Contiv is an Open source project driven primarily by Cisco for policy based networking, storage and cluster management for containerized applications. In this blog, I will cover some of the hands-on stuff that I tried with Contiv Networking. I used the sample examples provided in Contiv documentation as starting point. For Contiv networking basics, you can refer … Continue reading Contiv Networking policy Hands-on→
Contiv is an Open source project driven primarily by Cisco for policy based networking, storage and cluster management for containerized applications. In this blog, I will focus on how Contiv does policy based Container networking. In the next blog, I will cover some hands-on stuff that I tried with Contiv. Container Policy Policies have become critical … Continue reading Contiv – Policy based networking for Containers→
I recently saw the Openstack self-healing demo from CoreOS team using Tectonic(Stackanetes project) and I kind of felt that the boundary between Containers and VMs are blurring. In this blog, I discuss the usecase of deploying Openstack using Containers. We typically think of Openstack as a VM Orchestration tool. Openstack is composed of numerous services … Continue reading Openstack Deployment using Containers→
I did a presentation on CoreOS and Service Discovery in Opensource Meetup group last week. Following are related slides and demo recording. CoreOS Overview and Current Status Slides: CoreOS Overview and Current Status from Sreenivas Makam CoreOS HA Demo recording: Scripts used are available here. Service Discovery using etcd, Consul and Kubernetes Slides: Service Discovery using … Continue reading Opensource Meetup Presentation→
In a Microservices architecture, Services are dynamic, distributed and present in large numbers. It is needed to have a good Service discovery solution to address this dynamic problem. In this blog, I will cover basics of Service discovery and using Consul to do Service discovery. What is Service discovery? Service discovery should provide the following: … Continue reading Service Discovery with Consul→
Mantl is an Open source project from Cisco and it provides an integrated solution to deploy distributed Microservices. Any company deploying Microservices has to integrate different components before the solution becomes production ready. Mantl makes it easier by integrating the different components and providing the glue software that integrates the components. In this blog, I … Continue reading Microservices Infrastructure using Mantl→
Typical Opensource demo applications comes packaged as a Vagrant application which starts a bunch of VMs and does automatic provisioning. I have a Windows machine with Virtualbox and VMWare player installed. Since Virtualbox does not support nested virtualization with 64 bit VMs(More details can be found in my previous blogs on Virtualbox and VMWare player), … Continue reading Baremetal cloud using Packet→
This is the fourth part of my Docker security series. In this blog, we will cover ways to secure Container images. Following are the other parts (1, 2, 3) Docker image signing: Docker Container images can be stored either in public or private registry. It is needed to sign Container images so that the client knows that image … Continue reading Docker Security – part 4(Container image)→
This is the third part of my Docker security series. In this blog, we will cover ways to securely access Docker engine. Following are the other parts (1, 2, 4) Docker engine access: Docker engine runs as a daemon and by default listens on the Unix socket, “unix:///var/ run/docker.sock”. Docker start options are specified in “/etc/default/docker”. To allow … Continue reading Docker Security – part 3(Engine access)→
This is the second part of my Docker security series. In this blog, we will cover security features around Docker engine. Following are the other parts(1, 3, 4) Namespaces: Docker makes use of the following Linux kernel Namespaces to achieve Container isolation: pid namespace mount namespace network namespace ipc namespace UTS namespace To illustrate the … Continue reading Docker Security – part 2(Docker Engine)→
There is a general perception that Containers, especially Docker Containers, are insecure. It is true that Containers are not as secure as VM since all Containers in a single machine share the same kernel and compromising one Container can cause host level compromise or compromise with other Containers. There are many ways to harden Containers and … Continue reading Docker Security – part 1(Overview)→
Following link captures the slides on Container monitoring with Sysdig that I presented at Docker Meetup, Bangalore on February 27, 2016. Following are the 2 demo recordings:
My book “Mastering CoreOS” finally got published on February 27, 2016. Big thanks to everyone who supported me in this effort. Motivation for writing this book as well as relevant links to purchase and get more details can be found here. I will keep my fingers crossed on the feedback… I am hoping that the … Continue reading “Mastering CoreOS” book got published!→
I recently purchased Raspberry Pi 2 modelB and I wanted to use it to try out some home IoT projects. I wanted to combine Docker with Raspberry Pi so that I can develop IoT application using Containers. There is already lot of work ongoing to get Docker working on Raspberry Pi and I learnt that it is … Continue reading Docker on Raspberry Pi→
I have used and loved Vagrant for a long time and I recently used Consul and I was very impressed by both these Devops tools. Recently, I saw some of the videos of Hashiconf and I learnt that Hashicorp has an ecosystem of tools addressing Devops needs and that these tools can be chained together to create complete … Continue reading Hashicorp Atlas workflow with Vagrant, Packer and Terraform→
Few folks recently asked me how to try out Docker in Windows machine to get familiar with Docker and Containers. This is not the same as running Docker engine in Windows, there is some active work going on to achieve this. The easiest way to try out Docker is to use Docker Toolbox. I covered … Continue reading Trying out Docker in Windows→
Last 6 months, I have been blogging very little since I was busy writing a book on CoreOS. The book is available for pre-ordering now from the publisher website as well as in Amazon. The tentative publishing date is late Feb/early March. Why I wrote the book other than the fact that I can make some … Continue reading Preview launch of my book “Mastering CoreOS”→
Following link captures the slides on CI, CD with Docker, Jenkins and Tutum that I presented at GoPaddle meetup, Bangalore on January 23, 2015. You can find more details on the meetup here. In this presentation, I cover the following: Overview of Continuous Integration(CI), Continuous deployment(CD) Tutum Overview Jenkins with Docker Integration CI, CD Use cases … Continue reading Gopaddle Meetup Bangalore – CI, CD Presentation→
In this blog, I will give an overview of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) and cover few CI, CD Use cases with Docker, Jenkins and Tutum. Docker provides Container runtime and tools around Containers to create a Container platform. Jenkins is a CI/CD application to build, test and deploy applications. Tutum is a SaaS … Continue reading CI, CD with Docker, Jenkins and Tutum→
Tutum is a SaaS Container platform that can be used to build, deploy and manage Docker Containers. Docker acquired Tutum in October 2015. I have been playing with Tutum for the past few weeks and I will share some basics of Tutum and my experiences with Tutum in this blog. Advantages Very easy to get … Continue reading Tutum Introduction→