Demisto's platform automates triage among third-party security tools.
Azure Stack is due to reach production midyear.
The OpenFog Consortium delineates differences between fog and mobile edge computing.
Both companies are based in Finland.
Hyperconverged infrastructure requires IT organizations to consider a scale out architecture.
Arista is trying to start a grass-roots standards effort for 800 Gb/s optics.
Azure customers get a bit of indemnity.
Arista has at least one friend in the US government.
AT&T, IBM, Palo Alto Networks, Symantec, and Trustonic are members.
It also interoperates with 15 different VNFs.
As open source NFV technologies mature, the rate of adoption should soar in 2017.
About 275 employees will be impacted by the cuts.
Biggest announcement ever! (In terms of volume.)
Google has paused its Fiber initiative.
The deal gives Mesosphere exposure to HPE's enterprise clients.
Sindhu will stick around as chief scientist.
Organizations must build key programming skills in their network engineers.
10-year-old company starts watching devices from afar.
5G will also generate 30 GB of data per month.
Another step toward automating the private cloud.