Radovan Brezula

Author Archives: Radovan Brezula

Clonezilla Server Edition Installation on Ubuntu


The tutorial describes installation steps for Clonezilla Server Edition (SE) on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS using a Bash script. Clonezilla is OpenSource Cloning System (OCS) and it is a partition and disk imaging/cloning program . It helps you to do system deployment, bare metal backup and recovery. Two types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live and Clonezilla SE (server edition).

Clonezilla live is suitable for single machine backup and restore. Clonezilla SE is for massive deployment because it can clone many computers simultaneously. Clonezilla saves and restores only used blocks in the hard disk. It decreases time and saves the hard disk space and increases the clone efficiency.

Clonezilla is a part of DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux) which provides a diskless environment for client machines. Therefore we need to install and configure DRBL server first. I created DRBL deployment script deploy_drbl.sh that helps you to install DRBL and configure server on Ubuntu with a single Ethernet card. You have to provide only the name of Ethernet interface and the script creates virtual interface for you based on your physical interface. It also downloads a DRBL project public key, download and install drbl package from repository. The script starts interactive Bash and Perl scripts that come with Continue reading

Using Rsync to Copy Files From SSH Server

Recently I have come through an interesting problem. I needed to download a raw copy of the HDD image located on a remote server (about 180GB) connected via  1 Mbps link. Network connection dropped frequently so the requirement was to reestablish connection automatically, without my intervention.

Definition of Terms
Server - a remote computer with an IP address which contains a raw copy of the HDD image - a file /root/ubuntu.iso.
Client - a local computer that copies a raw copy of the HDD image from the server.

Below is my how-to which helped me to fulfill a task. I hope it might be useful to you.

1. Create Multiple Archive Files
The idea is to create a compressed archive file and to split it to multiple sequential chunks in order to make transfer of files less depended on network outages due to an unreliable link.

$ tar cvf - ubuntu.iso | gzip -9 - | split -b 10M -d - ./disk/ubuntu.tar.gz.

The command tar creates a tar archive from a file ubuntu.iso and send it to a standard output instead to the file. The command gzip compress everything from a standard input using the best compression ratio (parameter -9) and send Continue reading

Quagga Routing Software with EIGRP Support

In May 2013, Cisco opened its proprietary EIGRP protocol and released an informational RFC 7868 - Cisco's Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP). It gives other vendors an opportunity to implement EIGRP protocol into their devices. A group students led by an assistant professor and Cisco CCIE Peter Paluch who is an instructor trainer at the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina, Slovakia implemented EIGRP support into Quagga routing software.

The goal of this tutorial is to provide a VMware vmdk disk with installed Linux Core and Quagga which supports Cisco EIGRP protocol. The image can be used to test compatibility between EIGRP configured on native Cisco devices and an implementation of EIGRP daemon in Quagga . I also share my findings about issues that I have noticed during my tests.

Here you can download Linux Core vmdk disk with installed Quagga 0.99.24-rc1 which supports EIGRP.

How did I create Quagga Qemu Image with EIGRP Support
I installed Linux Core 7.2 to Qemu virtual machine and remastered Core for sending output to a serial port according to this tutorial. I download Quagga version which supports EIGRP from github and I installed it from source. Afterwards I created Linux Core Quagga extension. I did not submit Continue reading

Forensics Challenge for CSIRT Team – Part 2 Solution

The goal of the tutorial is to provide a solution to the forensic challenge game that I created for testing forensic skills of CSIRT team. Please be careful and run a suspicious binary file located inside a provided virtual machine only in a secured environment in order to avoid unwanted damage or loss.

As you can notice, some files are being encrypted right after boot of a virtual machine. All these files have suffix .enc001. You can easily located them with the command:

$ find / -name "*.enc001" -type f 2>/dev/null

There is also a file named encryption_warning.txt located in a home directory of an actual user and it contains a following warning message.
*** Your files have been encrypted! ***
*** To decrypt them, run '/usr/local/bin/ls %1a%your_decryption_key ***

Without any doubts a utility ls is not a cryptography tool so it is a good place where we can start our investigation. The command /usr/local/bin/ls -la  shows files in a actual directory.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ /usr/local/bin/ls -la


Picture 1 - Content of  Actual Directory

The output looks good. But what does happen if we display a non-existing file kdkdkdkdk?

