I have worked in technology full-time for nearly fifteen years. Prior to this, I built PCs and was somewhat of a technical hobbyist. Occasionally, I am faced with the question, “How does one get into computers?” or “How can I get into computer networking?” There are many paths and correct answers to these questions. The […]
The post The Technical Mind appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Paul Stewart.
I have to admit I’m a big VMware fanboy. Wanting to master the art of virtualization, I’ve set out to build out a personal lab. My primary goal is to work my way up to the VCDX certification. The curious thing about building a VMware lab is that all parts need to be on the […]
The post VMware VCDX Lab: The Hardware appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Douglas Hanks.
A community show where we get Brent Salisbury and Ivan Pepelnjak to talk about the events of the last few weeks. In the end, the only thing we seemed to cover was OpenDaylight, ONS and various SDN topics. Open Networking Summit – Brent reports in. Talking SDN and OpenDaylight Ivan asks “will you install open […]
The post Show 145 – Talking OpenDaylight and SDN appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
Dinner with His Toadishness, Derick Winkworth, the other night rolled into a 3+ hour discussion of avant garde ways to do networking. One of the adjunct topics that came up was that of ownership within IT. Ownership is a complex problem in the data center, because there’s many complex technologies at work. No one single […]
The post A Data Center Delivers Apps – So Shouldn’t We Monitor App Delivery? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
Yesterday, a “breaking news” tweet at 1:07 PM EDT from the Associated Press reported that two explosions had occurred at the White House and President Obama had been injured. The news immediately sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average down 143 points, as this graph at the London Telegraph shows. There’s also a lovely animated display […]
The post Machine Fragile appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Russ White.
You say, “It works – don’t fix it.” I hear, “It works – don’t touch it.” I’m also thinking that if you don’t touch it, then it’s never upgraded or changed. Is a static, unchanged network the best you can do to support your business ? Are you happy with just doing more of the same […]
The post It Works and It Should Be Better appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
Earlier this week, I read the article below. This article took a strong stance that a recruiter works for the employer, not those seeking employment. I think there are some valid points made. However, my views are a little less extreme than that of the author. NEWSFLASH: A Recruiter is Not a Job Finder!. Frankly, […]
The post Your Job Hunt is YOUR Responsibility appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Paul Stewart.
Okay, let’s say you’re convinced you need to learn to programme and you don’t want to be left behind. The earlier you start, the more you can pick up (and the sooner you’ll become consciously competent) at a pace that suits you. Hopefully, you’ll be able to blend this into your schedule with whatever else you […]
The post Programming 101 for Network Engineers – Preparation appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Steven Iveson.
F5 Network’s Traffic Management Operating System (TMOS) is, first and foremost and for the sake of clarity, NOT an individual operating system. It is the software foundation for all of F5’s network or traffic (not data) products; physical or virtual. TMOS almost seems to be a concept rather than a concrete thing when you first try […]
The post What The Heck Is F5 Networks’ TMOS? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Steven Iveson.
EIGRP is a distance vector routing protocol that for many years was unique to Cisco networking environments. Created and championed by Cisco, it didn’t get any traction in the standards bodies in the early days, because there were already enough interior gateway routing protocols around according to some. EIGRP just didn’t interest enough of the […]
The post Show 144 – Open EIGRP with Russ White + Cisco’s Donnie Savage appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
Quick notes on the “inactive” port status seen on the Cisco Nexus platform, which was perplexing the first time I ran into it. This isn’t a new status, existing on a variety of Cisco platforms for a long time now. As it happens, I’ve just not seen it that often historically. In dealing with the […]
The post Cisco Nexus – Port “Inactive” Status appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
In my continuing series on the decidedly boring, I would like to discuss the subtle, yet paralyzing, evil of stale documentation. In my experience, stale documentation can be useful or it can be disastrous, depending on how much is wrong. Personally, when I see more than a couple of tiny mistakes in a diagram, spreadsheet, […]
The post Fighting Stale Documentation appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Keith Tokash.
Because of my personal interest in the CCIE Security program (at least the written exam the next time I’m up for CCIE recert), I asked Nat Timms if there was an updated CCIE reading list. This list was recommended to me by Nat in her role as CCIE Security program manager; a big thanks to […]
The post CCIE Security v4 Reading List – Update From The Program Manager appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
On March 26, 2013, the Packet Pushers held a sponsored webinar with Anuta Networks to introduce their nCloudX controller to our networking community. In the webinar, the Anuta team covers the following: A bit about their background, the problems they are going after, and how nCloudX addresseses these challenges. An explanation of the nCloudX architecture, […]
The post Show 143 – Anuta Networks Demonstrates nCloudX Controller – Sponsored appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
Is this you perhaps? You’re the king of the network. You know it all inside out (your company and its processes too). You have every CLI mastered, you know the RPs you use in-depth, you’ve seen and used all the big management platforms, and you even know a fair bit about a few critical applications. […]
The post Programming 101 for Network Engineers – Why Bother? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Steven Iveson.
I recently completed a challenging upgrade on a pair of production F5 3600s running 10.2.0, going to 11.2.1 running the LTM module. In hindsight, it shouldn’t have been a challenging upgrade, but that was due to the things I learned along the way. Lessons Learned License reactivation. The upgrade document doesn’t say much about this. […]
The post Upgrading F5 BIGIP HA Pair from v10 to v11 – Ethan’s Notes appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is revolutionizing the traditional networking approaches that have become too complex, closed, proprietary and/or difficult to program. The technology has the potential to enable network innovation by allowing network owners and operators more control of their infrastructure, thus allowing customization, optimization, and the reduction in overall capital and operational expenses. SDN […]
The post ONS 2013 Brings Together The Entire SDN Ecosystem on April 15-17 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Sponsored Blog Posts.
This article is meant to serve in part as an appendix to my previous post on PacketPushers.net. Therefore, please take a moment to read this introduction of Sakura Internet’s DDoS detection and mitigation app if you haven’t already. At Sakura, we are in the process of implementing source-and-destination-based DDoS packet filtering that should be effective and […]
The post Wanted: OpenFlow Switch With ofp_action To Modify The Destination L3 Address appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Tamihiro Yuzawa.
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is the buzzword on the mind of every player in the networking and telecom ecosystem; promises to revolutionize networking as we know it and will affect service provider networks, cloud networks and enterprise networks. Open Networking Summit (ONS) 2013 is the premier conference for SDN and Open Flow and has established […]
The post Come to ONS 2013 April 15-17 & Plug-in to SDN appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Sponsored Blog Posts.
Nuage Networks announces their Virtualised Services Platform and shows that SDN Networking is closer than you think. VSP is a multi-layer solution with a SDN app, controller & network agent with some technical chops. It's derived from Alcatel-Lucent's Service Routers and offers multi-data centre networking that's fully integrated with your MPLS WAN ? Find out more in the very first Packet Pushers Sponsored White Paper where we scratch it's technical under belly.
The post Nuage Networks VSP – Delivers SDN in a Big Way – White Paper – Sponsored appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.