Coffee, doughnuts and networking. A perfect combination.
The post Network Break 27 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
I was lucky enough to attend the Powering the Cloud Conference in October last year. While I was there I say down with Federica Monsone from A3 Communications to talk about the role of PR, Marketing and Social media. While we poke fun at marketing it is a deadly serious business. We need our vendors […]
The post PQ Show 45 – Talking About PR & Marketing appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
We are back after the Christmas Break with the Networking News.
The post Network Break 26 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
Guest blogger Alex Hoff is the VP of Product Management at Auvik Networks, a cloud-based SaaS that makes it dramatically easier for small and mid-sized businesses to manage their networks. Our thanks to Auvik for sponsoring the Packet Pushers community blog today. It’s January and the network industry pundits are calling for 2015 to be the […]
The post SDN: What Small and Mid-Sized Businesses Need to Know in 2015 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Sponsored Blog Posts.
This is a continuation from Part 2 Fast Reroute Why Fast Reroute? Many NSP’s like ACME have traffic with tight SLAs. For instance below is an ITU delay recommendation for Voice. One Way Delay Characterization of Quality 0-150ms Acceptable for most applications 150-400ms May impact some applications Above 400ms Unacceptable ITU G.114 delay recommendations Having […]
The post MPLS TE Design -Part 3 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Diptanshu Singh.
This is a continuation from Part 1 Case for LDPoRSVP As we mentioned at the very beginning that ACME provides L3VPN and L2VPN services, which requires end to end LSP between the PEs. But due to scaling reasons, ACME decided not to extend RSVP to the edge routers. This creates a problem as there is […]
The post MPLS TE Design -Part 2 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Diptanshu Singh.
In this post we will be exploring different aspects of Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) from a design perspective using fictional ISP as a reference. The intent of the post is to not necessarily recommend a particular solution, but to bring up different aspects involved in the design. I am assuming that the reader already has somewhat […]
The post MPLS TE Design -Part 1 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Diptanshu Singh.
Margaret Chiosi, president of the OPNFV project hosted at the Linux Foundation, discusses OPNFV in a briefing with Ethan Banks.
The post PQ Show 44 – The OPNFV Project with Margaret Chiosi appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
A technical interviewer, or technically an interviewer. I was interviewed quite a few times since I set of to join the networking crowd, 12 years ago. I also had opportunity to sit on the opposite side, and interviewed people on multiple occasions. Some of my fondest memories of working for my current employer are connected […]
The post Confessions of technical interviewer appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Marcin Latosiewicz.
Here is the scenario: There is a public server on the internet that you have requested access to. The “admins” that control the server agree to allow a single public IP from your entity/company to access the server. The issue arises due to the fact that you “luckily” have more than 1 Public IP at […]
The post Destination Based NAT appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Korey Rebello.
Doug Hanks and Moloy Chatterjee join Packet Pushers host Ethan Banks to discuss the OpenClos project. What is OpenClos? OpenClos is open-source software written in Python that helps stand up a leaf-spine data center. Why? Standing up a DC is a fussy business – lots of cabling, IP addressing schemes, and routing protocol configuration to […]
The post Show 222 – Introducing The OpenClos Project appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
This is the last in a series of podcasts sponsored by HP, all recorded at HP’s Discover conference in Barcelona, Spain in early December 2014. The series is made up of interviews and technical discussions with HP engineers and lab geeks about products in HP’s networking portfolio. Ken Gott, Product Line Manager, joins Chris Young, Senior Solutions […]
The post PQ Show 43 – HP Networking – Beyond Traditional Network Management appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
This is a follow-up on the recently published Packet Pushers Show 221 – Marriott, Wifi, + the FCC with Glenn Fleishman & Lee Badman. Let me begin by stating my role in the ecospace: I am currently overseeing the expansion of broadband into Indianfield Co-operative Campground ( in the town of Salem (A less populous […]
This sponsored podcast is another in our series of recordings made at HP Discover 2014 in Barcelona, Spain. Once again, our special thanks to Chris Young for bringing us technical guests and not just fluffy marketing folks. Technical Marketing Engineer at HP Networking Yarnin Israel and Senior Research Scientist at HP Labs Souvik Sen join Packet […]
The post PQ Show 42 – HP Networking – Location Aware Wireless appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
A funny thing happened on Twitter a week or so ago. I saw this message from Glenn Fleishman. If anyone wants me on a podcast to explain why Marriott wants the FCC to give it license to block personal hotspots, let’s talk. — Glenn Fleishman (@GlennF) January 2, 2015 I thought that the topic would be a […]
The post Show 221 – Marriott, Wifi, + the FCC with Glenn Fleishman & Lee Badman appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
Iljitsch van Beijnum, Network Engineer and author, is our guest blogger today with a post about peering sponsored by Noction Intelligent Routing Platform. Most farmers most of the time sell their produce to super market chains. Most consumers most of the time buy their produce from super market chains. Alternatively, some farmers bring their produce […]
The post Transit vs peering: what makes sense when? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Sponsored Blog Posts.
Everyone knows the difference between a router and switch right? Good.. (for those that need a good refresher) this post is not going is not going to dive into that topic. What I want to talk about is Router vs Switching from a positioning standpoint. One question I often get asked working with customers is: “Can I […]
The post Routers vs Switches, When to position which? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Derek Pocoroba.
This sponsored podcast is a continuation of our series recorded at HP Discover Barcelona 2014. Our thanks to Chris Young for organizing the topics and guests. The interesting conversations in Barcelona at HP Discover 2014 continued with a chat about the shifty meaning of “open.” In the world of technology, being open means a lot of different […]
The post PQ Show 41 – HP Networking’s Sarwar Raza on the Meaning of Open appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
This is the final post in my series on BGPSEC — I will probably follow this up, at some point, with a couple of posts on some alternatives to BGPSEC, and the larger issue of the evolution of BGP. Basic Operation Protections Offered Replays, Timers, and Performance Signatures and Performance In this final post, I […]
The post BGPSEC: Leaks and Leaks appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Russ White.
For some time I have had issues while doing captures such as finding the elusive “spare laptop” you can use, multiple trips out to the site to pick up the captures, or finding another NIC to put in there so you can connect remotely and copy the captures over the network, taking up 2 switch […]
The post Raspberry Pi RSPAN Capture Box appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Daniel Himes.