
Category Archives for "MTU Ninja | Vincent Bernat"

ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2014: 5 years later

I have recently replaced my ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2014 (second generation). I have kept it for more than five years, using it every day and carrying it everywhere. The expected lifetime of a laptop is always an unknown. Let me share my feedback.

ThinkPad X1 Carbon with the lid closed
ThinkPad X1 Carbon 20A7 with its lid closed

My configuration embeds an Intel vPro Core i7-4600U, 8 Gib of RAM, a 256 Gib SATA SSD, a matte WQHD display and a WWAN LTE card. I got it in June 2014. It has spent these years running Debian Sid, starting from Linux 3.14 to Linux 5.4.

Inside the X1 Carbon
The inside is still quite dust-free! In the bottom left, there is the Intel WLAN card, the Sierra WWAN card as well as the SSD.

This generation of ThinkPad X1 Carbon has been subject to a variety of experiences around the keyboard. We are still hunting the culprits. The layout is totally messed up, with many keys displaced.1 I have remapped most of them. It also lacks physical function keys: they have been replaced by a non-customizable touch bar. I do not like it due to absence of tactile feedback and it is quite easy to hit a key by mistake. I would recommend to Continue reading

Replacing Orange Livebox router by a Linux box

A few months ago, I moved back to France and I settled for Orange as an ISP with a bundle combining Internet and mobile subscription. In Switzerland, I was using my own router instead of the box provided by Swisscom. While there is an abundant documentation to replace the box provided by Orange, the instructions around a plain Linux box are kludgy. I am exposing here my own variation. I am only interested in getting IPv4/IPv6 access: no VoIP, no TV.


Orange is using GPON for its FTTH deployment. Therefore, an ONT is needed to encapsulate and decapsulate Ethernet frames into GPON frames. Two form-factors are available. It can be small Huawei HG8010H box also acting as a media converter to Ethernet 1000BASE-T:

Huawei ONT rebranded as Orange
The rebranded Huawei HG8010H is acting as an ONT and media converter

With a recent Livebox, Orange usually provides an SFP to be plugged inside the Livebox. For some reason I got the external ONT instead of the SFP version. As I have a Netgear GS110TP with two SFP ports, I have bought an SFP GPON FGS202 on eBay. It is the same model than Orange is providing with its Livebox 4. However, I didn’t get Continue reading

Self-hosted videos with HLS: subtitles

In a previous article, I have described a solution to self-host videos while offering a delivery adapted to each user’s bandwith, thanks to HLS and hls.js. Subtitles1 were not part of the game. While they can be declared inside the HLS manifest or embedded into the video, it is easier to include them directly in the <video> element, using the WebVTT format:

<video poster="poster.jpg"
       controls preload="none">
  <source src="index.m3u8"
  <source src="progressive.mp4"
          type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4d401f, mp4a.40.2"'>
  <track src="de.vtt"
         kind="subtitles" srclang="de" label="Deutsch">
  <track src="en.vtt"
         kind="subtitles" srclang="en" label="English">

Watch the following demonstration, featuring Agent 327: Operation Barbershop, a video created by Blender Animation Studio and currently released under the Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 2.0 license:

You may want to jump to 0:12 for the first subtitle. Most browsers should display a widget to toggle subtitles. This works just fine with Chromium but Firefox will not show the menu Continue reading

Asynchronous Zsh prompt with Git status

Zsh ships vcs_info, a function fetching information about the VCS state for the current directory and populating a variable that can be used in a shell prompt. It supports several VCS, including Git and SVN. Here is an example of configuration:

autoload -Uz vcs_info
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git

() {
    local formats="${PRCH[branch]} %b%c%u"
    local actionformats="${formats}%{${fg[default]}%} ${PRCH[sep]} %{${fg[green]}%}%a"
    zstyle ':vcs_info:*:*' formats           $formats
    zstyle ':vcs_info:*:*' actionformats     $actionformats
    zstyle ':vcs_info:*:*' stagedstr         "%{${fg[green]}%}${PRCH[circle]}"
    zstyle ':vcs_info:*:*' unstagedstr       "%{${fg[yellow]}%}${PRCH[circle]}"
    zstyle ':vcs_info:*:*' check-for-changes true

add-zsh-hook precmd vcs_info

You can use ${vcs_info_msg_0_} in your prompt to display the current branch, the presence of staged and unstaged changes, as well as the ongoing action.1 Have a look at the documentation for more details.

