When we announced D1 in May of this year, we knew it would be the start of something new – our first SQL database with Cloudflare Workers. Prior to D1 we’ve announced storage options like KV (key-value store), Durable Objects (single location, strongly consistent data storage) and R2 (blob storage). But the question always remained “How can I store and query relational data without latency concerns and an easy API?”
The long awaited “Cloudflare Database'' was the true missing piece to build your application entirely on Cloudflare’s global network, going from a blank canvas in VSCode to a full stack application in seconds. Compatible with the popular SQLite API, D1 empowers developers to build out their databases without getting bogged down by complexity and having to manage every underlying layer.
Since our launch announcement in May and private beta in June, we’ve made great strides in building out our vision of a serverless database. With D1 still in private beta but an open beta on the horizon, we’re excited to show and tell our journey of building D1 and what’s to come.
We knew from Cloudflare Workers feedback that using Wrangler as the mechanism to create Continue reading
Starting a business is hard. And we know that the first few years of your business are crucial to your success.
Cloudflare’s Startup Plan is here to help.
Last year, we piloted a program to a select group of startups for free, with a selection of products that are very high leverage for young startups, early in their product development, like Workers, Stream, and Zero Trust.
Over the past year, startup founders repeatedly wrote into [email protected], and most of these emails followed one of 2 patterns:
Based on this feedback, we are thrilled to announce that today we will be increasing the scope of the program to also include popularly requested products! Beyond that, we’re also super excited to be broadening the eligibility criteria, so more startups can qualify for the plan.
There’s a lot of additional value that’s in the latest version of Continue reading
The Internet is a dynamic place. Websites are constantly changing as technologies and business practices evolve. What was front-page news is quickly moved into a sub-directory. To ensure website visitors continue to see the correct webpage even if it has been moved, administrators often implement URL redirects.
A URL redirect is a mapping from one location on the Internet to another, effectively telling the visitor's browser that the location of the page has changed, and where they can now find it. This is achieved by providing a virtual ‘link’ between the content’s original and new location.
URL Redirects have typically been implemented as Page Rules within Cloudflare, however Page Rules only match on the URL, rather than other elements such as the visitor's source country or preferred language. This limitation meant customers with a need for more dynamic URL redirects had to implement alternative solutions such Cloudflare Workers to achieve their goals.
To simplify the management of these more complex use cases we have created Dynamic Redirects. With Dynamic Redirects, users can redirect visitors to another webpage or website based upon hundreds of options such as the visitor's country of origin or language, without having to write a single line Continue reading
This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語 and Español.
In the last two years, there has been a rapid rise in real-time apps that help groups of people get together virtually with near-zero latency. User expectations have also increased: your users expect real-time video and audio features to work flawlessly. We found that developers building real-time apps want to spend less time building and maintaining low-level infrastructure. Developers also told us they want to spend more time building features that truly make their idea special.
So today, we are announcing a new product that lets developers build real-time audio/video apps. Cloudflare Calls exposes a set of APIs that allows you to build things like:
The protocol that makes all this possible is WebRTC. And Cloudflare Calls is the product Continue reading
Creators and broadcasters expect to be able to go live from anywhere, on any device. Viewers expect “live” to mean “real-time”. The protocols that power most live streams are unable to meet these growing expectations.
In talking to developers building live streaming into their apps and websites, we’ve heard near universal frustration with the limitations of existing live streaming technologies. Developers in 2022 rightly expect to be able to deliver low latency to viewers, broadcast reliably, and use web standards rather than old protocols that date back to the era of Flash.
Today, we’re excited to announce in open beta that Cloudflare Stream now supports live video streaming over WebRTC, with sub-second latency, to unlimited concurrent viewers. This is a new feature of Cloudflare Stream, and you can start using it right now in the Cloudflare Dashboard — read the docs to get started.
WebRTC with Cloudflare Stream leapfrogs existing tools and protocols, exclusively uses open standards with zero dependency on a specific SDK, and empowers any developer to build both low latency live streaming and playback into their website or app.
The status quo of streaming live video has high Continue reading
Ten years ago, in 2012, we released a product that put “a powerful new set of tools” in the hands of Cloudflare customers, allowing website owners to control how Cloudflare would cache, apply security controls, manipulate headers, implement redirects, and more on any page of their website. This product is called Page Rules and since its introduction, it has grown substantially in terms of popularity and functionality.
