Author Archives: slowe
Author Archives: slowe
For non-programmers, making a meaningful contribution to an open source project can be difficult; this is as true for OpenStack as for other open source projects. Documentation is a way to contribute, but in the case of OpenStack there is a non-trivial setup required in order to be able to contribute to the OpenStack documentation. In this post, I’m going to share how to set up the tools to contribute to OpenStack documentation in the hopes that it will help others get past the “barrier to entry” that currently exists.
I’ve long wanted to be more involved in supporting the OpenStack community, beyond my unofficial support via advocacy and blogging about OpenStack. I felt that documentation might be a way to achieve that goal. After all, I’ve written books and have been blogging for 9 years, so I should be able to add some value via documentation contributions. However, the toolchain that the OpenStack documentation uses requires a certain level of familiarity with development-focused tools, and the “how to” guides were less than ideal because of assumptions made regarding the knowledge level of new contributors. For these reasons, I felt that sharing how I (a non-programmer) set up the tools Continue reading
This is part 18 of the Learning NSX blog series, in which I talk about using layer 3 (L3) routing with VMware NSX but without network address translation (NAT). This post describes a configuration that offers yet another connectivity option for OpenStack cloud administrators and operators.
In part 6, I showed you how to add a gateway appliance to your NSX installation. Part 9 leveraged the gateway appliances to create a L3 gateway service, which—as I explained in part 15—provides the functionality for logical routers in OpenStack. (Logical routing was covered in part 14.) Part 16 expanded the routing configuration to support multiple external networks. This post expands the options again by showing you how to do logical routing without using network address translation (NAT). Of course, it would probably be helpful to read the entire series; links to all posts can be found on the Learning NVP/NSX page.
As I mentioned, so far you’ve seen three different external connectivity options:
Both of the routed Continue reading
This is part 17 of the Learning NSX blog series. In this post, I’ll show you how to add layer 2 (L2) connectivity to your NSX environment, and how to leverage that L2 connectivity in an NSX-powered OpenStack implementation. This will allow you, as an operator of an NSX-powered OpenStack cloud, to offer L2/bridged connectivity to your tenants as an additional option.
As you might expect, this post does build on content from previous posts in the series. Links to all the posts in the series are available on the Learning NVP/NSX page; in particular, this post will leverage content from part 6. Additionally, I’ll be discussing using NSX in the context of OpenStack, so reviewing part 11 and part 12 might also be helpful.
There are 4 basic steps to adding L2 connectivity to your NSX-powered OpenStack environment:
In this post, I’ll describe a technique I found for simplifying the use of multi-machine Vagrantfiles by extracting configuration data into a separate YAML file. This technique is by no means something that I invented or created, so I can’t take any credit whatsoever; this is an idea I first saw here. I wanted to share it here in the hopes that it might prove useful to a larger audience.
If you aren’t familiar with Vagrant and Vagrantfiles, you might start with my quick introduction to Vagrant.
I found this technique after trying to find a way to simplify the creation of multiple machines using Vagrant. Specifically, I was trying to create multiple instances of CoreOS along with an Ubuntu instance for testing things like etcd, fleet, Docker, etc. The Vagrantfile was getting more and more complex, and making changes (to add another CoreOS node, for example) wasn’t as straightforward as I would have liked.
So what’s the fix? As with other DSLs (domain-specific languages) such as Puppet, the fix was found in separating the data from the code. In Puppet, that means parameterizing the module or class, and I needed to use a similar technique here with Vagrant. So, Continue reading
It’s no secret that I’m something of a photography enthusiast. To me, photography is a relaxing puzzle of how to assemble all the various pieces—setting, lighting, exposure, composition, etc.—to create just the right image. I’m not an expert, but that’s OK; I just do this for fun and to relax. If you’d like to see a small sampling of some of the photos I’ve taken, I publish some of them here on 500px.com.
I know that a fair number of folks in the IT industry are also photo enthusiasts, and so I was curious to hear some feedback from fellow enthusiasts about their photography workflows. In particular, I’m curious to know about how others answer these questions:
This is part 16 of the Learning NSX series, in which I will show you how to configure VMware NSX to route to multiple external VLANs. This configuration will allow you to have logical routers that could be uplinked to any of the external VLANs, providing additional flexibility for consumers of NSX logical networks.
