
Category Archives for ""

Stupidities of Switch Programming (written in June 2013)

In June 2013 I wrote a rant that got stuck in my Evernote Blog Posts notebook for almost two years. Sadly, not much has changed since I wrote it, so I decided to publish it as-is.

In the meantime, the only vendor that’s working on making generic network deployments simpler seems to be Cumulus Networks (most other vendors went down the path of building proprietary fabrics, be it ACI, DFA, IRF, QFabric, Virtual Chassis or proprietary OpenFlow extensions).

Arista used to be in the same camp (I loved all the nifty little features they were rolling out to make ops simpler), but it seems they lost their mojo after the IPO.

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Do We Need NAC and 802.1x?

Another question I got in my Inbox:

What is your opinion on NAC and 802.1x for wired networks? Is there a better way to solve user access control at layer 2? Or is this a poor man's way to avoid network segmentation and internal network firewalls.

Unless you can trust all users (fat chance) or run a network with no access control (unlikely, unless you’re a coffee shop), you need to authenticate the users anyway.

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Build Your Development or Lab Environment with Ravello Systems

When preparing for my Simplifying Application Workload Migration workshop (coming in webinar format in autumn) I tried to find a solution that would allow me to recreate existing enterprise virtual network infrastructure in a cloud environment. Soon I stumbled upon Ravello Systems, remembered hearing about them on a podcast, and got in touch with them to figure out whether they could help me solve that challenge.

It turned you might use Ravello Systems’ solution to implement disaster recovery, but I got way more excited about the possibility to use their solution for labs or testing. To learn more about that, listen to Episode 32 of Software Gone Wild.

Presentation & Video: Quo Vadis, SDN?

From the automation perspective, the RIPE conference is a dream come true – 30 seconds after you upload your presentation, it appears on the RIPE web site, it’s automatically updated on the podium computer, and the video recording of your talk is published before you even manage to get off the podium – so you can already watch my “SDN - 4 years later (aka Quo Vadis, SDN?)” presentation if you missed it yesterday.

Do We Need Network Programmability?

Jsicuran left this comment on my You Must Understand the Fundamentals to Be Successful blog post:

I just went through some Cisco webinar where they were showcasing the use of NX-OS API and Python to add a VLAN. I do some Python myself and have used that API for some simple DevOps-like uses, but for the most part if you are an enterprise and use Prime DCIM to add VLANs, why should you go through the coding process?

It obviously depends on where you are in your IT automation journey.

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ARP Processing in Layer-3-Only Networks

John Jackson wrote an interesting comment on my Rearchitecting L3-Only Networks blog post:

What the host has configured for its default gateway doesn't really matter, correct? Because the default gateway in traditional L2 access networks really isn't about the gateway's IP address, but the gateway's MAC address. The destination IP address in the packet header is always the end destination IP address, never the default gateway.

He totally got the idea, however there are a few minor details to consider.

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Video: End-to-End High Availability in Dual Stack Networks

One of the topics I discussed in the IPv6 High Availability webinar is the problem of dual-stack deployments – what do you do when the end-to-end path for one of the protocol stacks breaks down. Happy eyeballs is one of the solutions, as is IPv6-only data center (Facebook is moving in that direction really fast). For more details, watch the short End-to-End High Availability in Dual Stack Networks demo video.

Dinesh Dutt from Cumulus Networks on Data Center Fabrics Webinar

Occasionally I’d invite a vendor speaker (usually working for an interesting startup) to present in my Data Center Fabrics webinar series. Dan Backman from Plexxi was talking about affinity networking in 2013, and in the May 2015 update session we’ll have Dinesh Dutt from Cumulus Networks talking about their software platform, architectures you can build with whitebox (or britebox) switches running Cumulus Linux, exciting network automation options, and cool new features they’re constantly adding to their software.

Replacing Central Router with a Next-Generation Firewall?

One of my readers sent me this question:

After reading this blog post and a lot of blog posts about zero trust mode versus security zones, what do you think about replacing L3 Data Center core switches by High Speed Next Generation Firewalls?

Long story short: just because someone writes about an idea doesn’t mean it makes sense. Some things are better left in PowerPoint.

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ALF: Application Layer Fixup

I was talking about “application-layer gateways” on firewalls and NAT boxes with a fellow engineer, and we came to an interesting conclusion: in most cases they are not gateways; they don’t add any significant functionality apart for payload fixups for those broken applications that think carrying network endpoint information in application packets is a good idea (I’m looking at you, SIP and FTP). These things should thus be called Application Layer Fixups or ALFs ;)

PF_RING Deep Dive with Luca Deri on Software Gone Wild

Whenever software switching nerds get together and start discussing the challenges of high-speed x86-based switching, someone inevitably mentions PF_RING, an open-source library that gives you blazingly fast packet processing performance on a Linux server.

I started recording a podcast with Luca Deri, the author of PF_RING, but we diverted into discussing ntopng, Luca’s network monitoring software. We quickly fixed that and recorded another podcast – this time, it’s all about PF_RING, and we discussed these topics:

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Going Back to the Mainframes?

25 years ago when I started my networking career, mainframes were all the rage, and we were doing some crazy stuff with small distributed systems that quickly adapted to topology changes, and survived link, port, and node failures. We called them routers.

Yes, we were crazy and weird, but our stuff worked. We won and we built the Internet, proving that we can build networks bigger than any mainframe-based solution could ever hope to be.

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How Do I Start My IPv6 Addressing Plan?

One of my readers was reading the Preparing an IPv6 Addressing Plan document on RIPE web site, and found that the document proposes two approaches to IPv6 addressing: encode location in high-order bits and subnet type in low-order bits (the traditional approach) or encode subnet type in high-order bits and location in low-order bits (totally counter intuitive to most networking engineers). His obvious question was: “Is anyone using type-first addressing in production network?”

Terastream project seems to be using service-first format; if you’re doing something similar, please leave a comment!

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