Page Rules are a common choice for customers that want to have fine-grained control over how Cloudflare should cache their content. There are more than 3.5 million caching Page Rules currently deployed that help websites customize their content. We have spent the last ten years learning how customers use those rules to cache content, and it’s clear the time is ripe for evolving rules-based caching on Cloudflare. This evolution will allow for greater flexibility in caching different types of content through additional rule configurability, while providing more visibility into when and how different rules interact across Cloudflare’s ecosystem.
Today, we’ve announced that Page Rules will be re-imagined into four product-specific rule sets: Origin Rules, Cache Rules, Configuration Rules, and Redirect Rules.
In this blog we’re going to discuss Cache Rules, and Continue reading
In 2012, we introduced Page Rules to the world, announcing:
“Page Rules is a powerful new set of tools that allows you to control how CloudFlare works on your site on a page-by-page basis.”
Ten years later, and with all F’s lowercase, we are excited to introduce Configuration Rules — a Page Rules successor and a much improved way of controlling Cloudflare features and settings. With Configuration Rules, users can selectively turn on/off features which would typically be applied to every HTTP request going through the zone. They can do this based on URLs - and more, such as cookies or country of origin.
Configuration Rules opens up a wide range of use cases for our users that previously were impossible without writing custom code in a Cloudflare Worker. Such use cases as A/B testing configuration or only enabling features for a set of file extensions are now made possible thanks to the rich filtering capabilities of the product.
Configuration Rules are available for use immediately across all plan levels.
As each HTTP request enters a Cloudflare zone we apply a configuration. This configuration tells the Cloudflare Continue reading
This post is also available in Deutsch, Français and Español.
The humble cell phone is now a critical tool in the modern workplace; even more so as the modern workplace has shifted out of the office. Given the billions of mobile devices on the planet — they now outnumber PCs by an order of magnitude — it should come as no surprise that they have become the threat vector of choice for those attempting to break through corporate defenses.
The problem you face in defending against such attacks is that for most Zero Trust solutions, mobile is often a second-class citizen. Those solutions are typically hard to install and manage. And they only work at the software layer, such as with WARP, the mobile (and desktop) apps that connect devices directly into our Zero Trust network. And all this is before you add in the further complication of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) that more employees are using — you’re trying to deploy Zero Trust on a device that doesn’t belong to the company.
It’s a tricky — and increasingly critical — problem to solve. But it’s also a problem which we think we can help with.
What Continue reading
At Cloudflare, we’re excited about the quickly-approaching 5G future. Increasingly, we’ll have access to high throughput and low-latency wireless networks wherever we are. It will make the Internet feel instantaneous, and we’ll find new uses for this connectivity such as sensors that will help us be more productive and energy-efficient. However, this type of connectivity doesn’t have to come at the expense of security, a concern raised in this recent Wired article. Today we’re announcing the creation of a new partnership program for mobile networks—Zero Trust for Mobile Operators—to jointly solve the biggest security and performance challenges.
Every network is different, and the key to managing the complicated security environment of an enterprise network is having lots of tools in the toolbox. Most of these functions fall under the industry buzzword SASE, which stands for Secure Access Service Edge. Cloudflare’s SASE product is Cloudflare One, and it’s a comprehensive platform for network operators. It includes:
It’s hard to imagine life without our smartphones. Whereas computers were mostly fixed and often shared, smartphones meant that every individual on the planet became a permanent, mobile node on the Internet — with some 6.5B smartphones on the planet today.
While that represents an explosion of devices on the Internet, it will be dwarfed by the next stage of the Internet’s evolution: connecting devices to give them intelligence. Already, Internet of Things (IoT) devices represent somewhere in the order of double the number of smartphones connected to the Internet today — and unlike smartphones, this number is expected to continue to grow tremendously, since they aren’t bound to the number of humans that can carry them.
But the exponential growth in devices has brought with it an explosion in risk. We’ve been defending against DDoS attacks from Internet of Things (IoT) driven botnets like Mirai and Meris for years now. They keep growing, because securing IoT devices still remains challenging, and manufacturers are often not incentivized to secure them. This has driven NIST (the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology) to actively define requirements to address the (lack of) IoT device security, and the EU Continue reading
Cloudflare launched on September 27, 2010. This week we'll celebrate our 12th birthday. As has become our tradition, we'll be announcing a series of products that we think of as our gifts back to the Internet. In previous years, these have included products and initiatives like Universal SSL, Cloudflare Workers, our Zero Markup Registrar, the Bandwidth Alliance, and R2 — our zero egress fee object store — which went GA last week.
