So, there I was, innocently browsing the OpenDaylight wiki after listening to Show 148 – Talking With OpenDaylight Leadership when I came across the OpenDaylight Command Line Interface page. I’ve not gone through the entire 118 pages (if I were to print it) worth of content, but I’ve scanned through a fair chunk and read the CLI Concepts section in […]
The post The Attributes of a Great CLI appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Steven Iveson.
Cisco Live is a wonderful opportunity to meet people and have in-depth technical discussions. For me, I find this event to be a great venue to finally see those that I have had numerous online interactions with. It serves as a way to elevate these relationships to a new level. In John’s article entitled “Build […]
The post Networking at Cisco Live for Your Technical Career appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Paul Stewart.
I’ve just passed a year of my job working at a smallish non-profit, and one part that I really am enjoying is passing on knowledge to the front-line staff. This week, there was an interesting case, and I had to explain to my colleagues what was happening and why. So, I did a little demo, and […]
The post Fun With Unmanaged Switches + Port Security appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Matthew Mengel.
I’ve a few things to thank Ivan for this last week. First off, this post led me to some great career-related articles and really got me thinking on the subject. Also, should I ever feel the need, I can now don my smarty pants, slip on my clever clogs and impress those around me by somehow […]
The post You’ve Changed – SDN’s Casualties appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Steven Iveson.
Welcome to another lofty episode of Healthy Paranoia where we take on the profound problem of security certifications, specifically the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). Joining Mrs. Y and Greg Ferro is an illustrious cast of infosec luminaries, including; well-known security analyst Wendy Nather, founder Grecs, IPv6 fanatic Joe Klein, and the enigmatic […]
The post Healthy Paranoia Show 13: To CISSP, Or Not To CISSP appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Mrs. Y.
When I refreshed my pod catcher today, I found that Packet Pushers had just released an episode that deals with career issues. This particular episode is a discussion between Greg Ferro and two less experienced technicians. Of these two gentleman, one has two years of experience and the other has only about one year of […]
The post Packet Pushers Show 149 – Discussion of Real World Problems with Entry Techs appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Paul Stewart.
A common discussion in the Packet Pushers Forums and on the #packetpushers IRC channel is questions about career development, focus and doing a good job. These are always good discussions so Greg invited Giulio Chiappini - @its_gcand Jon Garrison – @jpwgarrison to bring their questions & Greg’s does his best to give a perspective, opinions and ideas on worklife as a […]
The post Show 149 – Questions on the Sweet Spot for the Network Engineer Career appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
I make no secret of my love for Seth Godin and his amazing insight into the world. Besides being a marketing genius, he’s like Ockham’s Razor in getting to the essence of a problem. Take today’s posting, which really resonated with me, because it seems to reflect my own frustration with a common problem in […]
The post Information Hoarders appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Mrs. Y.
I wanted to take just a moment and share a video that one of my twitter friends shared with me. This video is of the final stage of the interview process and outlines the negotiation required to come to a mutually agreeable compensation level. Of key importance, it highlights several items that should be understood […]
The post Salary Negotiation For Technical Jobs appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Paul Stewart.
[This content was originally published on] Have you ever sat at your desk repeating the same task again and again, getting that groundhog day feeling. Arrrghhh, this is so inefficient someone should automate this. I could even do it myself with five days of focussed work. Sadly, you don’t have five days and the […]
The post How much are you worth per hour appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by John Harrington.
As an introvert, I don’t like ice breakers or team building exercises at team meetings. Building the team camaraderie is done slowly over time with peers you work with. Daily interactions during work help build that as engineers learn to trust each other. What about for a team that does not interact with each other […]
The post Teamwork in a Disconnected Environment appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Charles Galler.
Companies are Systems for Making Money We’ve all heard corporate leadership speak about ‘human resources’ and that ‘people are our most important asset’. This is true but the words ‘resource’ and ‘asset’ were carefully chosen. A resource is something to be mined for value. Please don’t be fooled into thinking that your company cares […]
The post Your Company Doesn’t Care About You appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by John Harrington.
The Packet Pushers are joined by Brent Salisbury of for a chat with some of the top brass on the OpenDaylight project’s Technical Steering Committee, Dave Meyer and Inder Gopal. “What’s OpenDaylight?” you ask. Why, it’s a consortium of vendors working together under the Linux Foundation umbrella to make an open source reference framework […]
The post Show 148 – Talking With OpenDaylight Leadership appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
At work, we’ve been getting ready to deploy a few different cluster technologies. One is a set of KVM hosts to offer VMaaS functionality to end users. Another is a CEPH cluster ( which is smart distributed storage. The third is a Hadoop cluster. Each of these initiatives popped up around the same time and […]
The post Network Design Challenge – Small Little Clouds appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Mike Kantowski.
Welcome to the fourth part of the Programming 101 for Network Engineers series and part two of the Basic Language Elements and Concepts article. The following overview of programming language elements and those found in part three will provide a good foundation that can be built upon as we move into other topics and the detail […]
The post Programming 101 for Network Engineers – Basic Language Elements & Concepts 2 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Continue reading
Your job hunt traditionally starts with websites like or However, some surveys suggest that between 70 to 80 percent of jobs are found through personal contacts and relationships. So why not spend your efforts building your relationships instead of surfing jobs sites? I can sense some of you getting uncomfortable already. Dont worry, […]
The post Build a Career with Relationships appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by John Harrington.
ScienceLogic has been getting the right kind of press recently – e.g. they were a winner of Best of Interop 2013 – Management & Monitoring, and Infoworld had some rather nice things to say. They’ve got some high-profile customers too, such as Fasthosts and Equinix. But what exactly is their product all about, and is it any […]
The post Review: ScienceLogic – One Network Management Tool To Rule Them All? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Lindsay Hill.
Recently Greg Ferro published an e-book for bloggers, “Arse First Method of Technical Blogging.” It has some great suggestions (although I’m not sure what an arse is), but after reading it, I realized it really doesn’t apply to security blogging. Without further ado, here are some of my tips for good infosec blog posts. 1. […]
The post Mrs. Y’s Rules for Security Bloggers appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Mrs. Y.
Grift’s like anything else, Roy. You don’t stand still. You either go up or down. Usually down, sooner or later. Lilly Dillon from “The Grifters” At Interop this month, every vendor had product sheets that claimed, “Now with SDN!” It’s the latest industry buzzword and I started to recall some previous one-hit wonders from the past. Remember […]
The post SDN: Savior or Grifter? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Mrs. Y.
Welcome to the third part of the Programming 101 for Network Engineers series. This is likely to be the most ‘straight up’ piece so far; all fact and almost no fun (but learning is right?). Sorry, but for now the comment and opinion need to be put aside as we get into some nitty-gritty. The following […]
The post Programming 101 for Network Engineers – Basic Language Elements & Concepts 1 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written Continue reading