Reports indicate AWS support could be waning.
Service providers say 5G challenges require using NFV, SDN, and MEC.
The Colorado startup graduated from Techstars accelerator program this year.
One site in Chicago is already operational, and a second will come online this month.
Cohn has been a leader in open source SDN and NFV.
DNOS will be AT&T’s network operating system for white box.
The updated Go product uses a smaller device footprint to lower operating costs.
But power companies can be challenging tech partners.
Those looking to upgrade might want to check the fine print.
The updates include technology acquired from security startup Cyphort.
Detractors earlier called OpenContrail ‘faux-pen source.’
Lanner’s unique position with SD-WAN services sealed the partnership.
Juniper also announced Contrail as a platform for enterprise multi-cloud management.
Carrier is using ONAP to automate its data center tenant network provisioning.
Megaport claims to have the world’s first SDN-based elastic interconnection platform.
The recent KubeCon event and upcoming holidays influenced release timing.
It deployed Silver Peak’s SD-WAN.
Don't know the difference between LTE-M and NB-IoT? You’re not alone.
Thanks to rise of APIs IT organizations are crafting more modern approaches to data protection.
Big Mon uses a technology called GPRS tunneling protocol (GTP) to keep an eye on traffic.