Because Watson can't do it all.
Distil CEO mentions they are looking into another small acquisition.
AT&T Unveils Network Functions on Demand in 76 Countries, Former Cisco Executives Form Startup, Google Joins CORD.
Secure-hosting specialist Armor reaches into other clouds.
Netflix contributes its Fenzo open source code to Apache Mesos.
There's a growing effort to create stateful containers.
Verizon is likely buying the company for its customers, not its technology.
Organizations that embrace a two-tier network architecture will be more likely to thrive in the future.
Network virtualization (NV) is starting to blur the lines between the LAN and the WAN.
Savvius' Vigil 2.0 will complement IBM QRadar in archiving suspicious network traffic.
Although container technology has been around for more than a decade, the market is ripe for startups.
Although container technology has been around for more than a decade, the market is ripe for startups.
Someone out there might be ready to pull another Dell.
Huawei's new U.S. boss, ETSI's NFV renewal, and more.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Hyperconvergence can have a huge impact on the delivery of cloud infrastructure.
AWS' profitability climbed in Q2 as well.
Aternity currently monitors more than 1.7 million mobile, virtual, and desktop workforce devices.
Network monitoring could be ripe for startups.
ABI predicts machine-learning data analytics tools and services will be a $20 billion business by 2021.