Assume, for a moment, that you have a configuration something like this—
Some host, A, is sending queries to, and receiving responses from, a database at C. An observer, B, has access to the packets on the wire, but neither the host nor the server. All the information between the host and the server is encrypted. There is nothing the observer, B, can learn about the information being carried between the client and the server? Given the traffic is encrypted, you might think… “not very much.”
A recent research paper published at CCS ’16 in Vienna argues the observer could know a lot more. In fact, based on just the patterns of traffic between the server and the client, given the database uses atomic operations and encrypts each record separately, it’s possible to infer the key used to query the database (not the cryptographic key). The paper can be found here. Specifically:
We then develop generic reconstruction attacks on any system supporting range queries where either access pattern or communication volume is leaked. These attacks are in a rather weak passive adversarial model, where the untrusted server knows only the underlying query distribution. In particular, to perform our attack Continue reading
This pure-play security company has been around for 28 years.
Having once granted the right to vote on equal terms, the State may not, by later arbitrary and disparate treatment, value one person's vote over that of another.Lessig cites the principle of "one person one vote", but in a new and novel way. He applies in an arbitrary way that devalues some of the votes that have already been cast. Specifically, he claims that votes cast for state electors should now be re-valued as direct votes for a candidate.
The biggest security concern of the moment gets some AWS attention.
How Does Internet Work - We know what is networking
QKD – Quantum key distribution is the magic part of quantum cryptography. Every other part of this new cryptography mechanism remains the same as in standard cryptography techniques currently used. By using quantum particles which behave under rules of quantum mechanics, keys can be generated and distributed to receiver side in completely safe way. Quantum mechanics principle, which describes the base rule protecting the exchange of keys, is Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that it is impossible to measure both speed and current position of quantum particles at the same time. It furthermore states that the state of observed particle will change if and
At Cumulus Networks, we take a lot of pride in the fact that web-scale networking using Cumulus Linux can have an immense impact on an organization’s ability to scale, automate and even reduce costs. However, we know that efficiency and growth are not the only things our customers care about.
In fact, many of our customers are interested first and foremost in the security of web-scale networking with Cumulus Linux. Many conclude that a web-scale, open environment can be even more secure than a closed proprietary one. Keep reading to learn more or scroll to the bottom to check out our infographic “The network security debate: Web-scale vs. traditional networking”
Keep an eye out for next month's executive moves and changes.
The post On the ‘Net: BGP Security, LACNOG 26 appeared first on 'net work.
The company says its platform reduces manual processes and false alarms.
It is expensive to have a security team, and not all open source projects can afford it.
technology is more important than policy as a way to protect our libertiesIn other words, if you don’t want the government spying on you, then focus on using encryption (use Signal) rather than trying to change the laws so they can’t spy on you.
How can network operators make IoT service profitable?
Nubeva has three features that it claims differentiates itself from competitors.
The company claims more than 80 NFV product deployments.
Yet again, the stock dives after Palo Alto beats expectations.
The deal includes LifeLock's colorful history, like it or not.
Dyn made headlines in October when it was targeted in a DDoS attack that caused widespread outages.
Reverse shell is technique when a client connects to a server and the client provides its shell to the server. Clients is typically a host hidden behind the NAT or a firewall having an access to the server but not vice versa. Thanks to a reverse shell the server controls a client's shell having an access to the client's network even the client is hidden behind the NAT. They are several methods how to create a reverse shell used depending on software available on the client. I will show how to create a reverse shell using SSH, Ncat and Bash.
Picture 1 - Network Topology
Picture 1 shows our testing topology. The client (Ubuntu Server 16.04) is located behind the NAT with the IP address The server (Kubuntu 16.04) has assigned the IP address
1. Reverse Shell Using SSH Reverse Tunnel
This method is based on the fact that the client has knowledge of the server SSH login credentials and vice versa. SSH server must be running on both the server and client. Client must be allowed to access server through firewall.
$ ssh -R 10000: [email protected]. Continue reading
Welcome to Technology Short Take #73. Sorry for the long delay since the last Technology Short Take; personal matters have been taking quite the toll (if you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know to what personal matters I’m referring). In any case, enough of that—here’s some data center-related content that I hope you find useful!