Prompt with Git-related information, including branch name and
presence of tracked and untracked
Example of prompt including information from the vcs_info function.

On large repositories, some information are expensive to fetch. While vcs_info queries Git, interactions with Zsh are stuck. A possible solution is to execute vcs_info asynchronously with zsh-async.

Continue reading

Securing BGP on the host with the RPKI

An increasingly popular design for a data-center network is BGP on the host: each host ships with a BGP daemon to advertise the IPs it handles and receives the routes to its fellow servers. Compared to a L2-based design, it is very scalable, resilient, cross-vendor and safe to operate.1 Take a look at “L3 routing to the hypervisor with BGP” for a usage example.

Spine-leaf fabric two spine routers, six leaf routers and nine
physical hosts. All links have a BGP session established over them.
Some of the servers have a speech balloon expliciting the IP prefix
they want to handle.
BGP on the host with a spine-leaf IP fabric. A BGP session is established over each link and each host advertises its own IP prefixes.

While routing on the host eliminates the security problems related to Ethernet networks, a server may announce any IP prefix. In the above picture, two of them are announcing 2001:db8:cc::/64. This could be a legit use of anycast or a prefix hijack. BGP offers several solutions to improve this aspect and one of them is to leverage the features around the RPKI infrastructure.

Short introduction to the RPKI

On the Internet, BGP is mostly relying on trust. This contributes to various incidents due to operator errors, like the one that affected Cloudflare a few months ago, or to malicious attackers, like the hijack of Amazon Continue reading

A Makefile for your Go project (2019)

My most loathed feature of Go was the mandatory use of GOPATH: I do not want to put my own code next to its dependencies. I was not alone and people devised tools or crafted their own Makefile to avoid organizing their code around GOPATH.

Hopefully, since Go 1.11, it is possible to use Go’s modules to manage dependencies without relying on GOPATH. First, you need to convert your project to a module:1

$ go mod init hellogopher
go: creating new go.mod: module hellogopher
$ cat go.mod
module hellogopher

Then, you can invoke the usual commands, like go build or go test. The go command resolves imports by using versions listed in go.mod. When it runs into an import of a package not present in go.mod, it automatically looks up the module containing that package using the latest version and adds it.

$ go test ./...
go: finding v0.0.5
go: downloading v0.0.5
?       hellogopher     [no test files]
?       hellogopher/cmd [no test files]
ok      hellogopher/hello       0.001s
$ cat go.mod
module hellogopher

require v0.0.5

If you want a specific version, you can Continue reading

Sustainable Python scripts

Python is a great language to write a standalone script. Getting to the result can be a matter of a dozen to a few hundred lines of code and, moments later, you can forget about it and focus on your next task.

Six months later, a co-worker asks you why the script fails and you don’t have a clue: no documentation, hard-coded parameters, nothing logged during the execution and no sensible tests to figure out what may go wrong.

Turning a “quick-and-dirty” Python script into a sustainable version, which will be easy to use, understand and support by your co-workers and your future self, only takes some moderate effort. As an illustration, let’s start from the following script solving the classic Fizz-Buzz test:

import sys
for n in range(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])):
    if n % 3 == 0 and n % 5 == 0:
    elif n % 3 == 0:
    elif n % 5 == 0:


I find useful to write documentation before coding: Continue reading

Pragmatic Debian packaging (2019)


This guide is an updated version of a previous edition. If you need to target distributions older than Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Bionic, please have a look at the older version instead.

While the creation of Debian packages is abundantly documented, most tutorials are targeted to packages implementing the Debian policy. Moreover, Debian packaging has a reputation of being unnecessarily difficult1 and many people prefer to use less constrained tools2 like fpm or CheckInstall.

However, building Debian packages with the official tools can become straightforward if you bend some rules:

  1. No source package will be generated. Packages will be built directly from a checkout of a VCS repository.

  2. Additional dependencies can be downloaded during build. Packaging individually each dependency is a painstaking work, notably when you have to deal with some fast-paced ecosystems like Java, Javascript and Go.

