Silvin Lubecki

Author Archives: Silvin Lubecki

? Open Sourcing the Docker Hub CLI Tool

At Docker, we are committed to making developer’s lives easier, and maintaining and extending our commitment to the Open Source community and open standards for many of our projects. We believe building new capabilities into the Docker Platform in partnership with our developer community and in full transparency leads to much better software.

Last December, we announced the release of a new experimental Docker Hub CLI tool, also known as hub-tool. This new CLI lets you explore, inspect and manage your content on Docker Hub as well as work with your teams and manage your account. We demonstrated it during the last Docker Community All Hands in December 2020.

This tool is already available with Docker Desktop, so if you are a Windows or Mac user you can try it now. For Linux users, we are pleased to announce that we open sourced the hub-tool code, and it can be found at You can download the binary directly on the release page.

With the open sourcing of hub-tool we have also cut a new v0.3.0 release which includes the following new features:

  • Added an optional argument to the account info command to check the status of Continue reading

Docker Donates the cnab-to-oci Library to

Docker is proud and happy to announce the donation of our cnab-to-oci library to the CNAB project ?. This project was created last year after Microsoft and Docker moved the CNAB specification to the Linux Foundation’s Joint Development Foundation. At that time, the CNAB specification repository was moved from the deislab GitHub organization to the new cnabio organization. The reference implementations – cnab-go which is the Golang library implementation of the specification and duffle which is the CLI reference implementation – were also moved.

What is cnab-to-oci for?

Docker helped with the development of the CNAB specification and its reference implementations, and led the work on the cnab-to-oci library for sharing a CNAB bundle using an existing container registry. This library is now used by 3 CNAB tools, Docker App, Porter and duffle, as well as Docker Hub. It successfully demonstrated how to push, pull and share a CNAB bundle using a registry. This work will be used as a foundation for the future CNAB Registries specification.

The transfer is already in effect, so starting now please refer to in your Golang imports.

How does cnab-to-oci store a CNAB bundle into a registry?

As you may know, Continue reading