This is Ethan’s post I talk about in the video on value and social media.
The post Managing Attention appeared first on rule 11 reader.
The post Worth Reading: Enabling DNSSEC Validation appeared first on rule 11 reader.
The post Worth Reading: Partner or die appeared first on rule 11 reader.
The post Worth Reading: Digital advertising takes a hit appeared first on rule 11 reader.
The post Worth Reading: Value constrains us appeared first on rule 11 reader.
It is certainly true that DDoS and hacking are on the rise; there have been a number of critical hacks in the last few years, including apparent attempts to alter the outcome of elections. The reaction has been a rising tide of fear, and an ever increasing desire to “do something.” The something that seems to be emerging is, however, not necessarily the best possible “something.” Specifically, governments are now talking about attempting to “wipe out” the equipment used in attacks—
“Wiping out” (destroying?) a server because the owner cannot ensure the server will be used in a way the government agrees with—sounds like a good idea, right? And how do we make certain such laws are not extended to destroy the servers Continue reading
The post Worth Reading: Mind the gap appeared first on rule 11 reader.
The post Worth Reading: Cherry picker appeared first on rule 11 reader.
How well can you know each of these four systems? Can you actually know them in fine detail, down to the last packet transmitted and the last bit in each packet? Can you know the flow of every packet through the network, and every piece of information any particular application pushes into a packet, or the complete set of ever changing business requirements?
Obviously the answer to these questions is no. As these four components of the network combine, they create a system that suffers from combinatorial explosion. There are far too many combinations, and far too many possible states, for any one person to actually know all of them.
How can you reduce the amount of information to some amount a reasonable human can keep in their minds? The answer—as it is with most problems related to having too much information—is abstraction. In turn, what does abstraction really mean? It really means you build a model of the system, interacting with the system through the model, rather than trying to keep all the information about every subsystem, and how the subsystems interact, in your head. So for each subsystem of the entire system, you have a model you are Continue reading
The post Worth Reading: Who really has fast lanes? appeared first on rule 11 reader.
The post Worth Reading: Be careful what you wish for appeared first on rule 11 reader.
The perrienial question in network engeineering—or any engineering, really—is “what skill should I learn next? I take a shot at answering this question in this week’s video.
The post What Skill Should I Learn Next? appeared first on rule 11 reader.
The post Worth Reading: Coding is hard appeared first on rule 11 reader.
The post Worth Reading: Commodifying words appeared first on rule 11 reader.
The post Worth Reading: Domain names fade appeared first on rule 11 reader.