Robert J. Gibbons Jr., CTO, Datto, Inc.

Author Archives: Robert J. Gibbons Jr., CTO, Datto, Inc.

7 ways to save money with hybrid cloud backup

This vendor-written tech primer has been edited by Network World to eliminate product promotion, but readers should note it will likely favor the submitter’s approach.

Disasters that affect data aren’t necessarily the type that Hollywood glorifies in blockbusters. The scenarios that could bring your business to a standstill might be caused by cyberattack, human error, blizzard or hurricane, or any number of other common occurrences. When these events happen – and they will happen to every business at least once – they are far more destructive when there is no plan in place for maintaining uptime and productivity.

In many cases today, comprehensive plans rely on hybrid cloud backup. What was once a costly, time-consuming process to back up data to tape has morphed into a reliable practice that can both safeguard your data and restore your business in minutes instead of taking days or weeks. And today’s proliferation of specialized business continuity approaches empowers organizations to save their entire systems soup-to-nuts, down to individual device settings and snapshots. Here’s how hybrid cloud backup can save your data, your reputation and your money:

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