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ /usr/local/bin/ls kdkdkdkdk


Picture 2 - Two Error Messages

They are two interesting facts shown in the output of the command /usr/local/bin/ls . Firstly, two Continue reading

Forensics Challenge for CSIRT Team – Part 1 Assignment

I have created a virtual machine that you can use to test your forensics analysis skills. Please, download the VM, solve an assignment below and share solutions with us.

1. Assignment
Your are a member of elite CSIRT team which is responsible for dealing with computer security incidents in your jurisdiction. You are asked to investigate a server that was previously administered by disgruntled administrator Mr. Abdullah Khan who was fired up. Although login credentials for server were changed after Khan's sacking from the company, it is believed he might insert malicious software into server before change of credentials. Your task is to ensure that a sever does not contain any malicious software and user data stored on the server are not compromised. You also need to prove your professional forensic skills and analyze a suspicious file in case you find it on the server. Based on your investigation you should find out how malware work and create detailed report for your boss.

The server is running Ubuntu 16.04.1 and it is primary used as a file server with configured SSH access. Unfortunately the backup of user files is damaged and cannot be used in case of data are lost during your investigation. The login/password is Continue reading

Forensic Lab Game Zero – Level 2 Results

Below are my solutions to the level 2 of the forensics lab game zero. The solutions to  the level 1 of the game are posted here.

1. Find way to reset root's account password and retrieve flag from /root/flag.txt

Reboot the VM and press 'e ' edit inside the Grub menu screen. Add command init=/bin/bash at the end of the line starting with linux and press F10. Thne mount file system as read-write.

root@(none):/# mount -n -o remount,rw /

Change password for user root.
root@(none):/# passwd

root@(none):/# cat /root/flag.txt

root@(none):/# echo -n '8d55761dfafe912daa2fa6c38e05435093f7f636' | sha1sum

Restart the virtual machine and switch to the root account.

2. There is a memory dump of the windows machine is stored in file /root/memdump.mem. Find the flag among commands executed on that machine

Find info about our memory dump with imageinfo plugin.

root@debian1989:/home/kassad# python /opt/tools/volatility-2.4/vol.py imageinfo -f /root/memdump.mem | grep Profile
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Suggested Profile(s) : Win7SP0x86, Win7SP1x86

To avoid typing chosen profile --profile=Win7SP1x86 every time vol.py is called, export the profile.

root@debian1989:/home/kassad# export VOLATILITY_PROFILE=Win7SP1x86

To avoid typing path to memory dump file, export memory dump location so you do not need to add argument -f Continue reading

Forensic Lab Game Zero – Level 1 Results

The goal of the post is to provide solutions for the first level of the game for "hackers" created by forensic lab of CESNET association. With this game CESNET introduces a work of forensic analysts and test your knowledge of Linux OS. They are several assignments and practical tasks included inside Debian image which is available for download here.  The question / answer sheet is located inside the home directory of user kassad.


Picture 1 - Answer Sheet

1. In the Linux image, which username is logged in automatically on boot?

Check the desktop environment.

kassad@debian1989:~$ echo $DESKOP_SESSION

Check if automated login is enabled for Gnome desktop.

kassad@debian1989:~$ grep 'AutomaticLogin' /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
AutomaticLoginEnable = true
AutomaticLogin = kassad

The automated login is enabled for the user kassad.  Now we need to compute the sha1 hash for the result.

kassad@debian1989:~$ echo -n 'kassad' | sha1sum

2. On the provided Linux image, what is the “ls” command aliased to for user from question 1 ?

kassad@debian1989:~$ type ls
ls is aliased to `ls --color=auto'

We can get the result also by checking the content of the file /home/kassad/.bashrc.

kassad@debian1989:~$ grep 'alias ls' /home/kassad/.bashrc
alias ls='ls --color=auto'

kassad@debian1989:~$ echo -n 'ls --color=auto' Continue reading

BASH Script for Dictionary Attack Against SSH Server

Although they are several dictionary password attack tools available for Linux such as Hydra, Ncrack, I have decided to practice BASH scripting and write a script getsshpass.sh that can perform dictionary attack against SSH server. The script reads usernames and passwords from dictionaries (the one for usernames and the one for passwords) and uses them one-by-one during its login attempt to remote SSH server. Once correct username and password are found, the script save them to the file result.txt and displays them on the desktop. Then it exits.

The script can be started either in a serial mode that opens only single SSH session to SSH server or in a parallel mode which allows multipe SSH sessions to be opened at the same time. Below are parameters of the script.


