Author Archives: Tony Pope-Cruz
Author Archives: Tony Pope-Cruz
The Dynatrace software intelligence platform automates the monitoring lifecycle. The OneAgent automatically discovers and instruments your applications, processes, containers, and log files. Smartscape topology provides real-time dependency mapping without any configuration. The Davis AI continuously analyzes metrics, traces, logs, dependencies, and more to automatically detect problems and determine the root cause. This automation helps enable organizations to monitor their IT portfolio more quickly and easily - without the headaches that can occur from manual configuration required by traditional monitoring tools.
Dynatrace is designed to work for any environment, but it’s generic. How can we automate the personalization of Dynatrace and enable monitoring as a self-service (MaaSS) Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. With the power of automation provided by Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and the Dynatrace API, we can automate the onboarding of applications into Dynatrace in a way that’s tailored for application stakeholders.
Dynatrace automation begins when the OneAgent is deployed on your hosts. The rollout of the OneAgent can be automated on hosts that are managed by Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. A playbook will download and execute the OneAgent installer on your Linux hosts (via SSH) and your Windows Continue reading