
Author Archives: Russ

Reaction: Thoughts on Certifications

Should you stack up certifications, or should you learn something new? To put the question a different way: should Ethan get his CCDE? This week a couple of posts filtered through to my RSS feed that seem worth responding to on the certification front. Let’s begin with the second question first. This week, Ethan posted:

I’ve already achieved what I personally wanted to with the CCIE program. There is no doubt the certification changed my life, but I’m heading places now that the CCIE can’t take me. The CCDE program is still interesting to me, but I find the focus on service provider and very large enterprise technologies a disadvantage for me. Lots of work to get through the study, and I lack sufficient motivation to make a go of it right now. I still believe it’s a great program. Maybe I’ll get back to it someday.

I think the first part of Ethan’s argument is valid and correct: there comes a point you’ve wrung the value out of a certification (or certification path), and it’s time to move on. But how can you judge when that time has come? My thinking is based around this chart, taken from one Continue reading

Reaction: DNS versus anycast

This post raises an obvious question: are techniques using DNS to “steer” traffic (such as IP geolocation) sufficient, or do you need to consider using anycast as LinkedIn did? The short answer is that DNS steering works well and is only getting better. via circleid

Matt’s article is well worth reading, but once you’re finished reading it —

It’s well worth remembering when dealing with different load balancing solutions (like most other things in life) that the right answer is, “it depends.” In this case, do you need TCP anycast, or can you use DNS based load sharing? It depends not only on how effective each one is, but also what sort of application you’re working with. Many apps designed for smart phones don’t use DNS at all, so some form of anycast or appliance based solution are all you have. Between these two, anycast is often just as viable a solution if your network is designed to handle it correctly.

In the end, all three solutions — anycast, DNS, and appliance based — are viable options. Which one you should choose just all depends.

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Review: The Art of the Humble Inquiry

humble-inquiryHumble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling
Edgar H Schein

Edgar Schein says we have a cultural issue. We like to tell people what we think, rather than asking them what they’re trying to tell us. Overall, especially in the world of information technology, I tend to agree. To counter this problem, he suggests that we perfect the art of the humble inquiry — redirecting our thinking from the immediate solution that comes to mind, or even from the question that was asked, and trying to get to the what the person we’re talking to is actually asking.

He gives numerous examples throughout the book; perhaps my favorite is of the person who asked stopped their car while he was doing yard work to ask directions to a particular street. Rather than answering, he asked where they were trying to get to. They were, in fact, off course for their original plan, but he directed them down a different path that got them there faster than if they’d turned around and found their way back to that original path. This is a perfect example of asking returning a specific question with a larger question — an authentic Continue reading

QOTW: The Occupation of the Wise

Thus the wise man, at all times and on every road, carries a mind ripe for acquisitions that ordinary folk neglect. The humblest occupation is for him a continuation of the loftiest; his formal calls are fortunate chances of investigation; his walks are voyages of discovery, what he hears and his silent answers are a dialogue that truth carries on with herself within him.
Sertillanges, The Intellectual Life


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