We geeks love our tech. Really love it. I mean…really, really get down deep into a technology, decide it’s the best thing ever, and then wave the flag around high. Make the wallpaper. Wear the t-shirt. Evangelize the ignorant. Shout down the naysayers. Mock the competitors. Fan the flames of rivalry. Linux vs. Microsoft. Mac […]
The post Don’t Alienate Your Co-Workers With Your Passion appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
One of the more useful ways to find out what is happening in the real world of network monitoring and troubleshooting is to have a look through some of the many on line forums that exist. Spiceworks Community and SolarWinds Thwack are examples but there are many more. Here you can spot trends as to […]
I hope to clear the air on what a vendor certificate (or any certificate, such as a degree/diploma/etc) is, and is not. Too many times have I heard/seen people place too little or too much stock in the single piece of paper. What a certificate is A certificate, simply put, is proof that on a […]
The post The Value of Certifications appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ken Matlock.
At Cisco Live US 2013, we were able to get together a nice group of folks to share their opinions on the announcements we found most interesting. You’ll know some of them from Tech Field Day, an event Greg and I have been a part of several times. This show is good conversation with smart […]
The post Show 153 – Cisco Live 2013 Roundtable Discussion with Tech Field Day appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
In the mood for some self analysis and reflection around your career and your employer? Good. I’ve strong feelings about employment in general and even stronger ones around balancing it with your personal life (I wouldn’t dare say private any more) and making work work for you. I’m definitely in the work to live camp. […]
The post Your Career – Enemies Within and Without appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Steven Iveson.
This morning I read an article in which the writer thought that wireless security was too inconvenient and difficult, so he simply disabled it, leaving his network wide open. He was tired of his complex password being too hard for guests to use and made the comparison that they didn’t have to use these kinds […]
The post Network Security and the N00b Meter appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Mrs. Y.
This Masterclass article series aims to provide in-depth technical information on the installation, usage and operation of the classic and supremely popular tcpdump network traffic analysis program including alternatives, running tcpdump as a process, building expressions, understanding output and more. I’ve covered the Basics and Parameters previously and here I move on to filter Expressions; […]
The post Masterclass – Tcpdump – Expressions appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Steven Iveson.
At the beginning of 2013 I was asked to join the Juniper Ambassador team; essentially an outreach program to those active in social channels including the J-Net community. Whilst I was appreciative of the vendor swag; it wasn’t until the community manager had the bright idea for us to collaborate on a book did it […]
The post Ambassadors Cookbook for Enterprise now available appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Glen Kemp.
We’ve all been there – a recent re-org or maybe your boss gets promoted or your boss leaves and you end up with a new manager. As I have mentored people over the years, I’d say that the most common reaction is “Crud! I have to start over.” But once you get past that moment […]
The post You have a new manager – now what do you do? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Michael Bushong.
I spend a lot of time commuting. During that commute, I listen to technical podcasts and lots of different leadership and career oriented audio books. One of the topics that experts seem to have differing opinions on is defining what is good enough. I’ve heard many refer to Nike’s ad campaign, Just Do It, and […]
The post The Illusion of Perfection appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Paul Stewart.
Recently the New York Times posted an article stating that while Edward Snowden was at the NSA, he learned to be a hacker by taking a CEH course and getting the certification. But the certification, listed on a résumé that Mr. Snowden later prepared, would also have given him some of the skills he needed […]
The post Snowden Media Douchebaggery appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Mrs. Y.
The Cisco ASA firewall has supported multiple security contexts since version 7 was released in 2005. This feature allows you to configure multiple independent logical firewalls in the same ASA hardware. When version 8.5(1) released in July 2011, support was added for mixed mode firewalls in which both routed and transparent contexts can reside on […]
The post Cisco ASA Virtualization with Mixed-Mode Security Contexts appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Eyvonne Sharp.
Ethan Banks and Greg Ferro are joined by Brent Salisbury for a discussion with Cisco’s Nexus-geek-at-large Ron Fuller about a whole lot of things happening in the Cisco data center product line in this sponsored edition of the Packet Pushers Podcast. First up, we review the announcement from the previous Cisco Live (London 2013) about […]
The post Show 152 – Nexus Announcements from Cisco Live 2013 with Ron Fuller – Sponsored appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
Get ready for another nerdilicious episode of Healthy Paranoia featuring Andrew Case, digital forensics researcher and a core developer for the Volatility Framework. Liam Randall joins Mrs. Y. as they discuss topics such as: The difference between forensics and incident response. Malware analysis vs. reverse engineering. Why you should treat a compromised system like a […]
The post Healthy Paranoia Show 14: Digital Forensics and Incident Response with Andrew Case appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Mrs. Y.
In this show recorded in a small little room with a great big fan (which we were mostly able to edit out) in the “Meet the Expert” lounge at Cisco Live 2013 in Orlando, Packet Pushers Greg Ferro and Ethan Banks discuss Cisco’s UCS Director product (formerly Cloupia) with folks from the UCS Director team. […]
The post PQ Show 28 – UCS Director Overview – Sponsored appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
Cisco eXtensible Network Controller (XNC) can provide greater business agility, through a cost-effective, scalable, Software-Defined Network (SDN)-based approach to traffic monitoring. What is the XNC? What’s it for? Comparing XNC Controller to OpenDaylight. What’s the same? What’s a value-add? What are the northbound capabilities of XNC? Southbound? Let’s give some examples of what we can […]
The post PQ Show 27 – Cisco XNC Controller – First Look – Sponsored appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
I spent most of last week at Cisco Live. This is a large and well-known technology conference. While attending the keynote sessions, I kept wondering how many people take the time to future-proof themselves. I know we all have a lot of work just educating ourselves on the technology of today. However, I have to […]
The post Preparing For Technology Trends appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Paul Stewart.
No, this isn’t SDN-related, I mean the soft skills. The interpersonal skills. The skills that will help you get ahead in your career. This is my opinion on the matter, so take it all with a huge grain of salt. The biggest thing that a lot of people forget is that there’s more […]
The post The value of Soft Skills appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ken Matlock.
I’m the technical guy in the room, but yes, you could call me a salesperson if you were feeling vicious. I work with many vendors and my job in Technical Pre-Sales is to pitch their solutions to the Enterprise network administrator. Some vendors have amazing products, some of them not so much. Walking the line […]
The post The Realpolitik of technical pre-sales appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Glen Kemp.
This Masterclass article series aimes to provide in-depth technical information on the installation, usage and operation of the classic and supremely popular tcpdump network traffic analysis program including alternatives, running tcpdump as a process, building expressions, understanding output and more. I’ve covered the Basics previously, will cover Parameters here, then filter Expressions and finally Interpreting Output. […]
The post Masterclass – Tcpdump – Parameters appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Steven Iveson.