
Category Archives for "Russ White"

Do We Really Need a New BGP?

From time to time, I run across (yet another) article about why BGP is so bad, and how it needs to be replaced. This one, for instance, is a recent example.

It seems the easiest way to solvet this problem is finding new people—ones who don’t make mistakes—to work on BGP configuration, building IRR databases, and deciding what should be included in BGP? Ivan points out how hopeless of a situation this is going to be, however. As Ivan says, you cannot solve people problems with technology. You can hint in the right direction, and you can try to make things a little more sane, and a little less complex, but people cannot be fixed with technology. Given we cannot fix the people problem, would replacing BGP itself really help? Is there anything we could do to make things better?

To understand the answer to these questions, it is important to tear down a major misconception about BGP. The misconception?

BGP is a routing protocol.

BGP was not designed to be a routing protocol. It was designed to provide a loop free path through a series of independently operated networks, each with its own policy and business goals. In the Continue reading

‘net Neutrality Collection

I’ve run across a lot of interesting perspectives on ‘net Neutrality; to make things easier, I’ve pulled them onto a single page. For anyone who’s interested in hearing every side of the issue, this is a good collection of articles to read through.

The page is here.

Reaction: AT&T’s Paper on dNOS

The AT&T White Paper: What they get Right, what they get Wrong

AT&T recently published a paper on dNOS, an open, disaggregated, Network Operating System for any kind of hardware. They list three primary purposes for their effort at helping the networking industry build an open source dNOS:

  • To improve the rate of innovation and introduction of new features
  • To provide more flexibility in network design
  • To reduce costs where possible by taking advantage of purchasing “at scale”

How could disaggregation help with these three goals? The first of these, the rate of innovation, is really about packaging and perception, but we often forget that perception is a large part of innovation. If software developers always believe they must wait on the hardware, and hardware developers always feel like they must wait on the software, then the two teams develop an interlocking system that can slow down the pace at which either team can operate. One certain way to drive innovation is to break up such interconnected systems, allowing each one to use the features of the other in ways not originally intended, or drive the other team to create new features through competition. For instance, if the software team Continue reading

Pre-Order My Computer Networking Problems & Solutions Book And Save 40%

I co-authored Computer Networking Problems And Solutions with Russ White. The nice folks at are accepting pre-orders of the book and ebook at 40% off until December 16, 2017. Go get yourself a copy of this short 832 page read via this link containing all of InformIT’s titles coming soon.

Or, if you use the book’s product page instead of the “coming soon” link above, use code PREORDER to get the discount.

All “coming soon” titles on sale at InformIT:

Product Page for Computer Networking Problems & Solutions:

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