  3. The produced packages may bundle dependencies. This is likely to raise some concerns about security and long-term maintenance, but this is a common trade-off in many ecosystems, notably Java, Javascript and Go.

HiDPI on dual 4K monitors with Linux

I am using a Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon laptop (210 DPI) since four years and a Nokia 8 phone (550 DPI) since a year. I enjoy their HiDPI screens: text is crisp and easy to read. To get a similar experience for my workstation, I bought a pair of Dell P2415Q monitors:

Two Dell P2415Q
Dual screen setup with two Dell P2415Q monitors


The Dell P2415Q is a 24” display featuring an IPS panel with a 3840×2160 resolution (185 DPI) and a complete coverage of the sRGB color space. It was released in 2015 and its price is now below $400. It received positive reviews.

One of my units arrived with a dead pixel. I thought it was a problem from the past but Dell policy on dead pixels says:

During LCD manufacturing process, it is not uncommon for one or more sub-pixels to become fixed in an unchanging state. A display with a 1 to 5 fixed sub-pixel is considered normal and within industry standards.

Another issue is the presence of faint horizontal grey lines, (barely) visible on white background. The issue seems to not be uncommon but Dell is dismissive about it. If I sit correctly, the Continue reading

BGP LLGR: robust and reactive BGP sessions

On a BGP-routed network with multiple redundant paths, we seek to achieve two goals concerning reliability:

  1. A failure on a path should quickly bring down the related BGP sessions. A common expectation is to recover in less than a second by diverting the traffic to the remaining paths.

  2. As long as a path is operational, the related BGP sessions should stay up, even under duress.

Detecting failures fast: BFD⚓︎

To quickly detect a failure, BGP can be associated with BFD, a protocol to detect faults in bidirectional paths,1 defined in RFC 5880 and RFC 5882. BFD can use very low timers, like 100 ms.

However, when BFD runs in a process on top of a generic kernel,2 notably when running BGP on the host, it is not unexpected to loose a few BFD packets on adverse conditions: the daemon handling the BFD sessions may not get enough CPU to answer in a timely manner. In this scenario, it is not unlikely for all the BGP sessions to go down at the same time, creating an outage, as depicted in the last case in the diagram below.

BGP and failed sessions
Examples of failures on a network using BGP Continue reading

Multi-tier load-balancing with Linux

A common solution to provide a highly-available and scalable service is to insert a load-balancing layer to spread requests from users to backend servers.1 We usually have several expectations for such a layer:

It allows a service to scale by pushing traffic to newly provisioned backend servers. It should also be able to scale itself when it becomes the bottleneck.
It provides high availability to the service. If one server becomes unavailable, the traffic should be quickly steered to another server. The load-balancing layer itself should also be highly available.
It handles both short and long connections. It is flexible enough to offer all the features backends generally expect from a load-balancer like TLS or HTTP routing.
With some cooperation, any expected change should be seamless: rolling out a new software on the backends, adding or removing backends, or scaling up or down the load-balancing layer itself.

The problem and its solutions are well known. From recently published articles on the topic, “Introduction to modern network load-balancing and proxying” provides an overview of the state of the art. Google released “Maglev: A Fast and Reliable Software Network Load Balancer” describing their Continue reading

A more privacy-friendy blog

When I started this blog, I embraced some free services, like Disqus or Google Analytics. These services are quite invasive for users’ privacy. Over the years, I have tried to correct this to reach a point where I do not rely on any “privacy-hostile” services.


Google Analytics is an ubiquitous solution to get a powerful analytics solution for free. It’s also a great way to provide data about your visitors to Google—also for free. There are self-hosted solutions like Matomo—previously Piwik.

I opted for a simpler solution: no analytics. It also enables me to think that my blog attracts thousands of visitors every day.


Google Fonts is a very popular font library and hosting service, which relies on the generic Google Privacy Policy. The google-webfonts-helper service makes it easy to self-host any font from Google Fonts. Moreover, with help from pyftsubset, I include only the characters used in this blog. The font files are lighter and more complete: no problem spelling “Antonín Dvořák”.


