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Worth Reading: Advice(s) for Engineering Managers

Just in case you were recently promoted to be a team leader or a manager: read these somewhat-tongue-in-cheek advices:

Need more career advice? How about The Six Year Rule by Bryan Sullins… or you could go and reread my certifications-related blog posts.

Repost: On the Importance of Line-Rate Switching of Small Packets

I made a flippant remark in a blog comment

While it’s academically stimulating to think about forwarding small packets (and applicable to large-scale VoIP networks), most environments don’t have to deal with those. Looks like it’s such a non-issue that I couldn’t find recent data; in the good old days ~50% of the packets were 1500 byte long.

… and Minh Ha (by now a regular contributor to my blog) quickly set me straight with a lengthy comment that’s too good to be hidden somewhere at the bottom of a page. Here it is (slightly edited). Also, you might want to read other comments to the original blog post for context.

Repost: On the Importance of Line-Rate Switching of Small Packets

I made a flippant remark in a blog comment

While it’s academically stimulating to think about forwarding small packets (and applicable to large-scale VoIP networks), most environments don’t have to deal with those. Looks like it’s such a non-issue that I couldn’t find recent data; in the good old days ~50% of the packets were 1500 byte long.

… and Minh Ha (by now a regular contributor to my blog) quickly set me straight with a lengthy comment that’s too good to be hidden somewhere at the bottom of a page. Here it is (slightly edited). Also, you might want to read other comments to the original blog post for context.

State Consistency in Distributed SDN Controller Clusters

Every now and then I get a question along the lines of “why can’t we have a distributed SDN controller (because resiliency) that would survive network partitioning?” This time, it’s not the incompetency of solution architects or programmers, but the fundamental limitations of what can be done when you want to have consistent state across a distributed system.

TL&DR: If your first thought was CAP Theorem you’re absolutely right. You can probably stop reading right now. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, maybe it’s time you get fluent in distributed systems concepts after you’re finished with this blog post and all the reference material linked in it. Don’t know where to start? I put together a list of resources I found useful.

State Consistency in Distributed SDN Controller Clusters

Every now and then I get a question along the lines of “why can’t we have a distributed SDN controller (because resiliency) that would survive network partitioning?” This time, it’s not the incompetency of solution architects or programmers, but the fundamental limitations of what can be done when you want to have consistent state across a distributed system.

TL&DR: If your first thought was CAP Theorem you’re absolutely right. You can probably stop reading right now. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, maybe it’s time you get fluent in distributed systems concepts after you’re finished with this blog post and all the reference material linked in it. Don’t know where to start? I put together a list of resources I found useful.

Demonstrate Small Automation Wins

Long long time ago in a country far far away when traveling was still a thing I led an interesting data center fabric design workshop. We covered tons of interesting topics, including automating network services deployments (starting with VLAN self-service for server admins).

As was often the case in my workshops, we had representatives from multiple IT teams sitting in the room, and when I started explaining how I’d automate VLAN deployments, the server administrator participating in the workshop quickly chimed in: “that’s exactly how I implemented self-service for some of our customers, it makes perfect sense to use the same approach for server port and VLAN provisioning”, and everyone else in the room agreed… apart from the networking engineer, who used a counter-argument along the lines of “we only provision a new VLAN or server port every few days, we can do it by hand” and no amount of persuasion would move him.

Demonstrate Small Automation Wins

Long long time ago in a country far far away when traveling was still a thing I led an interesting data center fabric design workshop. We covered tons of interesting topics, including automating network services deployments (starting with VLAN self-service for server admins).

As was often the case in my workshops, we had representatives from multiple IT teams sitting in the room, and when I started explaining how I’d automate VLAN deployments, the server administrator participating in the workshop quickly chimed in: “that’s exactly how I implemented self-service for some of our customers, it makes perfect sense to use the same approach for server port and VLAN provisioning”, and everyone else in the room agreed… apart from the networking engineer, who used a counter-argument along the lines of “we only provision a new VLAN or server port every few days, we can do it by hand” and no amount of persuasion would move him.

OMG, It’s Graphs Everywhere

One of the subscribers watching the Graph Algorithms in Networks webinar found the webinar had an interesting impact on his perspective (according to his feedback):

This is genuine content that I haven’t seen anywhere else. It helps to get up to speed on computer science topics that are relevant to network professionals. After attending this webinar, I couldn’t unsee the graphs anymore that are almost everywhere in networking.

This webinar is available with Standard Subscription as are other webinars by Rachel Traylor including Network Connectivity, Graph Theory, and Reliable Network Design, Queuing Theory and Reliability Theory: Networking through a Systems Analysis Lens. She’ll be back next week starting a series of deep dives into reliability topics. Hope you’ll enjoy them as much as our subscriber did the Graph Algorithms webinar.

OMG, It’s Graphs Everywhere

One of the subscribers watching the Graph Algorithms in Networks webinar found the webinar had an interesting impact on his perspective (according to his feedback):

This is genuine content that I haven’t seen anywhere else. It helps to get up to speed on computer science topics that are relevant to network professionals. After attending this webinar, I couldn’t unsee the graphs anymore that are almost everywhere in networking.