Naturally, this post builds on all the previous entries in this series, so I encourage you to visit the Learning NVP/NSX page for links to previous posts. Because I’ll specifically be discussing NSX gateways and routing, there are some posts that are more applicable than others; specifically, I strongly recommend reviewing part 6, part 9, part 14, and part 15. Additionally, I’ll assume you’re using VMware NSX with OpenStack, so reviewing part 11 and part 12 might also be helpful.
Ready? Let’s start with a very quick review.
You may recall from part 6 that the NSX gateway appliance is the piece of VMware NSX that handles traffic into or out of logical networks. As such, the NSX gateway appliance is something of a “three-legged” appliance:
Welcome to Technology Short Take #45. As usual, I’ve gathered a collection of links to various articles pertaining to data center-related technologies for your enjoyment. Here’s hoping you find something useful!
One of the great things about this site is the interaction I enjoy with readers. It’s always great to get comments from readers about how an article was informative, answered a question, or helped solve a problem. Knowing that what I’ve written here is helpful to others is a very large part of why I’ve been writing here for over 9 years.
Until today, I’ve left comments (and sometimes trackbacks) open on very old blog posts. Just the other day I received a comment on a 4 year old article where a reader was sharing another way to solve the same problem. Unfortunately, that has to change. Comment spam on the site has grown considerably over the last few months, despite the use of a number of plugins to help address the issue. It’s no longer just an annoyance; it’s now a problem.
As a result, starting today, all blog posts more than 3 years old will automatically have their comments and trackbacks closed. I hate to do it—really I do—but I don’t see any other solution to the increasing blog spam.
I hope that this does not adversely impact my readers’ ability to interact with me, but it is Continue reading
You may have heard of Intel Rack-Scale Architecture (RSA), a new approach to designing data center hardware. This is an idea that was discussed extensively a couple of weeks ago at Intel Developer Forum (IDF) 2014 in San Francisco, which I had the opportunity to attend. (Disclaimer: Intel paid my travel and hotel expenses to attend IDF.)
Of course, IDF 2014 wasn’t the first time I’d heard of Intel RSA; it was also discussed last year. However, this year I had the chance to really dig into what Intel is trying to accomplish through Intel RSA—note that I’ll use “Intel RSA” instead of just “RSA” to avoid any confusion with the security company—and I wanted to share some of my thoughts and conclusions here.
Intel always seems to present Intel RSA as a single entity that is made up of a number of other technologies/efforts; specifically, Intel RSA is typically presented as:
When you look at Intel RSA this way—and this is the way that Continue reading
(This post was written by Tim Hinrichs and Scott Lowe, with contributions from Pierre Ettori, Aaron Rosen, and Peter Balland.)
In the first two parts of this blog series we discussed the problem of policy in the data center and the features that differentiate solutions to that problem. In this post, we give a high-level overview of several policy efforts within OpenStack.
Remember that a policy is a description of how (some part of) the data center ought to behave, a service is any component in the data center that has an API, and a policy system is designed to manage some combination of past, present, and future policy violations (auditing, monitoring, and enforcement, respectively).
The overview of OpenStack policy efforts talks about the features we identified in part 2 of this blog series. To recap, those features are:
This post will provide a quick introduction to a tool called Vagrant. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock—or, more likely, been too busy doing real work in your data center to pay attention—you’ve probably heard of Vagrant. Maybe, like me, you had some ideas about what Vagrant is (or isn’t) and what it does (or doesn’t) do. Hopefully I can clear up some of the confusion in this post.
In its simplest form, Vagrant is an automation tool with a domain-specific language (DSL) that is used to automate the creation of VMs and VM environments. The idea is that a user can create a set of instructions, using Vagrant’s DSL, that will set up one or more VMs and possibly configure those VMs. Every time the user uses the precreated set of instructions, the end result will look exactly the same. This can be beneficial for a number of use cases, including developers who want a consistent development environment or folks wanting to share a demo environment with other users.
Vagrant makes this work by using a number of different components:
This is a liveblog for session DATS013, on microservers. I was running late to this session (my calendar must have been off—thought I had 15 minutes more), so I wasn’t able to capture the titles or names of the speakers.