Picture 1 - Script Parameters

All parameters are self-explanatory. If a parameter -l is not entered the script is started in a default serial mode. In case of parallel mode is used (-l parameter) it is recommended to use -l parameter together with -n parameter. The -n parameter slows down generating SSH sessions by inserting fixed number of seconds before a new SSH session is generated. This helps the attack to be successful. According to my findings during Continue reading

Collecting MAC and IP Adresses of Hosts Connected to Cisco Switches Using SNMP

The goal of this article is to introduce a script that automates a process of collecting MAC and IP address of hosts connected to Cisco switches using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). We will configure SNMP version 2c and 3 on Cisco switches and create a BASH script that collects required data for us. For this purpose I have created a test network lab using GNS3. The topology consists of three Cisco virtual switch appliances running vIOS-L2 and one network management station (NMS) based on Kali Linux. Network hosts are simulated by Core Linux appliances connected to Cisco vIOS-l2 switches.

1. GNS3 Lab

1.1 List of software used for creating GNS3 lab

  • Host OS
    x86-64 Linux Fedora with installed GNS3 1.3.11 and Qemu1.4.0
  • Network Management Station
    Linux Kali 3.18.0-kali3-amd64
  • Swiches
    Cisco vIOS l2 Software (vios_l2-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.2
    Cisco Catalyst 3550 (C3550-IPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.2(55)SE9
  • Network Host (End device)
    Linux Core 3.16.6-tinycore64

1.2 Network Topology Description

All virtual network and host devices are running inside GNS3 project and they are emulated by Qemu emulator and virtualizer. The only exception is a Cisco Catalyst 3550 switch that is connected to topology via GNS3 network Continue reading

GRE over IPSec Tunnel Between Cisco and VyOS

The previous tutorial shown GRE tunnel configuration between Cisco router and Linux Core. The big advantage of GRE protocol is that it encapsulates L3 and higher protocols inside the GRE tunnel so routing updates and other multicast traffic can be successfully transferred over the tunnel. The main drawback of GRE protocol is the lack of built-in security. Data are transferred in plain-text over the tunnel and peers are not authenticated (no confidentiality). Tunneled traffic can be changed by attacker (no integrity checking of  IP packets). For this reason GRE tunnel is very often used in conjunction with IPSec. Typically, GRE tunnel is encapsulated inside the IPSec tunnel and this model is called GRE over IPSec.

The tutorial shows configuration of OSPF routing protocol, GRE and IPSec tunnel on Cisco 7206 VXR router and appliance running VyOS network OS. Devices are running inside GNS3 lab an they are emulated by Dynamips (Cisco) and Qemu (VyOS).


Picture 1 - Topology

Note: VyOS installation is described here. You can easily build your own VyOS Qemu appliance using the Expect and Bash script shared in the article.

1. R3 Configuration

R3(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 1/0
R3(config-if)# ip address
R3(config-if)# no shutdown

R3(config-if)# interface gigabitEthernet 0/0
R3(config-if)# ip Continue reading

GRE Tunnel Between Cisco and Linux

Generic Routing Encapsulation - GRE is a tunneling protocol originally developed by Cisco that encapsulates various network protocols inside virtual point-to-point tunnel. It transports multicast traffic via GRE tunnel so it allows passing of routing information between connected networks. As it lacks of security it is very often used in conjunction IP SEC VPN that on the other hand is not capable to pass multicast traffic.

The goal of the tutorial it to show configuration of GRE tunnel on a Cisco router and a device with OS Linux. I have created GNS3 lab consisting of two local networks - and connected via GRE tunnel. GRE tunnel interface is configured on router R1 (Cisco 7206VXR) and Core Router (Core Linux with Quagga routing daemon installed). The both routers have their outside interfaces connected to a router R3 that is located in the "Internet". To prove that GRE tunnel is working and transporting multicast traffic, the OSPF routing protocol is started on R1 and Core routers and configured on tunnel interfaces and interfaces pointing to local networks.

Note: The Core Linux vmdk image is available for download here.

Picture1-TopologyPicture 1 - Topology

1. Initial Configuration

First we assign hostnames and Continue reading

Linux Core 6.3 as Routing and Switching VMware Appliance

Two weeks ago I finished creating a network host based on Linux Core 6.3 installed on WMware x86-64 virtual machine. I loaded Core Linux with several network extensions that allows host to generate, measure, route network traffic and scan networks. I also wrote a short article that contains a list of loaded extension.

