It joins the club of telco equipment makers seeking top IT talent.
The company needs to embrace open source and analytics to thrive.
It can't do 'zero to 60' but it can rev up the IoT network edge.
Because NFV is just too complicated for end users.
You get agility through cloud by making the cloud self-service.
Carrier SDN can drive 25% more revenue generating services.
AWS goes open source with Blox and seriously revs up Lambda.
Kevin Johnson (ex-Juniper) gets a promotion; American Airlines picks IBM Cloud.
It is worth recalling that not all things are created equal.
It will incorporate the technology with its Contrail platform.
Many operators conduct technology trials in hope that the results will contribute to the 5G standard.
This pure-play security company has been around for 28 years.
The biggest security concern of the moment gets some AWS attention.
It worked with Versa Networks & Silver Peak.
The software supports LPWA technologies like LoRa and Sigfox.
Who might buy Brocade's IP Business?; Q&A with Kelly Ahuja.
HPE and Nokia's joint IoT offering will be available in early 2017.
The NV market continues to grow and evolve, supporting many different technologies and vendor platforms as customers look for the right mix.
HPE isn't exiting the cloud, just handing off some technologies to someone else.
It’s becoming clear that a smarter NIC will be crucial to white boxes built for NFV and SDN applications.