
Author Archives: Russ

Weekend Reads 090718

Did the passage of gDPR impact the amount of spam on the ‘net, or not? It depends on who you ask.

The folks at the Recorded Future blog examined the volume of spam and the number of registrations for domains used in phishing activity, and determined the volume of spam was not impacted by the implementation of Europe’s new privacy laws.

There were many concerns that after the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect on May 25, 2018, there would be an uptick in spam. While it has only been three months since the GDPR went into effect, based on our research, not only has there not been an increase in spam, but the volume of spam and new registrations in spam-heavy generic top-level domains (gTLDs) has been on the decline.

John Levine at CircleID, however, argues the measures used in the Recorded Future piece are not useful measures of spam volume in relation to the controls imposed by GDPR:

To understand the effect of GDPR, the relevant questions are: Is GDPR enabling damage, because it makes detection, blocking, and mitigation harder?

Note that the CircleID article only addresses the domain registration question, and does Continue reading

Research: DNSSEC in the Wild

The DNS system is, unfortunately, rife with holes like Swiss Cheese; man-in-the-middle attacks can easily negate the operation of TLS and web site security. To resolve these problems, the IETF and the DNS community standardized a set of cryptographic extensions to cryptographically sign all DNS records. These signatures rely on public/private key pairs that are transitively signed (forming a signature chain) from individual subdomains through the Top Level Domain (TLD). Now that these standards are in place, how heavily is DNSSEC being used in the wild? How much safer are we from man-in-the-middle attacks against TLS and other transport encryption mechanisms?

  • DNSSEC is enabled on most top level domains
  • However, DNSSEC is not widely used or deployed beyond these TLDs


Three researchers published an article in Winter ;login; describing their research into answering this question (membership and login required to read the original article). The result? While more than 90% of the TLDs in DNS are DNSEC enabled, DNSSEC is still not widely deployed or used. To make matter worse, where it is deployed, it isn’t well deployed. The article mentions two specific problems that appear to plague DNSSEC implementations.

First, on the server side, a number of Continue reading

Worth Reading: Using DNS as a Single Signon

Internet-wide identity management is one of the hot issues currently — dealing with hundreds of separate usernames and passwords is insecure and unfriendly for users. Increasingly, people use their social network accounts to log into websites, which works well, but forces you to allow either Google or Facebook to track all your logins — you don’t have a lot of choice. —Vittorio Bertola @APNIC

Is BGP Good Enough?

In a recent podcast, Ivan and Dinesh ask why there is a lot of interest in running link state protocols on data center fabrics. They begin with this point: if you have less than a few hundred switches, it really doesn’t matter what routing protocol you run on your data center fabric. Beyond this, there do not seem to be any problems to be solved that BGP cannot solve, so… why bother with a link state protocol? After all, BGP is much simpler than any link state protocol, and we should always solve all our problems with the simplest protocol possible.

  • BGP is both simple and complex, depending on your perspective
  • BGP is sometimes too much, and sometimes too little for data center fabrics
  • We are danger of treating every problem as a nail, because we have decided BGP is the ultimate hammer

Will these these contentions stand up to a rigorous challenge?

I will begin with the last contention first—BGP is simpler than any link state protocol. Consider the core protocol semantics of BGP and a link state protocol. In a link state protocol, every network device must have a synchronized copy of the Link State Continue reading

CLKscrew: Another side channel you didn’t know about

Network engineers focus on protocols and software, but somehow all of this work must connect to the hardware on which packets are switched, and data is processed. A big part of the physical side of what networks “do” is power—how it is used, and how it is managed. The availability of power is one of the points driving centralization; power is not universally available at a single price. If cloud is cheaper, it’s probably not because of the infrastructure, but rather because of the power and real estate costs.

A second factor in processing is the amount of heat produced in processing. Data center designers expend a lot of energy in dealing with heat problems. Heat production is directly related to power usage; each increase in power consumption for processing shows up as heat somewhere—heat which must be removed from the equipment and the environment.

It is important, therefore, to optimize power usage. To do this, many processors today have power management interfaces allowing software to control the speed at which a processor runs. For instance, Kevin Myers (who blogs here) posted a recent experiment with pings running while a laptop is plugged in and on battery—

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