With the advent of layer-3 leaf-and-spine data center fabrics, it became (almost) possible to build pure layer-3-only data center networks… if only the networking vendors would do the very last step and make every server-to-ToR interface a layer-3 interface. Cumulus decided to do just that.
Read more ...One of my readers sent me a heartfelt email that teleported me 35 years down the memory lane. He wrote:
I only recently stumbled upon your blog and, well, it hurt. It's incredible the amount of topics you are able to talk about extensively and how you can dissect and find interesting stuff in even the most basic concepts.
May I humble ask how on earth can you know all of the things you know, with such attention to detail? Have you been gifted with an excellent memory, magical diet, or is it just magic?
Short answer: hard work and compound interest.
Read more ...A few weeks ago I decided to join the SDN group on LinkedIn and quickly discovered the biggest problem of SDN – many people, who try to authoritatively talk about it, have no idea what they’re talking about. Here’s a gem (coming from a “network architect”) I found in one of the discussions:
The SDN local controller can punt across to remote datacenters using not only IP, but even UDP over MPLS
Do I have to explain how misguided that statement is?
Read more ...You might have noticed that I’m running three SDN-related webinars in the next three weeks, which is the highest density of live webinar sessions I ever had. What’s going on?
Before moving on, I’d like to point out that the early bird pricing for our November SDN/SDDC retreat in Miami, Florida, ends on September 1st, and there are only a few tickets left. Time to register ;)
Read more ...Whenever you talk to a new startup evaluating whether you’d consider including their products in your network, don’t forget to ask them a fundamental question: “does your product support IPv6?”
If they reply “Nobody has ever asked for it”, it’s time to turn around and run away.
Read more ...In May 2015 I invited Dinesh Dutt to talk about Cumulus Linux and its typical use cases on an update session of the Data Center Fabrics Architecture webinar.
As expected, he started with the big picture: what is Cumulus Networks and Cumulus Linux all about?
It’s hard to visit an IT journal web site without stumbling upon an SDN fairy tale. Here’s another one:
The idea is to cut away the manual process of setting up new firewalls, load balancers and other network appliances, and instead open the door to provisioning a new network infrastructure within a few minutes.
And why exactly is it that you can’t do that today?
Read more ...35 years ago, mainframes, single-protocol networks (be it SNA or DECnet), and centralized architectures that would make hard-core SDN evangelists gloat with unbridled pride were all the rage. If you’re old enough to remember IBM SNA, you know what I’m talking about.
A few years later, everything changed.
Read more ...I published the second part of my Designing Scalable Web Applications course on my free content web site.
These presentations focus more on the application-level technologies (client- and server side), but I’m positive you’ll find some useful content in the caching and scale-out applications with load balancing sections.
Gartner has updated their networking hype cycle. Not surprisingly:
Gartner won’t give you free access to the graph, but you’ll find it in an article published on The Register.
One of the participants of the Carrier Ethernet LinkedIn group asked a great question:
When we install a virtual-router of any vendor over an ordinary sever (having general-purpose microprocessor), can it really compete with a physical-router having ASICs, Network Processors…?
Short answer: No … and here’s my longer answer (cross-posted to my blog because not all of my readers participate in that group).
Read more ...Like all other ipSpace.net webinars, the IPv6 Microsegmentation webinar starts with a brief description of the problem we’re trying to solve: the IPv6 first-hop security challenges.
For an overview of this problem, watch this free video from the IPv6 microsegmentation webinar, for more details, watch the IPv6 Security webinar.
Matt Oswalt wrote a great blog post complaining about vendors launching ocean-boiling solutions instead of focused reusable components, and one of the comments his opinion generated was along the lines of “I thought one of the reasons people wanted SDN, is because they wanted to deal with The Network – think about The Network's Performance, Robustness and Services instead of dealing with 100s or 1000s of individual boxes.”
The comment is obviously totally valid, so let me try to reiterate what Matt wrote using Lego bricks ;)
Read more ...Last week I published slide decks for Network Function Virtualization, BGP-Based SDN Solutions and SDN Use Cases webinars – they’re available to subscribers and attendees registered for individual webinars.
Content from all three webinars is part of my SDN workshop – if you’d like to hear a live explanation, register for one of them.
One of the topics I’m addressing in the Enterprise IPv6 101 webinar (after all, it’s an introductory-level webinar) is the question of “what exactly is IPv6”. After all the promises, myths, in the end it turns out all we got were bigger addresses (and ton of additional complexity).
A recent well-publicized network outage prompted someone to start collecting fat-finger horror stories, and dozens of networking engineers were quick to chime in. Enjoy!
My Business Case for SD-WAN blog post received numerous comments pointing out the potential pitfalls of hybrid WAN, including reduced security, unreliable Internet services and denial-of-service attacks.
While all those comments are perfectly valid, I still think hybrid WAN (whether implemented with traditional technologies or SD-WAN products) makes perfect sense.
Read more ...I found a great explanation for hodgepodge of kludges found in "organically grown" solutions (legacy precursors to SD-WAN come to mind):
In a long-lived project, components are being replaced. Nice reusable components are easy to replace and so they are. Ugly non-reusable components are pain to replace and each replacement means both a considerable risk and considerable cost. Thus, more often then not, they are not replaced. As the years go by, reusable components pass away and only the hairy ones remain. In the end the project turns into a monolithic cluster of ugly components melted one into another.
Note: You really should read the whole blog post.
It's so nice to see someone saying eloquently what you've been trying to say for a while – you (RFC 2119) MUST read what my friend Matt Oswalt wrote about Big Flowering Things.