Author Archives: Tim Coulter
Author Archives: Tim Coulter
Nelson, the director of operations of a large manufacturing company, told me that he has a highly leveraged staff. That is, most of the work on the company's critical cloud project is being done by consultants and vendors, and not by their team members. Unfortunately, much of the staff’s time is spent making sure that the infrastructure as code (IaC) implementation is in compliance with the standards and policies that his company has for cloud resources. Nelson said, “Oftentimes the code works, but doesn’t conform to naming conventions, or is missing labels, or has security issues, which impacts downstream workflows and applications. We need the environment to conform to our policies, and I don’t want my staff burning cycles to ensure that this is the case.” This was the reason why he brought me in to run a proof of concept (POC). The POC would validate what would become a Policy as Code solution based on one of the common IaC products.
When the technical team and I reviewed the proof points for the POC, and it was a standard demonstration of Policy as Code capabilities, it was determined that Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform would satisfy all Continue reading