OPL2 Audio Board: an AdLib sound card for Arduino

In a previous article, I presented the OPL2LPT, a sound card for the parallel port featuring a Yamaha YM3812 chip, also known as OPL2—the chip of the AdLib sound card. The OPL2 Audio Board for Arduino is another indie sound card using this chip. However, instead of relying on a parallel port, it uses a serial interface, which can be drived from an Arduino board or a Raspberry Pi. While the OPL2LPT targets retrogamers with real hardware, the OPL2 Audio Board cannot be used in the same way. Nonetheless, it can also be operated from ScummVM and DOSBox!

OPL2 Audio Board for Arduino
The OPL2 Audio Board over a “Grim Fandango” box.


The OPL2 Audio Board can be purchased on Tindie, either as a kit or fully assembled. I have paired it with a cheap clone of the Arduino Nano. A library to drive the board is available on GitHub, along with some examples.

One of them is DemoTune.ino. It plays a short tune on three channels. It can be compiled and uploaded to the Arduino with PlatformIO—installable with pip install platformio—using the following command:1

$ platformio ci \
    --board nanoatmega328 \
    --lib ../.. Continue reading

Self-hosted videos with HLS


This article was first published on Exoscale blog with some minor modifications.

Hosting videos on YouTube is convenient for several reasons: pretty good player, free bandwidth, mobile-friendly, network effect and, at your discretion, no ads.1 On the other hand, this is one of the less privacy-friendly solution. Most other providers share the same characteristics—except the ability to disable ads for free.

With the <video> tag, self-hosting a video is simple:2

<video controls>
  <source src="../videos/big_buck_bunny.webm" type="video/webm">
  <source src="../videos/big_buck_bunny.mp4" type="video/mp4">

However, while it is possible to provide a different videos depending on the screen width, adapting the video to the available bandwidth is trickier. There are two solutions:

They are both adaptive bitrate streaming protocols: the video is sliced in small segments and made available at a variety of different bitrates. Depending on current network conditions, the player automatically selects the appropriate bitrate to download the next segment.

HLS was initially implemented by Apple but is now also supported Continue reading

Integration of a Go service with systemd: socket activation

In a previous post, I highlighted some useful features of systemd when writing a service in Go, notably to signal readiness and prove liveness. Another interesting bit is socket activation: systemd listens on behalf of the application and, on incoming traffic, starts the service with a copy of the listening socket. Lennart Poettering details in a blog post:

If a service dies, its listening socket stays around, not losing a single message. After a restart of the crashed service it can continue right where it left off. If a service is upgraded we can restart the service while keeping around its sockets, thus ensuring the service is continously responsive. Not a single connection is lost during the upgrade.

This is one solution to get zero-downtime deployment for your application. Another upside is you can run your daemon with less privileges—loosing rights is a difficult task in Go.1

The basics?

Let’s take back our nifty 404-only web server:

package main

import (
 Continue reading

Route-based VPN on Linux with WireGuard

In a previous article, I described an implementation of redundant site-to-site VPNs using IPsec (with strongSwan as an IKE daemon) and BGP (with BIRD) to achieve this: ?

Redundant VPNs between 3 sites

The two strengths of such a setup are:

  1. Routing daemons distribute routes to be protected by the VPNs. They provide high availability and decrease the administrative burden when many subnets are present on each side.
  2. Encapsulation and decapsulation are executed in a different network namespace. This enables a clean separation between a private routing instance (where VPN users are) and a public routing instance (where VPN endpoints are).

As an alternative to IPsec, WireGuard is an extremely simple (less than 5,000 lines of code) yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art and opinionated cryptography (Curve25519, ChaCha20, Poly1305) and whose protocol, based on Noise, has been formally verified. It is currently available as an out-of-tree module for Linux but is likely to be merged when the protocol is not subject to change anymore. Compared to IPsec, its major weakness is its lack of interoperability.

It can easily replace strongSwan in our site-to-site setup. On Linux, it already acts as a route-based VPN. As a first Continue reading

Packaging an out-of-tree module for Debian with DKMS

DKMS is a framework designed to allow individual kernel modules to be upgraded without changing the whole kernel. It is also very easy to rebuild modules as you upgrade kernels.

