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RIPE 86 Bites – Encryption and Active Network Management

RIPE held a community meeting in May in Rotterdam. There were a number of presentations that sparked my interest, but rather than write my impressions in a single lengthy note, I thought I would just take a couple of topics and use a shorter, and hopefully more readable bite-sized format. Here’s the third of these bite-sized notes from the RIPE 86 meeting, on the topic of the implications of an encrypted content on active network management.

RIPE 86 Bites – What’s the Time?

RIPE held a community meeting in May in Rotterdam. There were a number of presentations that sparked my interest, but rather than write my impressions in a single lengthy note, I thought I would just take a couple of topics and use a shorter, and hopefully more readable bite-sized format. Here’s the second of these bite-sized notes from the RIPE 86 meeting, on the topic of time.

RIPE 86 Bites – Gigabits for EU

RIPE held a community meeting in May in Rotterdam. There were a number of presentations that sparked my interest, but rather than write my impressions in a single lengthy note, I thought I would just take a couple of topics and use a shorter, and hopefully more readable bite-sized format. Here’s the first of these bite-sized notes from the RIPE 86 meeting , on the topic of the Eu Gigabit Connectivity initiative.

Failed Expectations

In a recent workshop I attended, reflecting on the evolution of the Internet over the past 40 years, one of the takeaways for me is how we've managed to surprise ourselves in both the unanticipated successes we've encountered and in the instances of failure when technology has stubbornly resisted to be deployed despite our confident expectations to the contrary! What have we learned from these lessons of our inability to predict technology outcomes?

The Internet as a Public Utility

The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw the rise of public utilities, operating in areas of public transit, postal services, water reticulation, electricity generation and transmission, and telephony services. In the past fifty or so years the position of public sector utilities has been eroded, with progressive waves of deregulation and liberalisation of these public utility services. The internet could be see as one outcome of the deregulation of the telephony sector. But how's this going? Should we rethink how we operate public utility functions and the Internet in particular?

The Internet Twenty-Five Years Later

In 1998 any lingering doubts about the ultimate success of the Internet as a global communications medium had been thoroughly dispelled. The Internet was no longer just a research experiment, or an intermediate way stop on the road to adoption of the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) framework. There was nothing else left standing in the data communications landscape that could serve our emerging needs for data communications. IP was now the communications technology for the day, if not for the coming century. No longer could the traditional telecommunications enterprises view the Internet with some polite amusement or even overt derision. The Internet had arrived.

Notes from IETF116

The IETF had its 116th meeting in Yokohama, Japan in the last week of March. Here’s some notes I made from some of the working group sessions I attended that I found to be of interest.

Hiding Behind MASQUEs

Privacy was a difficult topic for Internet protocols at the outset of the Internet. Things took a very different turn some 10 years ago following the disclosures of mass surveillence programs in the US, when the IETF declared that pervasive monitoring of users consititued at attack and Internet protocols needed to take measures to contain the way in which data was accessed in the network. The latest offerings in the area of improved privacy include Oblivious HTTP and MASQUE. Lets look at these approaches and the way that they attempt to contain the potential leakage of data.

Submarine Cable Resilience

How do you protect a submarine cable from interference? Do you use more amour plating? Or laying the cable in a sea floor trench? Or simply lay more cables? Or do you head off into radio-based systems?

An Economic Perspective on Internet Centrality

What sustains a digital monopoly in today's world? It's not the amassing of a huge workforce, or even having access to large pool of capital. It's not even the use of proprietary technologies that are not accessible to others. So why isn't the Internet fulfilling its vision of profound and intense competitive pressure in every part of the digital supply chain? Whjat is sustaining the domination of the digital world by a select group of behemoths? And, can we change this picture?


OARC held a 2-day meeting in February, with a set of presentations on various DNS topics. Here’s some observations that I picked up from the presentations in that meeting.

To DNSSEC or Not?

OARC held a 2-day meeting in February, with a set of presentations on various DNS topics. Here’s some observations that I picked up from the presentations in that meeting.

The Root Zone of the DNS Revisited

The DNS is a remarkably simple system. You send it queries and you get back answers. However, the DNS is simple in the same way that Chess or Go are simple. They are all constrained environments governed by a small set of rigid rules, but they all possess astonishing complexity.

IP Addresses through 2022

Time for another annual roundup from the world of IP addresses. Let's see what has changed in the past 12 months in addressing the Internet and look at how IP address allocation information can inform us of the changing nature of the network itself.

IP Addresses through 2022

Time for another annual roundup from the world of IP addresses. Let's see what has changed in the past 12 months in addressing the Internet and look at how IP address allocation information can inform us of the changing nature of the network itself.

BGP in 2022 – BNGP Updates

The first part of this report looked at the size of the routing table and looked at some projections of its growth for both IPv4 and IPv6. However, the scalability of BGP as the Internet’s routing protocol is not just dependant on the number of prefixes carried in the routing table. Dynamic routing updates are also part of this story. If the update rate of BGP is growing faster than we can deploy processing capability to match then the routing system will lose coherence, and at that point the network will head into periods of instability. This second part of the report will look at the profile of BGP updates across 2022 to assess whether the stability of the routing system, as measured by the level of BGP update activity, is changing.

BGP in 2022 – The Routing Table

This past year marks a significant point in the evolution of the Internet where the strong growth numbers that were a constant feature of the past thirty years are simply not present in the data. The Internet’s growth is slowing down significantly. Have we got to the point of market saturation and there is no more demand capacity to fuel further growth? Or are we reeling from the combinations of a global pandemic, turmoil in energy markets and the signs of increased climate instability so that we are no longer as interested to throw more resources into more network infrastructure investment? Let’s take a look at the BGP view of 2022 and see how these larger economic and social considerations are reflected in the behaviour of the Internet’s inter-domain routing system.

Is Secured Routing a Market Failure?

The Internet largely operates in a space defined by markets rather than an intricate framework of regulation. Using a lens of market dynamics and looking at the level to which market-based incentives exist for actors, is the adoption of routing security heading in the direction of market failure? If so, then how should we respond?

The DNS at the IGF

I was invited to participate in a session at IGF 2022 that was devoted to the workings of the DNS. I’d like to share my contribution to this session with my thoughts on where the DNS is headed.