“Everything is down! The whole network!! RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!” Yes, we’ve all had those terrible days in networking, where no one can get to anything & it’s all up to you to get it fixed. At least management is there to help, stomping their feet, making demands, and whining about the dollars lost per […]
The post Show 174 – War Stories From the Hot Aisle: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Part 2 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
We’ve come almost to the end of our little series on fast reroute; in this episode we’ll look at maximally redundant trees (MRTs) — this episode is going to be a little “graphy,” so get your seatbelts on. The general idea behind IP fast reroute is to precalculate a set of alternate paths that can […]
“Everything is down! The whole network!! RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!” Yes, we’ve all had those terrible days in networking, where no one can get to anything & it’s all up to you to get it fixed. At least management is there to help, stomping their feet, making demands, and whining about the dollars lost per […]
The post Show 173 – War Stories From The Hot Aisle: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Part 1 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
The known universe has been ruled by the monolithic network device. In this time, the most precious substance in the Universe is the ASIC. The ASIC extends life. The ASIC expands consciousness. The ASIC is vital, it provides the ability to fold space. That is, travel to any part of the network. The ASIC exists […]
The post Healthy Paranoia Show 20: SDN – Heretic of Security appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Mrs. Y.
Network reliability is an important measure for deployability of sensitive applications. When a link, node or SRLG failure occurs in a routed network, there is inevitably a period of disruption to the delivery of traffic until the network reconverges on the new topology. Fast reaction is essential for the failed element. There are two approaches […]
The post Fast Reroute Mechanisms appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Orhan Ergun.
Let me start off with a question, what are the steps involved when it comes to giving someone a gift? Is it as simple as buy, wrap and handover? For the more traditional gifts like perfume this would be the correct answer but if you are giving electronic gifts then you may be leaving out […]
Like many folks out there, I’m following the rise of “whitebox switching”, and am interested to see if (and where) it takes off. There’s many players out there who are trying to pitch disassociating the software from the hardware, and quite a few hardware manufacturers that are offering various hardware platforms on which to run […]
The post Switching to Linux for… Switches? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Will Dennis.
Greg and I want to record a “Nightmare Before Christmas” podcast, where folks come on and tell us their most grisly, horrifying network down story. The idea is a relaxed show chatting around the holiday fire, telling war stories, and being glad it’s all over now. So…got a good story? Want to come on a […]
The post Podcast Planning – Got A Great Network Down Story? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
It’s an exciting time to be a networking geek, with the introduction of new technologies like network virtualization and established vendors like Cisco jumping into the SDN market. But, what about network security? What happens when you move from traditional data center architectures to virtualization, cloud and SDN environments? Palo Alto Networks builds a next-generation […]
The post Show 172 – Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Security In The Data Center – Sponsored appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
During a recent F5 purchase I wanted to get some more F5 lab virtual edition appliances. At my company we have had two and it has been invaluable for testing new configs and training junior engineers in a safe environment that could be trashed and restored at will. At the time we ordered the lab […]
The post F5 drops LAB VE price to $95 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Eric Flores.
Introduction We’re in one of the most exciting times in data networking. While I’m sure we’re all sick of vendors co-opting technologies in their infancy, there is a lot of good work going on to change the fundamentals of moving data (I shudder to call this a paradigm shift; I’ll save that term for life […]
As an avid reader of RFCs and RFC drafts, I’m always running across little bits of knowledge I either already knew and forgot (I forget a lot of things), or things I didn’t know and wouldn’t have expected. RFC5942, published way back in 2010 (a long time in network engineering terms), discusses a topic I […]
This sponsored blog post was written by Clark Zoeller, CCIE #13760, Sales Engineer with ActionPacked Networks. Quality of Service (QoS) is a suite of technologies used to manage bandwidth usage as data crosses computer networks. Its most common use is for protection of real-time and high priority data applications. QoS technologies, or tools, each have […]
The post How Does QoS Work? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Sponsored Blog Posts.
Cisco FabricPath is a TRILL-based layer 2 forwarding technology that can take the place of spanning-tree. Allowing a fully-meshed layer 2 network to forward traffic across all links, FabricPath helps customers to make the most of their expensive 10GbE and 40GbE interconnects. In this show, Jamie Caesar, Colby Glass, and Ed Diaz discuss real-world FabricPath […]
The post Show 171 – Cisco FabricPath Deep Dive Part 2 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
In the first article here, I walked through importing netflow data into a single Hadoop instance (pseudonode) and mentioned a progression of the project to add multiple nodes. The ability to do distributed storage and distributed processing of data is ultimately the benefit of using Hadoop/HDFS. So, let’s expand on the project and add one or […]
The post Hadoop for network engineers part 2 – adding more nodes appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by JR Mayberry.
This week it’s Greg was configuring spanning tree in the data centre and had a problem with a switch cluster that didn’t work proper. How much networking do you need in a data centre ? Lets say you purchases 2 x 32 port 40GbE switches (common Trident2 configuration) for USD$30K and you use QSFP breakouts […]
The post Show 170 – The Spanning Tree Story and More SDN Analysis appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
There’s something terribly wrong about this… RUSH hour in Nairobi can be a nightmare. “Most motorists don’t follow traffic rules and small inconveniences like a minor traffic accident or even a sudden downpour can cause delays of up to an hour,” says John Kimani, a small business owner in the Kenyan capital. A text message […]
I can make you happy, I can give you everything you dreamed of. You already know that right? I’ve tried to make you understand this again and again; I’ll fall at your feet at a moments notice, but somehow I’m always here in the background, a shadow. No matter your heart, somehow I’m always put […]
The post Your Weak and Broken Heart appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Steven Iveson.
Cisco FabricPath is a TRILL-based layer 2 forwarding technology that can take the place of spanning-tree. Allowing a fully-meshed layer 2 network to forward traffic across all links, FabricPath helps customers to make the most of their expensive 10GbE and 40GbE interconnects. In this show, Jamie Caesar, Colby Glass, and Ed Diaz discuss real-world FabricPath […]
The post Show 169 – Cisco FabricPath Deep Dive Part 1 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
When I read the latest posts about Fast ReRoute from Russ White and as I had an introduction from a coworker contributing to some drafts, I thought it was the right time to write my first article on PacketPushers. And here it is the Introduction to Segment Routing! What is it? It is a new […]
The post Introduction to Segment Routing appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Youssef El Fathi.