We're really excited for what we'll be announcing this year and hope to surprise and delight all of you over the course of the week with the products and features we believe live up to our mission of helping build a better Internet.
While this will be our 12th Birthday Week of product announcements, for the last two years, as the cofounders of the company, we've also taken this time as an opportunity to write a letter publicly reflecting on the previous year and what's on our minds as we go into the year ahead.
Since our last birthday, it's been a tale of two halves of a very different year. At the end of 2021 and into the first two months Continue reading
Back in 2019, we worked on a chart for Cloudflare’s IPO S-1 document that showed major releases since Cloudflare was launched in 2010. Here’s that chart:
Of course, that chart doesn’t show everything we’ve shipped, but the curve demonstrates a truth about a growing company: we keep shipping more and more products and services. Some of those things start with a beta, sometimes open and sometimes private. But all of them become generally available after the beta period.
Back in, say, 2014, we only had a few major releases per year. But as the years have progressed and the company has grown we have constant updates, releases and changes. This year a confluence of products becoming generally available in September meant it made sense to wrap them all up into GA Week.
GA Week has now finished, and the team is working to put the finishing touches on Birthday Week (coming this Sunday!), but here’s a recap of everything that we launched this week.
What launched | Summary | Available for? |
Monday (September 19) | ||
Cloudforce Continue reading |
You go to a website or service, but before access is granted, there’s a visual challenge that forces you to select bikes, buses or traffic lights in a set of images. That can be an exasperating experience. Now, if you have iOS 16 on your iPhone, those days could be over and are just a one-time toggle enabled away.
CAPTCHA = "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart"
In 2021 and 2022, we took direct steps to end the madness that wastes humanity about 500 years per day called CAPTCHAs, that have been making sure you’re human and not a bot. In August 2022, we announced Private Access Tokens. With that, we’re able to eliminate CAPTCHAs on iPhones, iPads and Macs (and more to come) with open privacy-preserving standards.
On September 12, iOS 16 became generally available (iPadOS 16 and macOS 13 should arrive in October) and on the settings of your device there’s a toggle that can enable the Private Access Token (PAT) technology that will eliminate the need for those CAPTCHAs, and automatically validate that you are a real human visiting a site. If you already have iOS 16, here’s what you should Continue reading
Logs are a critical part of every successful application. Cloudflare products and services around the world generate massive amounts of logs upon which customers of all sizes depend. Structured logging from our products are used by customers for purposes including analytics, debugging performance issues, monitoring application health, maintaining security standards for compliance reasons, and much more.
Logpush is Cloudflare’s product for pushing these critical logs to customer systems for consumption and analysis. Whenever our products generate logs as a result of traffic or data passing through our systems from anywhere in the world, we buffer these logs and push them directly to customer-defined destinations like Cloudflare R2, Splunk, AWS S3, and many more.
Today we are announcing three new key features related to Cloudflare’s Logpush product. First, the ability to have only logs matching certain criteria be sent. Second, the ability to get alerted when logs are failing to be pushed due to customer destinations having issues or network issues occurring between Cloudflare and the customer destination. In addition, customers will also be able to query for analytics around the health of Logpush jobs like how many bytes and records were pushed, number of successful pushes, and number of Continue reading
When it comes to privacy, much is in your control as a website owner. You decide what information to collect, how to transmit it, how to process it, and where to store it. If you care for the privacy of your users, you’re probably taking action to ensure that these steps are handled sensitively and carefully. If your website includes no third party tools at all - no analytics, no conversion pixels, no widgets, nothing at all - then it’s probably enough! But… If your website is one of the other 94% of the Internet, you have some third-party code running in it. Unfortunately, you probably can’t tell what exactly this code is doing.
Third-party tools are great. Your product team, marketing team, BI team - they’re all right when they say that these tools make a better website. Third-party tools can help you understand your users better, embed information such as maps, chat widgets, or measure and attribute conversions more accurately. The problem doesn’t lay with the tools themselves, but with the way they are implemented - third party scripts.
Third-party scripts are pieces of JavaScript that your website is loading, often from a remote web server. Those Continue reading
The Internet is an endless flow of conversations between computers. These conversations, the constant exchange of information from one computer to another, are what allow us to interact with the Internet as we know it. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the vital channels that carry these conversations, and their usage is quickly growing: in fact, more than half of the traffic handled by Cloudflare is for APIs, and this is increasing twice as fast as traditional web traffic.