Then I went further with the ​project and my goal was to build L3 switch and router based on  Core Linux 6.3 loaded with Open vSwitch, Quagga, Bird and Keepalived extension. Those are the right extensions that turned the network host  to routing and switching appliance. Furthermore the routing daemons Quagga and Bird and multilayer switch Open vSwitch are used in many large production networks.

The R&S appliance I built can be used for learning networking on Linux, routing and switching. It is available for download in Download section. For those who are interested in installation steps the whole process of extension installation  is described in this article.

The virtual VMware appliance is based on Linux Core network host image and it contains all the extensions listed here plus the following extensions:

openvswitch - 2.4.90
quagga -
bird - 1.5.0
keepalived - 1.2.19

Note Continue reading

Linux Core 6.3 as Network Host on VMware Disk

The Core Linux is a small modular Linux distribution that provides only a command line interface and tools that allows you to build your own application extensions. Thanks to these extensions you can easily turn your Core installation to a custom appliance such as network host, router, switch, server. Moreover choosing the Core Linux as an operating system for your appliance significantly reduces the size of the appliance.

Two weeks ago I started to build a network host that can handle network traffic. I installed the latest 64 bit Linux Core 6.3 on VMware virtual disk and loaded Core with extensions that can generate traffic, measure bandwidth, route, forward and filter traffic.  A list of the extensions, their purpose and configuration changes is mentioned here.

I share my own network host VMware disk in Linux Core download section. You can create a new virtual machine (VirtualBox, VMware Workstation/Player, Qemu) with the disk attached and use it in your GNS3 labs in order to simulate network host. The disk contains the following tcz extensions:

bash - 4.3.39(1) with patches up to 39
bash-completion - 2.1
d-itg - 2.8.1-r1023
hping3 - 3.0.0-alpha-1
iperf3 - 3.1b3
iproute2 - 3.14.0
iptables Continue reading

Cloning Remote Linux Machines

Recently, I have been asked to find a way how to clone Linux machines running in a remote virtual lab. The machines have single disks, they all are accessible over SSH and configured with the same login credentials. The goal is to make identical copies of their disks, download the disks and rebuild machines locally in the virtual lab.

On Linux based systems, utility 'dd' is very often used to make identical copy of a disk. I have used this command together with 'ssh' and 'gzip' commands to copy and compress remote disks and send them on the fly to a local disk over SSH connection. For instance, the command below issued on a local machine copies a disk /dev/sda of a remote Linux machine with IP address to a local disk:

$ ssh [email protected] "/bin/dd if=/dev/sda | gzip -c" | dd of=disk.raw.gz

/dev/sda - disk located on remote machine
disk.raw.gz - gzip compressed copy of disk /dev/sda on local machine
gzip -c - send compressed file to stdout

I wrote a BASH script backup-images-1.0.sh that automates process of cloning disks of remote Linux machines. The script reads IP addresses from Continue reading

Public Key Authentication on Cisco IOS

Have you ever been in that situation that you needed to apply the same configuration quickly on multiple Cisco routers? If yes, you probably wrote a script that connected to routers and sent appropriate IOS commands. One problem that you certainly had to solved was forcing your script to enter login credentials such as username and password. Moreover if you secure an access to privileged user mode of routers with an enable secret command you had to tell the script how to enter that password as well.

All the issues I have mentioned above can be easily solved with Expect scripting language. Expect sends commands via telnet or ssh session as the human would. However encapsulating IOS commands to syntax recognized by Expect language every time you need to change routers' configuration seems to be not very comfortable. That is why public key authentication for Cisco routers can be handy.

Public key authentication allows you to log in to your routers using  RSA key instead of a password. But firstly  key-pair - public and private key must be generated and a public key copied into a config file of  the router. Then you can connect to the router with your  private key. A private key is the key that should Continue reading

Decapsulation ERSPAN Traffic With Open Source Tools

Cisco Encapsulated Remote SPAN (ERSPAN) feature allows to monitor traffic on one or more ports and send the monitored traffic to one or more destination ports.  Traffic is encapsulated into GRE tunnel and routed via network to ERSPAN destination. Any device that supports ERSPAN can be used as ERSPAN destination. It might be another Cisco device or Linux with installed software that can decapsulate GRE traffic.

