Author Archives: Nicola Kabar
Author Archives: Nicola Kabar
Docker believes in making technology easy to use and accessible and that approach also extends to our enterprise-ready container platform. That means providing out-of-the-box integrations to key extensions of the platform that enterprise organizations require, but also making it possible to swap these built-in solutions with other tools as desired.
Docker Enterprise Edition 2.0, integrates Kubernetes to our platform and delivers the only Kubernetes platform that can be deployed across multiple clouds and multiple operating systems. As part of this release, we have included Project Calico by Tigera as the “batteries included” Kubernetes CNI plug-in for a highly scalable, industry-leading networking and routing solution.
While we support our customers using their preferred CNI plug-in, we chose to integrate Project Calico for our built-in solution because it aligns well with our design objectives for Docker EE 2.0:
The beta release of Docker Enterprise Edition has seen incredible activity. The highlight of the upcoming Docker Enterprise Edition (Docker EE) release is the integration of Kubernetes and bringing all of the advanced security, RBAC and management capabilities of Docker EE to Kubernetes. At the same time, we have been working to improve Swarm, delivering the only container platform that allows you to run both orchestrators in the same cluster. In this blog post, we’ll highlight some the key new capabilities around application-layer (Layer 7) routing and load balancing for Swarm-deployed applications. These enhancements come from the new Interlock 2.0 architecture which provides a highly scalable and highly available routing solution for Swarm. The new architecture brings some additional features to the platform, including path-based routing and SSL termination.
Layer 7 load balancing allows traffic going to host domains like acme.com to be distributed across specific containers in your environment. With path-based routing, traffic headed to sub-domains within acme.com (eg. acme.com/app1 or acme.com/app2) can be separately routed to different sets of containers. This can be especially useful for optimizing application performance by driving different requests to different groups of containers.
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At Docker, we believe the best insights come from the developers and IT pros using the Docker platform every day. Since the launch of Docker Enterprise Edition, we learned three things from our customers.
In our recent customer engagements, we’ve seen a pattern of common challenges when designing and deploying Docker in an enterprise environment. Particularly, customers are struggling to find best practices to speed up their move to production. To address some of these common challenges, we put together a production readiness checklist (https://github.com/nicolaka/checklist) for Docker Enterprise Edition. This list was discussed thoroughly during my DockerCon EU 2017 session. Here’s a video of that talk:
I go through 10 key topics (shown below) that a typical enterprise should go through when deploying Continue reading