It's a bunch of existing security services and software bundled together to target IoT security.
SD-WAN Go will complement Silver Peak's SD-WAN offering sold by Masergy.
In-house trial delivered 80 Gb/s aggregate bandwidth over a single fiber strand.
Its enterprise-grade security product will launch this summer.
Nokia will essentially become an Apple supplier.
49% of respondents will consider open-source MANO when it's more mature.
The service launch builds on the past deal with Ciena Blue Planet.
The platform makes it easier to scale out AWS cloud operations.
Web-scale computing services are making their way to the enterprise.
Company is leveraging its control plane expertise.
Connectivity options now include support for other providers.
Stability for the next Kubernetes version is expected with future releases.
The sheer size of the fund dwarfs other global tech investment rounds.
Connectivity can be delivered through satellite, cable, fiber, and LTE.
More than 1K enterprises will use intent-based networking by 2020.
It will open data centers in Johannesburg and Cape Town in 2018.
The company's efforts have been bolstered by ability to name names in recent deals.
HPE reaches milestone in The Machine research project; Nokia's new machine learning abilities.
AT&T expects to surpass its previous 75% SDN control target before 2020.
The ‘800-pound identity management gorilla’ jumps into core security vendor market.