The goal of this article is to show methods and tools for decapsulation of  ERSPAN traffic. For this purpose I have built simple lab that consists of a Cisco CSR 1000v router and two Linux boxes. Core Linux represents a network host and generates network traffic (ICMP) that is going to be monitored. It is connected to the port GigabitEthernet1 of the Cisco router. The router is configured to monitor traffic on the port Gi1 and it sends traffic encapsulated in GRE tunneling protocol to IP address It is the IP address of the ERSPAN destination configured on Linux  Security Union. Security Onion is a unique Linux distro for intrusion detection, network security monitoring, and log management based on Ubuntu however any other Linux distro can be used.


Picture 1 - ERSPAN Lab Topology

Below is an example of ERSPAN Continue reading

Qemu ASAv Appliance as Personal Firewall on Linux

The article discuss how to run Cisco Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv) on KVM hypervisor as your personal firewall. Since ASAv version 9.3.2-200, Cisco supports deploying ASAv using Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM). Thanks for the support of KVM hypervisor, ASAv can be deployed  in a very easy manner on Linux and any mysterious hacks is needed anymore.

Unfortunately until a valid license file is installed, ASAv throughput is limited to 100 Kbps. So far I have not found a way how to bypass this limitation as Cisco does not provide any evaluation licence as they offer for their CSR100v IOS-XE router. I also found out that ASAv keeps rebooting when Qemu is started without enabled KVM option. It limits deployment of ASAv Qemu images on Linux/FreeBSD as KVM is available for these operation systems only. Windows users should download and install ASAv edition for VMware hypervisor.

Software Requirements
• Linux x86_64 with installed Qemu and KVM
• Cisco ASAv Virtual Appliance - Qemu image asav932-200.qcow2 or later

• CPU with VT-X or AMD-V hardware virtualization support
• 2GB RAM dedicated for ASAv virtual machine

1. ASAv Installation

Installation does not requires any special skills and takes only one reboot. Start the ASAv virtual machine Continue reading

PfSense VirtualBox Appliance as Personal Firewall on Linux

The tutorial explains how to set up pfSense VirtualBox appliance in order to use it as a personal firewall on Linux. It shows Linux network configuration to support this scenario and provides an installation script that automatically builds a VirtualBox virtual machine ready for pfSense installation. It also describes pfSense installation and shows minimal web configuration needed for successful connection to the Internet.

pfSense Live CD ISO disk can be downloaded from here.

1. Linux Network Configuration

We are going to install pfSsense from live CD ISO image on a VirtualBox virtual machine. To do so we must reconfigure an existing network interface, create a new one and configure new static default routes. A network topology consists of Linux Fedora with installed VirtualBox virtualizer. is shown below.


Picture 1 - Network Topology

A wireless network card is installed in Linux and presented as an interface wlp3s0. The interface wlp3s0 is the interface that connects Pfsense virtual machine to the outside world. This interface will be bridged with a first network adapter (em0) of the Pfsense virtual machine. Bridging host adapter wlp3s0 with the guest adapter em0 (WAN interface of Pfsense) will be done using vboxmanage utility and shown later in the tutorial.

As the Pfsense appliance is Continue reading

How to configure GNS3 installed on Linux to support more than 8 NIC for Qemu Instances

Recently I have read a question on GNS3 forum asking whether Qemu supports more than 8 network adapters. According to Google search, maximum number of adapters for Qemu virtual machines can be configured with a parameter #define MAX_NICS 8 in a file ./include/net/net.h under Qemu source tree. After you set desirable value you must compile and install Qemu from source.

However I have noticed that changing the integer value in the line #define MAX_NICS  has no effect on the maximum number of NIC allowed for Qemu VMs. I notice that I can start Core Linux Qemu machine with 18 network adapters even Qemu 2.2.0 was compiled with parameter #define MAX_NICS set to 1.

Now we know that Qemu itself does not limit the maximum network adapters to 8. We will go ahead and investigate GNS3. Navigate to Edit -> Preferences -> QEMU VMs and click on existing Qemu VM. Click on Edit button for this VM and navigate to Network tab. Increase the number of Adapters to 9.

The GNS3 1.2.1 allows to add maximum 8 NICs for a particular Qemu virtual machine. To avoid this limitation we have edit GNS3 source files and recompile GNS3 GUI and server. Here are the the steps for Linux.

1. Download and extract GNS3 1.2.1 Linux Continue reading