
Category Archives for "Networking"

Starting a new series: AWS ABC’s

I’d be lying if I said that since starting my new job at Amazon Web Services (AWS), I wasn’t looking forward to writing about all the new things I was going to learn. Obviously there’s the technology and services that make up the platform itself. But there’s also the architectural best practices, the design patterns, and  answers to questions like “how does moving to the cloud improve my performance/security/reliability?”

Admittedly, I have a lot to learn. With my background being mostly in the network space for my entire career, stepping out of that and into a software and cloudy world means I’m ramping up on a lot of new skills and knowledge.

I believe I’m not the only one on this journey of learning and that, like me, there a lot of folks who are having to learn the basics of the cloud and specifically, AWS.

This has inspired me to start a new, open-ended series of blog posts that I’ve dubbed AWS ABC’s, targeted at people who have a lot of experiencing designing, operating, and architecting on-premesis systems but are now trying to up-skill by learning how to do the same in the cloud. These posts will Continue reading

Build and Deploy Functions to Cloudflare’s 152+ Data Centers with Serverless

Build and Deploy Functions to Cloudflare’s 152+ Data Centers with Serverless
Build and Deploy Functions to Cloudflare’s 152+ Data Centers with Serverless

We’re very excited to announce that Cloudflare Workers are now integrated into the Serverless framework as a serverless cloud provider! Serverless’ open source framework has become a must-have for many developers, and we want to make it as simple as possible to harness the power of Cloudflare’s distributed computing network.

Workers have become essential to the way people build applications on the web. The expressiveness of modern JavaScript combined with sub-30 second deploys to Cloudflare’s network of 152+ datacenters means that you can truly build your application into our global compute network. Up until this point, deploying Workers required doing all of your editing through our browser-based IDE or developing one’s own custom tooling on top of our API. But many developers have their own environments and are already familiar with the Serverless framework, so it seemed natural that we build first-class support for Workers into Serverless!

You can now define the entire structure and routing behavior of your Workers scripts in code and deploy them with ease using serverless deploy from your own development environment. Store configuration files in version control alongside your application code. And feel more confident testing your application with serverless invoke, a new way Continue reading

BFD – Sub-second Failure Detection

If there’s no BFD If you have two routers directly connected, like here: In this case, it is normal that one of them will remove the routes learned from the other if the other one goes down completely. It is because the link will go to down state and the routing protocol adjacency will disappear. If two routers are connected through an L2 device (switch) like down here: In this case, when one of them goes down, it will not take down the interface of the L3 neighbour (other router) because the switch will still work fine and it will

The post BFD – Sub-second Failure Detection appeared first on How Does Internet Work.

Software-defined data centers need MANO

Software-defined data-center (SDDC) networks hold the promise of quickly and automatically reallocating resources to best support applications without changing the underlying physical infrastructure, but they require the proper integration of management, automation and network orchestration (MANO).To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)

Software-defined data centers need MANO

Software-defined data-center (SDDC) networks hold the promise of quickly and automatically reallocating resources to best support applications without changing the underlying physical infrastructure, but they require the proper integration of management, automation and network orchestration (MANO).To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)

A quote from an Ex-Googler

I really like this paragraph, because almost everyone wants to imitate google. Why? well, the answer to that questions seems to be what everyone is missing!

Google’s solutions were built for scale that basically doesn’t exist outside of a maybe a handful of companies with a trillion dollar valuation. It’s foolish to assume that their solutions are better. They’re just more scalable. But they are actually very feature-poor. There’s a tradeoff there. We should not be imitating what Google did without thinking about why they did it. Sometimes the “whys” will apply to us, sometimes they won’t

The quote comes from Cloud Field Day 4, from Ben Sigelman of LightStep.

Thanks to Tom over at for the entire post!


Network Automation with Ansible for Undergraduate Students

Last year’s experiment generated so much interest that I decided to repeat it this year: if you’re an undergraduate or Master's student and manage to persuade us that you’re motivated enough to automate the **** out of everything, you’ll get a free seat in Ansible for Networking Engineers online course.

Interested? Check out the details, and apply before October 1st.

Too old? Please spread the word ;)

AWS ABCs — Logging Into a New EC2 Instance

Ok, you've just launched an Amazon EC2 instance (ie, a virtual machine) and you're ready to login and get to work. Just once teeeensy problem though… you have no idea how to actually connect to the instance!

This post will walk through how to log into brand new Linux/BSD and Windows instances (the steps are slightly different for different OS families).

Starting a new series: AWS ABCs

I'd be lying if I said that since starting my new job at Amazon Web Services (AWS), I wasn't looking forward to writing about all the new things I was going to learn. Obviously there's the technology and services that make up the platform itself. But there's also the architectural best practices, the design patterns, and answers to questions like “how does moving to the cloud improve my performance/security/reliability?” Admittedly, I have a lot to learn.

IDG Contributor Network: Migrating to the cloud Is a good start, but what you do next is critical

Today, it seems like every business is migrating to the cloud. And it’s true – nearly three in four businesses are using cloud solutions to augment traditional networking practices, with no signs of slowing down. The cloud’s potential has captured the attention of business leaders across nearly every industry, thanks to its promise of speed, scale and control. In fact, nine out of ten companies rely on the cloud to accelerate digital transformation and drive business growth.To read this article in full, please click here

Think Like an Engineer, not a Cheerleader

When you see a chart like this—

—you probably think if I were staking my career on technologies, I would want to jump from the older technology to the new just at the point where that adoption curve starts to really drive upward.

Over at ACM Queue, Peter J. Denning has an article up on just this topic. He argues that if you understand the cost curve and tipping point of any technology, you can predict—with some level of accuracy—the point at which the adoption s-curve is going to begin its exponential growth phase.

Going back many years, I recognize this s-curve. It was used for FDDI, ATM, Banyan Vines, Novell Netware, and just about every new technology that has ever entered the market.

  • There are technology jump points where an entire market will move from one technology to another
  • From a career perspective, it is sometimes wise to jump to a new technology when at the early stages of such a jump
  • However, there are risks invovled, such as hidden costs that prevent the jump from occurring
  • Hence, you need to be cautious and thoughtful when considering jumping to a new technology


The problem with this curve, Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: IoT alphabet soup: when should an enterprise use MQTT versus LWM2M?

There is tremendous interest from industrial enterprises to understand the nuances of the two most debated IoT data communications protocols: MQTT and LWM2M. MQTT and LWM2M are protocols that create a standard way to get device data to systems, platforms, applications, and other devices.Let’s talk a little about each protocol and when it’s best used in an enterprise IoT deployment.MQTT and when to use it Message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) is an ISO standard which describes a publish/subscribe (pub/sub) messaging protocol. Nearly all IoT platforms support MQTT communication, making it the de facto standard for device-to-platform IoT communication.To read this article in full, please click here