In March, we announced that we’re expanding our API Shield into a full API Gateway to make it easy for our customers to protect and manage those conversations. We already offer several features that allow you to secure your endpoints, but there’s more to endpoints than their security. It can be difficult to keep track of many endpoints over time and understand how they’re performing. Customers deserve to see what’s going on with their API-driven domains and have the ability to manage their endpoints.
Today, we’re excited to announce that the ability to save, update, and monitor the performance of all your API endpoints is now generally available to API Shield customers. This includes key performance metrics like latency, error rate, and Continue reading
Over the past several days, protests and demonstrations have erupted across Iran in response to the death of Mahsa Amini. Amini was a 22-year-old woman from the Kurdistan Province of Iran, and was arrested on September 13, 2022, in Tehran by Iran’s “morality police”, a unit that enforces strict dress codes for women. She died on September 16 while in police custody.
Published reports indicate that the growing protests have resulted in at least eight deaths. Iran has a history of restricting Internet connectivity in response to protests, taking such steps in May 2022, February 2021, and November 2019. They have taken a similar approach to the current protests, including disrupting Internet connectivity, blocking social media platforms, and blocking DNS. The impact of these actions, as seen through Cloudflare’s data, are reviewed below.
In the city of Sanandij in the Kurdistan Province, several days of anti-government protests took place after the death of Mahsa Amini. In response, the government reportedly disrupted Internet connectivity there on September 19. This disruption is clearly visible in the graph below, with traffic on TCI (AS58224), Iran’s fixed-line incumbent operator, in Sanandij dropping to zero between Continue reading
This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, Español, Deutsch, Français.
We announced the Data Localization Suite in 2020, when requirements for data localization were already important in the European Union. Since then, we’ve witnessed a growing trend toward localization globally. We are thrilled to expand our coverage to these countries in Asia Pacific, allowing more customers to use Cloudflare by giving them precise control over which parts of the Cloudflare network are able to perform advanced functions like WAF or Bot Management that require inspecting traffic.
In 2020, we introduced (Regional Services), a new way for customers to use Cloudflare. With Regional Services, customers can limit which data centers actually decrypt and inspect traffic. This helps because certain customers are affected by regulations on where they are allowed to service traffic. Others have agreements with their customers as part of contracts specifying exactly where traffic is allowed to be decrypted and inspected.
As one German bank told us: "We can look at the rules and regulations and debate them all we want. As long as you promise me that no machine outside the European Union will see a decrypted Continue reading
Following today’s announcement of General Availability of Cloudflare R2 object storage, we’re excited to announce that customers can also store and retrieve their logs on R2.
Cloudflare’s Logging and Analytics products provide vital insights into customers’ applications. Though we have a breadth of capabilities, logs in particular play a pivotal role in understanding what occurs at a granular level; we produce detailed logs containing metadata generated by Cloudflare products via events flowing through our network, and they are depended upon to illustrate or investigate anything (and everything) from the general performance or health of applications to closely examining security incidents.
Until today, we have only provided customers with the ability to export logs to 3rd-party destinations - to both store and perform analysis. However, with Log Storage on R2 we are able to offer customers a cost-effective solution to store event logs for any of our products.
We’ve unpacked the commercial impact in a previous blog post, but to recap, the cost of storage can vary broadly depending on the volume of requests Internet properties receive. On top of that - and specifically pertaining to logs - there’s usually more expensive fees to access that data whenever Continue reading
Cloudflare Images was announced one year ago on this very blog to help you solve the problem of delivering images in the right size, right quality and fast. Very fast.
It doesn’t really matter if you only run a personal blog, or a portal with thousands of vendors and millions of end-users. Doesn’t matter if you need one hundred images to be served one thousand times each at most, or if you deal with tens of millions of new, unoptimized, images that you deliver billions of times per month.
We want to remove the complexity of dealing with the need to store, to process, resize, re-encode and serve the images using multiple platforms and vendors.
At the time we wrote:
Images is a single product that stores, resizes, optimizes and serves images. We built Cloudflare Images, so customers of all sizes can build a scalable and affordable image pipeline in minutes.
We supported the most common formats, such as JPG, WebP, PNG and GIF.
We did not feel the need to support SVG files. SVG files are inherently scalable, so there is nothing to resize on the server side before serving them to your audience. One can even argue that Continue reading