Chris Wahl and guests dive into the latest announcements about Azure and Azure Stack, including the Data Box storage device, new networking features, and more. This Datanauts episode was recorded live at Microsoft Ignite 2018.
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Today's Weekly Show is a roundtable discussion with network engineers on dealing with a lack of carrier diversity, equipment refresh cycles for the 100GbE data center, and more nerdy topics.
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On today's Priority Queue, wireless engineer Lee Badman shares a real-world detective tale about a troubleshooting problem that took him into dark places involving wires.
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Today's Full Stack Journey explores the evolution of networking technology and how it affects engineers. Guest Andrew Hrycaj discuss where the industry is going, personal skill development, getting team members on board with new networking technologies and learning requirements, and more.
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On today's Weekly Show podcast we dive into Fabric Connect with sponsor Extreme Networks and a customer. We get a real-world look at how Fabric Connect creates an Ethernet fabric across the network, and what that means for operations, security, and automation.
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Today's IPv6 Buzz podcast dives into the critical relationship between IPv6 and DNS with guest Cricket Liu, author and Senior Fellow at Infoblox. We drill into DNS64 and DNSSEC, and look into DNS's future.
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On today’s Datanauts podcast, we break down what it takes to build out a private cloud on your premises. Our guest is Rita Younger, National Practice Lead SDDC / SDN and Technical Innovation Group at CDW.
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Running applications in a multi-cloud environment presents serious networking challenges. On today's sponsored Weekly Show, we talk with Avi Networks about how its software-based ADC and load balancer can help customers working in multi-cloud environments ensure application delivery, provide security, and enable automation at scale.
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In this briefing, Meta Networks discussed their new partnership with Talari. Talari is an SD-WAN provider for enterprises. Meta is providing remote access. Therefore, what you’ve got with the Talari/Meta partnership is a full-featured WAN solution.
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This Priority Queue was recorded live at the Future:Net conference at VMworld 2018. Guests Bruce Davie and Guido Appenzeller discuss service meshes, differences between hybrid and multicloud, intrinsic security, intent-based networking and more.
The post PQ 155: Forecasting Network Evolution At VMworld’s Future:Net 2018 appeared first on Packet Pushers.
NanoVMs makes software to help you create and deploy unikernels. In this briefing, CEO Ian Eyberg discussed with Ethan Banks the state of the unikernel ecosystem and how NanoVMs fits into things.
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On today's Weekly Show the Packet Pushers update you on what's been happening behind the scenes at our Global HQ. That includes a new hosting provider, forthcoming Ignition content, and the launch of the IPv6 podcast. We also take a little time to talk about trying to stay mentally and physically healthy.
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In this episode of IPv6 Buzz, we examine how and why to make the transition from a dual-stack to an all-v6 world. Our guest is Veronika McKillop, network architect at Microsoft and president/chair of the UK IPv6 Council.
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On today's Priority Queue we explore the challenges of building military networks, including bandwidth constraints, hostile environments, survivability, training and skills development, and much more. Our guest is PC Drew, an officer in the Marine Corps Reserve and a network engineer.
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Mode briefed Ethan Banks about their cloud private network. Whoa! Thought Mode was an SD-WAN company? Not quite. Mode partners with several SD-WAN platforms so that it's easy to stand up a tunnel from your SD-WAN forwarders to Mode's private network. That makes Mode a network alternative to private MPLS that integrates with your SD-WAN fabric.
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In this Datanauts podcast, we get a fresh perspective on designing and deploying VDI in the enterprise. Most of the conversation is based on VDI Design Guide, a new book from our guest Johan van Amersfoort.
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In today's Weekly Show we drill into Contrail SD-WAN with sponsor Juniper Networks. We discuss Contrail SD-WAN's three pillars--routing, VPNs, and security--and look at how the product distinguishes itself from its competitors. Our guest is Tony Sarathchandra, Director, Product Management - Software Defined Networking Technology and Solutions at Juniper Networks.
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