Gluware sponsors today's Weekly Show podcast and brings along a Big Pharma customer to talk about network automation in a brownfield production network. We dive into making network automation work in real life.
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We dig into a new online tool, NRE Labs, designed to help network engineers learn the concepts and tools of network automation. NRE Labs was created by Juniper Networks, but it's a free and open source platform, and you can start learning now with no sign-in, no registration, and no paywall. Our guests are Matt Oswalt and Derick Winkworth.
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Today's Weekly Show podcast delves into home automation, IoT, and security with guest Chris Young. We talk about Chris's experience building and running his home automation network, how to reverse-engineer undocumented APIs, and the security implications of home automation.
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Service provider are driving IPv6 deployments in the US and globally. On today's IPv6 Buzz podcast we talk about why with guest Jeff Doyle. We discuss address depletion, the problems with Carrier-Grade NAT as a workaround, and more.
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Advancing your IT career means getting outside your comfort zone. The Datanauts and guest Ken Nalbone talk about overcoming tech inertia, taking technology and career risks, and why it's essential to go out into the real world and interact with people, even when you're an introvert.
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The Packet Pushers' Tech Bytes is a short, sponsored interview. Our sponsor is Silver Peak, and today's guest is swyMed, which makes a telemedicine backpack so first responders can videoconference with doctors and nurses from anywhere in the field. Silver Peak's SD-WAN mini-appliance helps enable connectivity and ensure a persistent, high-quality connection.
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On today's Weekly Show, sponsor Juniper Networks joins us to look at how disaggregation works across the network stack, and how it can drive innovation, operational efficiency, and cost savings.
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On today's Full Stack Journey podcast, guest Lindsay Hill discusses major transformations in the network industry, and how IT professionals can understand, adapt, and thrive amidst these changes.
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What does your manager want? On today's Weekly Show we talk to two managers to find out how they work with their teams, what they see as their roles, how they hire, and much more. Our guests are Michael Bushong and Omar Sultan.
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Today's episode explores the ins and outs of IPv6 address planning, with IPv6 Buzz co-host Tom Coffeen in the guest chair. Tom discusses how to get away from "IPv4 thinking" when planning your v6 transition, and shares his real-world experiences of IPv6 adoption with CDNs and service providers.
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On today's sponsored Priority Queue podcast we take a deep dive into Cisco's IOS-XR network OS to learn what it takes to build a carrier-grade NOS, including its microservices architecture, multiple levels of abstraction, and how it captures and shares state data.
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The Datanauts dive into Microsoft's Azure DevOps, a suite of online tools to help developers make DevOps a reality. Our guest and guide is Nathaniel Avery, a solutions architect.
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Today's Weekly Show delves into DNS performance and endpoint testing with sponsor ThousandEyes. We'll review key findings from a new report on the state of global DNS authored by ThousandEyes, and discuss how to analyze performance and improve troubleshooting with end point testing.
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I got together to Chris Swan @cpswan to record a two beer networking. Through my own staggering incompetence the video hasn’t turned out but the audio is just fine. Chris a leader in service practice and the conversation talks about how organisational scar tissue. He recently attended the European IDC CIO summit in Lisbon which […]
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On today’s Packet Pushers Weekly Show, we discuss how the broadcast media industry leverages IP networks, the initiatives behind the standards and protocols, and why it all matters to data networking professionals.
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Today's IPv6 Buzz podcast explores using the Wireshark protocol analyzer to understand and troubleshoot IPv6. Our guest is Jeff Carrell, an expert instructor in IPv6 and Wireshark.
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