This webinar is available with Standard Subscription as are other webinars by Rachel Traylor including Network Connectivity, Graph Theory, and Reliable Network Design, Queuing Theory and Reliability Theory: Networking through a Systems Analysis Lens. She’ll be back next week starting a series of deep dives into reliability topics. Hope you’ll enjoy them as much as our subscriber did the Graph Algorithms webinar.

Worth Reading: Visualizing BGP-LS Tables

When I’d first seen BGP-LS I immediately thought: “it would be cool to use this to fetch link state topology data from the network and build a graph out of it”. In those days the only open-source way I could find to do it involved Open DayLight controller’s BGP-LS-to-REST-API converter, and that felt like deploying an aircraft carrier to fly a kite.

Things have improved dramatically since then. In Visualizing BGP-LS Tables, HB described how he solved the challenge with GoBGP, gRPC interface to GoBGP, and some Python code to parse the data and draw the topology graph with NetworkX. Enjoy!

Worth Reading: Visualizing BGP-LS Tables

When I’d first seen BGP-LS I immediately thought: “it would be cool to use this to fetch link state topology data from the network and build a graph out of it”. In those days the only open-source way I could find to do it involved Open DayLight controller’s BGP-LS-to-REST-API converter, and that felt like deploying an aircraft carrier to fly a kite.

Things have improved dramatically since then. In Visualizing BGP-LS Tables, HB described how he solved the challenge with GoBGP, gRPC interface to GoBGP, and some Python code to parse the data and draw the topology graph with NetworkX. Enjoy!

Worth Reading: Finding Bugs in C and C++ Compilers

Something to keep in mind before you start complaining about the crappy state of network operating systems: people are still finding hundreds of bugs in C and C++ compilers.

One might argue that compilers are even more mission-critical than network devices, they’ve been around for quite a while, and there might be more people using compilers than configuring network devices, so one would expect compilers to be relatively bug-free. Still, optimizing compilers became ridiculously complex in the past decades trying to squeeze the most out of the ever-more-complex CPU hardware, and we’re paying the price.

Keep that in mind the next time a vendor dances by with a glitzy slide deck promising software-defined nirvana.

Worth Reading: Finding Bugs in C and C++ Compilers

Something to keep in mind before you start complaining about the crappy state of network operating systems: people are still finding hundreds of bugs in C and C++ compilers.

One might argue that compilers are even more mission-critical than network devices, they’ve been around for quite a while, and there might be more people using compilers than configuring network devices, so one would expect compilers to be relatively bug-free. Still, optimizing compilers became ridiculously complex in the past decades trying to squeeze the most out of the ever-more-complex CPU hardware, and we’re paying the price.

Keep that in mind the next time a vendor dances by with a glitzy slide deck promising software-defined nirvana.

Video: Finding Paths Across the Network

Regardless of the technology used to get packets across the network, someone has to know how to get from sender to receiver(s), and as always you have multiple options:

  • Almighty controller
  • On-demand dynamic path discovery (example: probing)
  • Participation in a routing protocol

For more details, watch Finding Paths Across the Network video.

The video is part of How Networks Really Work webinar and available with Free Subscription.

Video: Finding Paths Across the Network

Regardless of the technology used to get packets across the network, someone has to know how to get from sender to receiver(s), and as always, you have multiple options:

  • Almighty controller
  • On-demand dynamic path discovery (example: probing)
  • Participation in a routing protocol

For more details, watch Finding Paths Across the Network video.

The video is part of How Networks Really Work webinar and available with Free Subscription.

MUST READ: Fast and Simple Disaster Recovery Solution

More than a year ago I was enjoying a cool beer with my friend Nicola Modena who started explaining how he solved the “you don’t need IP address renumbering for disaster recovery” conundrum with production and standby VRFs. All it takes to flip the two is a few changes in import/export route targets.

I asked Nicola to write about his design, but he’s too busy doing useful stuff. Fortunately he’s not the only one using common sense approach to disaster recovery designs (as opposed to flat earth vendor marketectures). Adrian Giacometti used a very similar design with one of his customers and documented it in a blog post.

MUST READ: Fast and Simple Disaster Recovery Solution

More than a year ago I was enjoying a cool beer with my friend Nicola Modena who started explaining how he solved the “you don’t need IP address renumbering for disaster recovery” conundrum with production and standby VRFs. All it takes to flip the two is a few changes in import/export route targets.

I asked Nicola to write about his design, but he’s too busy doing useful stuff. Fortunately he’s not the only one using common sense approach to disaster recovery designs (as opposed to flat earth vendor marketectures). Adrian Giacometti used a very similar design with one of his customers and documented it in a blog post.

Impact of Centralized Control Plane Partitioning

A long-time reader sent me a series of questions about the impact of WAN partitioning in case of an SDN-based network spanning multiple locations after watching the Architectures part of Data Center Fabrics webinar. He therefore focused on the specific case of centralized control plane (read: an equivalent of a stackable switch) with distributed controller cluster (read: switch stack spread across multiple locations).

SDN controllers spread across multiple data centers

SDN controllers spread across multiple data centers

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