On Debian-like systems,1 DKMS enables the installation of various drivers, from ZFS on Linux to VirtualBox kernel modules or NVIDIA drivers. These out-of-tree modules are not distributed as binaries: once installed, they need to be compiled for your current kernel. Everything is done automatically:

# apt install zfs-dkms
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
  binutils cpp cpp-6 dkms fakeroot gcc gcc-6 gcc-6-base libasan3 libatomic1 libc-dev-bin libc6-dev
  libcc1-0 libcilkrts5 libfakeroot libgcc-6-dev libgcc1 libgomp1 libisl15 libitm1 liblsan0 libmpc3
  libmpfr4 libmpx2 libnvpair1linux libquadmath0 libstdc++6 libtsan0 libubsan0 libuutil1linux libzfs2linux
  libzpool2linux linux-compiler-gcc-6-x86 linux-headers-4.9.0-6-amd64 linux-headers-4.9.0-6-common
  linux-headers-amd64 linux-kbuild-4.9 linux-libc-dev make manpages manpages-dev patch spl spl-dkms
  zfs-zed zfsutils-linux
3 upgraded, 44 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
Need to get 42.1 MB of archives.
After this operation, 187 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
# dkms status
spl,, 4.9.0-6-amd64, x86_64:  Continue reading

OPL2LPT: an AdLib sound card for the parallel port

The AdLib sound card was the first popular sound card for IBM PC—prior to that, we were pampered by the sound of the PC speaker. Connected to an 8-bit ISA slot, it is powered by a Yamaha YM3812 chip, also known as OPL2. This chip can drive 9 sound channels whose characteristics can be fine tuned through 244 write-only registers.

AdLib sound card

I had one but I am unable to locate it anymore. Models on eBay are quite rare and expensive. It is possible to build one yourself (either Sergey’s one or this faithful reproduction). However, you still need an ISA port. The limitless imagination of some hackers can still help here. For example, you can combine Sergey’s Xi 8088 processor board, with his ISA 8-bit backplane, his Super VGA card and his XT-CF-Lite card to get your very own modernish IBM PC compatible. Alternatively, you can look at the AdLib sound card on a parallel port from Raphaël Assénat.

The OPL2LPT sound card?

Recently, the 8-Bit Guy released a video about an AdLib sound card for the parallel port, the OPL2LPT. While current motherboards don’t have a parallel port anymore, it’s easy to Continue reading

L3 routing to the hypervisor with BGP

On layer 2 networks, high availability can be achieved by:

Layer 2 networks need very little configuration but come with a major drawback in highly available scenarios: an incident is likely to bring the whole network down.2 Therefore, it is safer to limit the scope of a single layer 2 network by, for example, using one distinct network in each rack and connecting them together with layer 3 routing. Incidents are unlikely to impact a whole IP network.

In the illustration below, top of the rack switches provide a default gateway for hosts. To provide redundancy, they use an MC-LAG implementation. Layer 2 fault domains are scoped to a rack. Each IP subnet is bound to a specific rack and routing information is shared between top of the rack switches and core routers using a routing protocol like OSPF.

Legacy L2 design

There are two main issues with this design:

  1. The Continue reading

(Micro)benchmarking Linux kernel functions

Usually, the performance of a Linux subsystem is measured through an external (local or remote) process stressing it. Depending on the input point used, a large portion of code may be involved. To benchmark a single function, one solution is to write a kernel module.

Minimal kernel module

Let’s suppose we want to benchmark the IPv4 route lookup function, fib_lookup(). The following kernel function executes 1,000 lookups for and returns the average value.1 It uses the get_cycles() function to compute the execution “time.”

/* Execute a benchmark on fib_lookup() and put
   result into the provided buffer `buf`. */
static int do_bench(char *buf)
    unsigned long long t1, t2;
    unsigned long long total = 0;
    unsigned long i;
    unsigned count = 1000;
    int err = 0;
    struct fib_result res;
    struct flowi4 fl4;

    memset(&fl4, 0, sizeof(fl4));
    fl4.daddr = in_aton("");

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        t1 = get_cycles();
        err |=  Continue reading