Nick Blazier

Author Archives: Nick Blazier

A quirk in the SUNBURST DGA algorithm

A quirk in the SUNBURST DGA algorithm
A quirk in the SUNBURST DGA algorithm

On Wednesday, December 16, the RedDrip Team from QiAnXin Technology released their discoveries (tweet, github) regarding the random subdomains associated with the SUNBURST malware which was present in the SolarWinds Orion compromise. In studying queries performed by the malware, Cloudflare has uncovered additional details about how the Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) encodes data and exfiltrates the compromised hostname to the command and control servers.


The RedDrip team discovered that the DNS queries are created by combining the previously reverse-engineered unique guid (based on hashing of hostname and MAC address) with a payload that is a custom base 32 encoding of the hostname. The article they published includes screenshots of decompiled or reimplemented C# functions that are included in the compromised DLL. This background primer summarizes their work so far (which is published in Chinese).

RedDrip discovered that the DGA subdomain portion of the query is split into three parts:

<encoded_guid> + <byte> + <encoded_hostname>

An example malicious domain is:

Where the domain is split into the three parts as

Encoded guid Continue reading