The first speaker starts out with a review of exactly what a microserver is; Intel sees microservers as a natural evolution from rack-mounted servers to blades to microservers. Key microserver technologies include: Intel Atom C2000 family of processors; Intel Xeon E5 v2 processor family; and Intel Ethernet Switch FM6000 series. Microservers share some common characteristics, such as high integrated platforms (like integrated network) and being designed for high efficiency. Efficiency might be more important than absolute performance.
Disaggregation of resources is a common platform option for microservers. (Once again this comes back to Intel’s rack-scale architecture work.) This leads the speaker to talk about a Technology Delivery Vehicle (TDV) being displayed here at the show; this is essentially a proof-of-concept product that Intel built that incorporates various microserver technologies and design patterns.
Upcoming microserver technologies that Intel has announced or is working on incude:
This is a liveblog of IDF 2014 session DATS009, titled “Ceph: Open Source Storage Software Optimizations on Intel Architecture for Cloud Workloads.” (That’s a mouthful.) The speaker is Anjaneya “Reddy” Chagam, a Principal Engineer in the Intel Data Center Group.
Chagam starts by reviewing the agenda, which—as the name of the session implies—is primarily focused on Ceph. He next transitions into a review of the problem with storage in data centers today; specifically, that storage needs “are growing at a rate unsustainable with today’s infrastructure and labor costs.” Another problem, according to Chagam, is that today’s workloads end up using the same sets of data but in very different ways, and those different ways of using the data have very different performance profiles. Other problems with the “traditional” way of doing storage is that storage processing performance doesn’t scale out with capacity, storage environments are growing increasingly complex (which in turn makes management harder).
Chagam does admit that not all workloads are suited for distributed storage solutions. If you need high availability and high performance (like for databases), then the traditional scale-up model might work better. For “cloud workloads” (no additional context/information provided to qualify what a Continue reading
Following on from my IDF 2014 Day 1 recap, here’s a quick recap of day 2.
You can read the liveblog here if you want all the gory details. If we boil it down to the essentials, it’s actually pretty simple. First, deliver more computing power in the hardware, either through the addition of FPGAs to existing CPUs or through the continued march of CPU power (via more cores or faster clock speeds or both). Second, make the hardware programmable, through standard interfaces. Third, expand the use of “big data” and analytics.
I attended a couple technical sessions today, but didn’t manage to get any of them liveblogged. Sorry! I did tweet a few things from the sessions, in case you follow me on Twitter.
I did have an extremely productive conversation regarding Intel’s rack-scale architecture (RSA) efforts. I pushed the Intel folks on the show floor to really dive into what makes up RSA, and finally got some answers that I’ll share in a separate post. I will do my best to get a dedicated RSA piece published just as soon as I possibly can.
Also on the expo floor, I Continue reading
This is a liveblog of the Data Center Mega-Session from day 2 of Intel Developer Forum (IDF) 2014 in San Francisco.
Diane Bryant, SVP and GM of the Data Center Group takes the stage promptly at 9:30am to kick off the data center mega-session. Bryant starts the discussion by setting out the key drivers affecting the data center: new devices (and new volumes of devices) and new services (AWS, Netflix, Twitter, etc.). This is the “digital service economy,” and Bryant insists that today’s data centers aren’t prepared to handle the digital service economy.
Bryant posits that in the future (not-so-distant future):
Per Bryant, when you’re operating at scale then efficiency matters, and that will lead organizations to choose platforms selected specifically for the workload. This leads to a discussion of customized offerings, and Bryant talks about an announcement earlier in the summer that combined a Xeon processor and a FPGA (field-programmable gate array) on the same die.
Bryant then introduces Karl Triebes, EVP and CTO of F5 Networks, who takes the stage to talk about FPGAs in F5 and how the joint Xeon/FPGA integrated solution Continue reading
In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m at Intel Developer Forum (IDF) 2014 this week in San Francisco. Here’s a quick recap of day 1 (I should have published this last night—sorry for not getting it out sooner).
Here’s a liveblog of the IDF 2014 day 1 keynote.
