In the move to the telco cloud, there are some crucial considerations in NFVI components selection.
It only deployed a single instance of the virtual router as proof of its viability.
There is also a security aspect to this new capability.
The Amplify platform starts a new era, the French company claims.
The San Diego firm expects strong growth in fiscal 2017 thanks to its acquisition of NXP.
Intel Security will soon adopt the name McAfee entirely.
Broadcom strengthens its enterprise storage portfolio.
CTO Singh leaves Cisco, Why Google's Network Needs 5 Controllers, and Top 10 Acquisitions.
Dumping Brocade's IP assets would eliminate a key concern of investors.
Unstore your data, Cisco says.
Welcome Voyager, the white-box transponder.
Step One: Take the network out of it.
Roland Acra is back for a third stint.
Momentum is building as more operators test NB-IoT.
Legacy apps and security are two of the big-ticket items.
Or perhaps Broadcom is being used as a stalking horse.
It's Take 2 for the open source switching project.
Over 90% of Microsoft's servers are based on OCP.
CenturyLink becomes a major fiber player.
ECOMP is involved too, of course.