Sarah Morgan

Author Archives: Sarah Morgan

How Observability Is Different for Web3 Apps

Web3 represents the next evolutionary step in building web applications. Web3 combines blockchain technology, decentralized protocols and peer-to-peer interactions to give birth to a new standard for transparency and security through decentralized applications (dApps). The dApps rely on decentralized servers instead of traditional (Web2) applications based on a centralized server. However, this new paradigm presents challenges for logging, tracing — in a Django-based Web3 application using Scout APM. How Is Observability Different in Decentralized Apps? Observability in Web3 dApps poses several unique challenges that need to be resolved. Immutable Transactions Web3 dApps rely heavily on blockchain technology. Generally speaking, once a blockchain transaction has been confirmed, it cannot be changed, even if there has been a mistake. This makes it extremely important to have close monitoring and observability to detect and prevent issues before data is written to the blockchain. Distributed Data Traditional web applications rely on centralized servers while Web3 dApps rely on a globally distributed and decentralized network of nodes. A robust observability solution is therefore required to aggregate and analyze data across this complex network. Variable Continue reading