
Author Archives: Russ

Why is the Feasibility Condition Less Than?

A reader recently emailed me with this question: Why isn’t the condition for a Feasible Successor set to less than (<), rather than less than of equal (<=), in EIGRP? It certainly seems, as noted in the email, that this rules out a lot of possible possible loop free alternate paths. The network below will be used to illustrate.

First, assume all links are cost of 1 except D->C, which is cost of 2. Here D will choose B as the Successor, and the FC will be set to 2. The RD of C will be 1, so C will be an FS. Now consider two failures. The first failure is D->B. D will immediately reroute to the FS, which is C, without changing the FC. This works, because C’s cost to 100::/64 via D is 4, much higher than it’s cost to 100::64 along C->A. Now consider what happens if A->100::/64 fails. If the timing of the query “works right,” C and B will be notified first, then finally D. Even if D is somehow notified before C, and D switches to C as its FS, the traffic is dropped, rather than looped—so all is happy.

Now change the situation a little. Assume the A->C link is cost Continue reading

The Universal Fat Tree

Have you ever wondered why spine-and-leaf networks are the “standard” for data center networks? While the answer has a lot to do with trial and error, it turns out there is also a mathematical reason the fat-tree spine-and-leaf is is used almost universally. There often is some mathematical reason for the decisions made in engineering, although we rarely explore those reasons. If it seems to work, there is probably a reason.

The fat-tree design is explored in a paper published in 2015 (available here at the ACM, and now added to my “classic papers” page so there is a local copy as well), using a novel technique to not only explore why the spine-and-leaf fat-tree is so flexible, but even what the ideal ratio of network capacity is at each stage. The idea begins with this basic concept: one kind of network topology can be emulated on top of another physical topology. For instance, you can emulate a toroid topology on top of a hierarchical network, or a spine-and-leaf on top of of hypercube, etc. To use terms engineers are familiar with in a slightly different way, let’s call the physical topology the underlay, and the emulated topology the overlay. Continue reading

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