The IDF keynotes are always a bit interesting for me. Intel has a very large consumer presence: PCs, ultrabooks, tablets, phones, 2-in–1/convertibles, all-in–1 devices. Naturally, this is a big part of the keynote. I don’t track or get involved in the consumer space; my focus is on the data center. It is kind of fun to see all the stuff going on in the consumer space, though. There were no major data center-centric announcements yesterday (day 1), but I suspect there will be some today (day 2) in a mega-session with Diane Bryant (SVP and GM of the Data Center Group at Intel). I’ll be liveblogging that mega-session, so stay tuned for details.
I was able to hit two technical sessions yesterday and liveblogged both of them:
Both were Continue reading
This is a live blog of session DATS004, titled “Bare-Metal, Docker Containers, and Virtualization: The Growing Choices for Cloud Applications.” The speaker is Nicholas Weaver (yes, that Nick Weaver, who now works at Intel).
Weaver starts his presentation by talking about “how we got here”, discussing the various technological shifts that have affected the computing landscape over the years. Weaver includes a discussion of the drivers behind virtualization as well as the pros and cons of virtualization.
That, naturally, leads to a discussion of containers. Containers are not all that new—Solaris Zones is a form of containers that existed back in 2004. Naturally, the recent hype associated with Docker has, according to Weaver, rejuvenated interest in the concept of containers.
Before Weaver gets too far into containers, he first provides a background of some of the core containerization pieces. This includes cgroups (the ability to control resource allocation/utilization), which is built into the Linux kernel. Namespace isolation is also important, which provides full process isolation (so that one process can’t see processes in another namespace). Namespace isolation isn’t just for processes; there’s also isolation for network entities, mounts, and users. LXC is a set of user-space tools that attempted Continue reading
This is a liveblog of IDF 2014 session DATS002, titled “Virtualizing the Network to Enable a Software-Defined Infrastructure (SDI)”. The speakers are Brian Johnson (Solutions Architect, Intel) and Jim Pinkerton (Windows Server Architect, Microsoft). I attended a similar session last year; I’m hoping for some new information this year.
Pinkerton starts the session with a discussion of why Microsoft is able to speak to network virtualization via their experience with large-scale web properties (Bing, XBox Live, Outlook.com, Office, etc.). To that point, Microsoft has over 100K servers across their cloud properties, with >200K diverse services, first-party applications, and third-party applications. This amounts to $15 billion in data center investments. Naturally, all of this runs on Windows Server and Windows Azure.
So why does networking need to be transformed for the cloud? According to Pinkerton, the goal is to drive agility and flexibility for your business. This is accomplished by pooling and automating network resources, ensuring tenant isolation, maximizing scale/performance, enabling seamless capacity expansion and workload mobility, and minimizing operational complexity.
Johnson takes over here to talk about how Intel is working to address the challenges and needs that Pinkerton just outlined. This breaks down into three core Continue reading
This is a liveblog for the day 1 keynote at Intel Developer Forum (IDF) 2014. The keynote starts with an interesting musical piece that shows how technology can be used to allow a single performer to emulate the sound of a full band, and then kicks off with a “pocket avatar” presentation by Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel Corporation. Krzanich takes the stage in person a few minutes later.
Krzanich starts with a recap of some of the discussions from last year’s IDF, and he points out some of the results over the last year. Among the accomplishments Krzanich lists, he mentions that Intel was the #2 shipper of tablets last year. (One would assume that Apple is #1.) Krzanich clearly believes that Intel has a bright future; he points out that projections show as many as 50 billion x86-based devices by 2020 (just 6 years away). That’s pretty massive growth; there are only an estimated 2.2 billion x86-based devices today.
The line-up today includes talks from Diane Bryant (data center), Kirk Skaugen (clients), Doug Fisher (software and services), and a live Q&A by Krzanich.
Krzanich starts a discussion of wearables and related devices with a mention of Continue reading
(This post was written by Tim Hinrichs and Scott Lowe with contributions from Martin Casado, Peter Balland, Pierre Ettori, and Dennis Moreau.)
In the first part of this series we described the policy problem: ensuring that the data center obeys the real-world rules and regulations that are pertinent to that data center. In this post, we look at the range of possible solutions by identifying some the key features that are important for any solution to the policy problem. Those key features correspond to the following four questions, which we use to structure our discussion.
Let’s take a look at each of these questions one at a time.
Let’s start by digging deeper into an idea we touched on in the first post when describing the challenge of policy compliance: the sources of policy. While we sometimes talk about there being a single policy for a data center, the reality is Continue reading