Global cloud security spend predicted to hit $3.5B by 2021.
The company is likely an acquisition target.
China Telecom and Ericsson launch an IoT platform; QualiTest Group acquires Experior Group.
Nick McKeown helped SnapRoute get off the ground.
Kubernetes may have the most users, but it's not considered the de facto standard.
The problem is that the security and policy features are provider specific.
It uses nanotechnologies instead of silicon.
Public cloud data centers account for 61 percent of this spending.
Some view ONAP as "horrendously complex" to implement.
Rancher said the deal is its first managed service provider licensing model to a cloud service provider in Japan.
MEC is considered a key element of 5G.
Vendor community looks to avoid standards being forced onto the market.
The FTC doesn’t want the deal to quash competition with Cisco.
Juniper Research also predicts 5G revenue could top $269 billion by 2025.
ADVA has been on a streak of bolstering its optical networking and virtualization platforms.
The reshuffling could result in layoffs.
Nike used VMware Integrated OpenStack in conjunction with NSX to deploy applications in minutes.
AT&T buys Brocade's Vyatta assets; Cisco puts more focus on 'Meraki-fying' its software business.
Block Armour built its security using Hyperledger code.
UK-based insurance group RSA is a customer.