
Author Archives: Russ

Optimal Route Reflection: Next Hop Self

Recently, I posted a video short take I did on BGP optimal route reflection. A reader wrote in the comments to that post:

…why can’t Router set next hop self to updates to router E and avoid this suboptimal path?

To answer this question, it is best to return to the scene of the suboptimality—

To describe the problem again: A and C are sending the same route to B, which is a route reflector. B selects the best path from its perspective, which is through B, and sends this route to each of its clients. In this case, E will learn the path with a next hop of A, even though the path through C is closer from E’s perspective. In the video, I discuss several ways to solve this problem; one option I do not talk about is allowing B to set the next hop to itself. Would this work?

Before answering the question, however, it is important to make one observation: I have drawn this network with B as a router in the forwarding path. In many networks, the route reflector is a virtual machine, or a *nix host, and is not capable of forwarding the traffic Continue reading

Research: BGP Routers and Parrots

The BGP specification suggests implementations should have three tables: the adj-rib-in, the loc-rib, and the adj-rib-out. The first of these three tables should contain the routes (NLRIs and attributes) transmitted by each of the speaker’s peers. The second table should contain the calculated best paths; these are the routes that will be (or are) installed in the local routing table and used to build a forwarding table. The third table contains the routes which have been sent to each peering speaker. Why three tables? Routing protocols standards are (sometimes—not always) written to provide the maximum clarity to how the protocol works to someone who is writing an implementation. Not every table or process described in the specification is implemented, or implemented the way it is described.

What happens when you implement things in a different way than the specification describes? In the case of BGP and the three RIBs, you can get duplicated BGP updates. What do parrots and BGP have in common describes two situations where the lack of a adj-rib-out can cause duplicate BGP updates to be sent.

David Hauweele, Bruno Quoitin, Cristel Pelsser, and Randy Bush. 2016. “What Do Parrots and BGP Rotuers Have in Common?” Continue reading

Lessons from Andromeda

A common complaint I hear among network engineers is that the lessons and techniques used by truly huge scale networks simply are not applicable to more “standard scale” networks. The key point, however, is balance—to look for the ideas and concepts that are interesting and at least somewhat novel, and then see how they might be applied to products and systems in all networks. Learning concepts can help you understand design patterns you might encounter almost anywhere. One recent paper, for instance, details Andromeda, a large scale networking system designed and operated by Google, one of the few truly huge networks in the world—

Andromeda is designed around a flexible hierarchy of flow processing paths. Flows are mapped to a programming path dynamically based on feature and performance requirements.

While the paper describes the general compute environment, and the forwarding process on individual nodes, the most interesting part from a network engineering perspective is hoverboard. While this concept behind hoverboard has been implemented in previous systems, it is usually hidden under the covers of a vertically integrated system, and therefore not normally something you see the inner workings of. To understand hoverboard, you have to begin with a little theory Continue reading

Attitude and Gratitude

I don’t often let my studies in philosophy and worldview creep into these pages intentionally. I don’t think it can be helped, of course, because the more I study philosophy, the more I see just how practical it is (contrary to popular belief). On the other hand, sometimes an observation about our world jumps out at me so strongly that I cannot help but to post about it here. If you don’t want to hear this, I give you permission to stop reading now. ?

Today, in the U.S., is what is called “Black Friday.” The name derives from a major stock market crash in the 1850’s, but was eventually applied to the combined shopping and football crowds the day after Thanksgiving by the Philadelphia Police, and now, finally to the general shopping day after Thanksgiving in the U.S.

Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks. About gathering family and friends, and appreciating community, and people, and the shared blessings of homes and meals together. It is interesting that Thanksgiving and Black Friday are juxtaposed in just this way. The family right up against the commercial, the quietness of the home against the loudness of the market. Maybe Continue reading

CAA Records and Site Security

The little green lock—now being deprecated by some browsers—provides some level of comfort for many users when entering personal information on a web site. You probably know the little green lock means the traffic between the host and the site is encrypted, but you might not stop to ask the fundamental question of all cryptography: using what key? The quality of an encrypted connection is no better than the quality and source of the keys used to encrypt the data carried across the connection. If the key is compromised, then entire encrypted session is useless.

So where does the key pair come from to encrypt the session between a host and a server? The session key used for symmetric cryptography on each session is obtained using the public key of the server (thus through asymmetric cryptography). How is the public key of the server obtained by the host? Here is where things get interesting.

The older way of doing things was for a list of domains who were trusted to provide a public key for a particular server was carried in HTTP. The host would open a session with a server, which would then provide a list of domains where Continue reading

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