Company ABC is in process of configuring BGP Confederations between its sites. During a small transition period, there will be no BGP between R3 and R2, but instead only static routing. Have a look at the quiz and try answering the question !
There are many different personality traits found in individuals in our industry. One trait that I’ve found dominant in technical roles is that of introversion. This trait is one that often manifests itself by creating challenges with verbal communications. Depending on an individual’s role, or desired role, this can prevent a technology rockstar from reaching […]
The post The Importance of Effective Communication at Work appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Paul Stewart.
Back in the days of SUN Microsystem, Scott McNealy asked us to build a big F#@!ing Webtone Switch. At that time, the underlying pieces weren’t there but over last few years the possibilities have opened up. We now have the switch chips from Broadcom and Intel that switch at 1.2Tbps in H/W. From a OS view, 1.2 Tbps of switching at 300ns latency is great but the more amazing thing is PCIe as a control plane which allows 20-40Gbps of control plane B/W where you can change switch registers, L2/L3-tables, TCAMs, etc at nano-second rates.
So after more than three years of work and million lines of C code, the Pluribus Network’s engineering team has the switch chip under Crossbow control. For people who are not sure what I am talking about, in 2005 project Crossbow invented virtual switching inside a server hypervisor and introduced hardware based Virtual NICs and dynamic polling to get 40Gbps of bandwidth through a server OS. The details were published in “Crossbow: From Hardware Virtualized NICs to Virtualized Networks” in ACM Sigcomm VISA 09.
In the goal to benefit from merchent silicon ecosystem and orchestrate the entire infrastructure using Open source OS Continue reading
At Cisco Live 2013 in Orlando, Packet Pushers co-hosts Ethan Banks and Greg Ferro sat with Nexus 7000 champion Ron Fuller and network design expert Russ White to discuss how, when and why you might choose to deploy FabricPath, OTV, or LISP. In particular, we get into the specifics of what each protocol does, where […]
The post Show 155 – Integrating OTV, FabricPath & LISP – Sponsored appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.
It’s the latest dudilicious episode of Healthy Paranoia! This time we’ll be covering the topic of information sharing and analysis centers (ISAC), specifically in the research and educational networking sector, aka REN-ISAC. Joining Mrs. Y on this adventure into the land of dudeness is Wes Young, REN-ISAC Principal Security Engineer and Architect (El Duderino), Keith […]
The post Healthy Paranoia Show 15: The Dudes of REN-ISAC appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Mrs. Y.
A while back, I set about developing a modest configuration templating system for my employer. When I first joined the company, new network devices were being provisioned using configuration templates stored as Microsoft Word files, which, as you can imagine, was pretty painful. Each variable had to be identified and replaced by hand in a tedious and error-prone process. I wanted something better, but also cheap (or free) and simple. So I started building something.
To kick off my crazy project, I first decided to build a web application based on the Django Python framework (the same platform on which runs). Django and similar frameworks handle most of the mundane tasks involved in writing a web application and allow for rapid prototyping. It also includes a built-in administration interface for creating and manipulating data independent of the front-end user interface. I spun up a modest internal VM running...
Leadership in most companies is not really something explicitly practiced. Generally, a few people who are naturally inclined kind of do their thing while the rest of the leadership ranks sort of ignore the finer points of people management. But why is that the case? And how do you avoid being one of those leaders […]
The post You got promoted, now what? appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Michael Bushong.
We all know the archetype of the fanboy (or fangirl of course, however I will forthwith use zealot as a gender-neutral term). They expound upon the superiority of their favorite… whatever, and lambaste the competing product or products, and will hear of nothing that would contradict their conclusions. The battle the zealots fight are well known: […]
The post Confusing The Familiar with The Superior appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Tony Bourke.
There are two proposals floating around that are trying to address BGP origination hijacks (aka Pakistan vs. YouTube): RPKI and DNSSEC-based system. Ivan Pepelnjak joins Greg Ferro to talk about what is means for Networking. This show was recorded in January 2013 and it’s been delayed publishing. Please accept my apologies. Show Links Opinionated background […]
The post PQ Show 30 – RPKI DNSEC and Internet Security with Ivan Pepelnjak appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.