and has a conversation on current events. Topics include the ever moving SD-WAN market landscape, our favorite (and least favorite) tools that have emerged since plunging into pandemic mode, and an honest discussion on whether or not support from our major vendors has been deteriorating or not.
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A considerable thank you to Unimus for sponsoring today’s episode. Unimus is a fast to deploy and easy to use Network Automation and Configuration Management solution. You can learn more about how you can start automating your network in under 15 minutes at unimus.net/nc. |
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post SD-WAN’s Musical Chairs, Tools, and the State of Support appeared first on Network Collective.
Jeff Tantsura and Nick Buraglio bring a wealth of knowledge to this Network Collective Introduction to Segment Routing webinar. In this webinar we cover the fundamental SR technologies and how they work, as well as some of the practical implementation details that can only be learned by working with the technology directly.
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post Introduction to Segment Routing appeared first on Network Collective.
In today’s episode we sit down with Network to Code’s founder, Jason Edelman, to discuss his personal networking journey, how Network to Code came to be, and how he views the networking industry through the lens of network automation and orchestration.
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post NTC – A Chat With Jason Edelman appeared first on Network Collective.
SD-WAN has been one of the most hyped technologies in a long time but as the hype settles out and real world deployments start to take shape, the picture is becoming clearer on what SD-WAN is and is not. In this episode we take a look at the original promises, where we are today in relation to those promises, and what SD-WAN might look like in the years to come.
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A considerable thank you to Unimus for sponsoring today’s episode. Unimus is a fast to deploy and easy to use Network Automation and Configuration Management solution. You can learn more about how you can start automating your network in under 15 minutes at unimus.net/nc. |
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post The Future of SD-WAN appeared first on Network Collective.
Networking Conferences play a big role in many of our professional lives and Cisco Live is the biggest one when it comes to networking. This year being what it is, we’re seeing our favorite in person events being transformed into virtual, online-only events. Considering how much community can play a role in how these events make an impact, we figured we would wax nostalgic on past events, share some favorite memories, and explore how this one event came to be significant for so many of us.
Rather than a single continuous conversation made up of a group of talking heads, we’ve recorded this episode in segments. Each one focusing on one person’s experiences with the conference. Also, due to the length, we’ve split this episode into two parts. This is part 2. Part 1 should also be available in your podcatcher, or if you’re listening to this on our website you can find part 1 here.
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A considerable thank you to Unimus for sponsoring today’s episode. Unimus is a fast to deploy and easy to use Network Automation and Configuration Management solution. You can learn more about how you can start automating your network in under 15 minutes at unimus. Continue reading |
Networking Conferences play a big role in many of our professional lives and Cisco Live is the biggest one when it comes to networking. This year being what it is, we’re seeing our favorite in person events being transformed into virtual, online-only events. Considering how much community can play a role in how these events make an impact, we figured we would wax nostalgic on past events, share some favorite memories, and explore how this one event came to be significant for so many of us.
Rather than a single continuous conversation made up of a group of talking heads, we’ve recorded this episode in segments. Each one focusing on one person’s experiences with the conference. Also, due to the length, we’ve split this episode into two parts. This is part 1. Part 2 should also be available in your podcatcher, or if you’re listening to this on our website you can find part 2 here.
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A considerable thank you to Unimus for sponsoring today’s episode. Unimus is a fast to deploy and easy to use Network Automation and Configuration Management solution. You can learn more about how you can start automating your network in under 15 minutes at unimus. Continue reading |
The increased rate of change in networking isn’t just impacting the operational models used to run networks. Network security posture, infrastructure, and operations are having to adapt quickly as well. In this episode we sit down with Henry Jiang, CISO of Diligent Corporation, to talk about how security is adapting to current infrastructure trends.
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post NTC – Security and Networking appeared first on Network Collective.
Have you ever wondered how emergency communications get re-established after major disasters? Who are the people who rush in to enable first responders to do their jobs efficiently in the most trying of circumstances. In this episode we talk with Dustin Li and Andrew White of ITDRC (Information Technology Disaster Resource Center) to find out exactly what it takes to use technology in disaster response and why it is so important.
You can learn more about what ITDRC is doing as well as help out the cause at the following locations:
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post Using Technology In Disaster Response appeared first on Network Collective.
The network automation community is continuously expanding and evolving. This can make it challenging to get a feel for where you are at on the automation journey. To shed some light on the current state of network automation, the NetDevOps survey was created. It’s an independent survey of network practitioners that collects information about the state of NetDevOps in the real world. As you might expect, it reveals some interesting trends within the community. In this episode we speak with the organizers of the NetDevOps survey to discuss how it came to be and some of the interesting results from the 2019 report.
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post NTC – NetDevOps Report appeared first on Network Collective.
I always enjoy an opportunity to talk about the ins and outs of what it’s like to do networking in industries that don’t follow the typical enterprise models. In today’s episode we’re doing just that. Brian Martin, from the Twitch network engineering team, is joining us to talk about what it’s like to run a network where the primary product is real-time streaming video. If you, like me, are interested in hearing what it takes to make a service like Twitch run, this episode is for you.
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The post A Peek Into Content Delivery Networks appeared first on Network Collective.
We find ourselves recording this in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic and I have to be honest that it’s been a bit challenging finding motivation to talk about networking when there’s so many other important things on people’s minds. I mean, who really cares about networking at a time like this? But as I started thinking about that very question the reality hit me, it’s everyone. Everyone cares about networking at a time like this because everyone, young and old, is using technology, networking, and specifically the Internet to hold on to whatever normalcy they can in these crazy times. The fact is that networking, and other core infrastructure skill sets have never been more important than they are right now. The real question I was challenged with wasn’t who cares about networking at a time like this, it’s who cares about a networking podcast at a time like this. I imagine some do, and some don’t, but we’re going to take today’s episode a bit lightly and just talk about what’s top of mind. We hope you’ll listen along.
Outro Music:
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