
Category Archives for "Docker Blog"

Register Now for the Docker 1.12 Hackathon

With the recent announcement of Docker 1.12, we are happy to announce that today marks the first day of the Docker 1.12 Hackathon! Now that the hackathon is open for registration, participants are encouraged to hack using the new features included in Docker 1.12 including: Swarm Mode, the Service Deployment API, and the built-in routing mesh.

For the Docker 1.12 Hackathon, we are using a platform called DevPost, which allows participants to review the rules, submit their hacks, view other hacks, participate in and start discussions, and easily find other participants with similar interests or complementary skills to join forces with! Submissions are due on Monday, July 25th followed by a week-long judging period.

The judging panel for the Docker 1.12 Hackathon include three Docker Captains and two Docker employees:

  • Phil Estes – Docker Captain and Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM Cloud Open Technologies
  • Arun Gupta – Docker Captain and VP of Developer Relations at Couchbase
  • Laura Frank – Docker Captain and Senior Engineer at Codeship
  • Mano Marks – Director of Developer Relations at Docker
  • Mike Coleman – Technical Evangelist at docker


Each of our five judges will assign a rating of 1-5 Continue reading

How Docker for Mac helps me sleep better at night

My name is Matt Aimonetti, I’m the co-founder and CTO of Splice. At Splice, we built a cloud platform for music producers, this platform is made of elements engineers often take for granted. We invented version control for music, a distributed collaboration flow and a subscription based marketplace for samples, loops presets and MIDI. All that without changing the creation tools musicians already know and like.

I’m a developer and an entrepreneur, the last thing I want to worry about are ops concerns.

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Building serverless apps with Docker

Every now and then, there are waves of technology that threaten to make the previous generation of technology obsolete.  There has been a lot of talk about a technique called “serverless” for writing apps. The idea is to deploy your application as a series of functions, which are called on-demand when they need to be run. You don’t need to worry about managing servers, and these functions scale as much as you need, because they are called on-demand and run on a cluster.

But serverless doesn’t mean there is no Docker – in fact, Docker is serverless. You can use Docker to containerize these functions, then run them on-demand on a Swarm. Serverless is a technique for building distributed apps and Docker is the perfect platform for building them on.

From servers to serverless

So how might we write applications like this? Let’s take our example a voting application consisting of 5 services:


This consists of:

  • Two web frontends
  • A worker for processing votes in the background
  • A message queue for processing votes
  • A database

The background processing of votes is a very easy target for conversion to a serverless architecture. In the voting app, we can run a Continue reading

Introducing the Docker Store Private Beta

We are very excited to announce the private beta of Docker Store, a marketplace for trusted and validated dockerized software – free, open source and commercial.  

Our goals with Docker Store are designed around bringing Docker users and ecosystem partners together.

  • Provide a scalable self-service system for ISVs to publish and distribute trusted and enterprise-ready content
  • Provide a publishing process that validates software quality, including; security scanning, component inventory, the open-source license usage and use of best practices in image construction.
  • Provide enterprise users with compliant, commercially supported software from trusted and verified publishers, that is packaged as Docker images.  
  • We’ve added powerful search and browsing capabilities, including categorization.

The use and creation of dockerized content has grown exponentially in the last couple of years.  This demand on content and the expanded use of Docker within the enterprise naturally led to the need for more content, entitlement, visibility into security profiles and compliance.


Docker Store builds on the Official Images and the popularity of the Docker Hub for community  content by providing an official marketplace that provides workflows for those who wish to create and distribute content and those that wish to download content to build their Continue reading

Docker Datacenter in AWS and Azure in a few clicks

Introducing Docker Datacenter AWS Quickstart and Azure Marketplace Templates production-ready, high availability deployments in just a few clicks.

The Docker Datacenter AWS Quickstart uses a CloudFormation templates and pre-built templates on Azure Marketplace to make it easier than ever to deploy an enterprise CaaS Docker environment on public cloud infrastructures.

The Docker Datacenter Container as a Service (CaaS) platform for agile application development provides container and cluster orchestration and management that is simple, secure and scalable for enterprises of any size. With our new cloud templates pre-built for Docker Datacenter, developers and IT operations can frictionlessly move dockerized applications to an Amazon EC2 or Microsoft Azure environment without any code changes. Now businesses can quickly realize greater efficiency of computing and operations resources and Docker supported container management and orchestration in just a few steps.


What is Docker Datacenter?

Docker Datacenter includes Docker Universal Control Plane, Docker Trusted Registry (DTR), CS Docker Engine with commercial support & subscription to align to your application SLAs:

  • Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP), an enterprise-grade cluster management solution that helps you manage your whole cluster from a single pane of glass
  • Docker Trusted Registry (DTR), an image storage solution that helps securely store and manage the Docker Continue reading

Docker for the Enterprise with Docker Datacenter

Businesses today are digital and fundamentally powered by applications – software that drives revenue, engages with customers and runs their operations. The process of making that software has, until recently, been long and cumbersome.  The addition of Docker and containerization, a new software supply chain is enabled to bring agility, portability and control together into the enterprise.  From security and compliance to shipping more software faster to migrating workloads around sites for the best cost to performance ratio, Docker Datacenter is helping businesses transform their software supply chain.

At DockerCon in Seattle, business of all sizes are sharing their stories Dockering for transformation in development, CI and production environments for all kinds of apps.  In this post, I wanted to highlight those companies who are using Docker Datacenter.


HealthDirect Australia: Docker in Production, Look No Hands!

Healthdirect Australia was a long time open source Docker user who in the last year transitioned to a Docker Datacenter environment to gain the benefit of having out of the box integrations of a full Docker supported stack.  Scott Coulton, the lead architect (and also Docker Captain and DockerCon speaker!) is the driving force behind deploying and running the applications Continue reading

Docker 1.12: Now with Built-in Orchestration!

Three years ago, Docker made an esoteric Linux kernel technology called containerization simple and accessible to everyone.  Today, we are doing the same for container orchestration. 

Container orchestration is what is needed to transition from deploying containers individually on a single host, to deploying complex multi-container apps on many machines. It requires a distributed platform, independent from infrastructure, that stays online through the entire lifetime of your application, surviving hardware failure and software updates. Orchestration is at the same stage today as containerization was 3 years ago.  There are two options: either you need an army of technology experts to cobble together a complex ad hoc system, or you have to rely on a company with a lot of experts to take care of everything for you as long as you buy all hardware, services, support, software from them. There is a word for that, it’s called lock-in.

Docker users have been sharing with us that neither option is acceptable. Instead, you need a platform that makes orchestration usable by everyone, without locking you in. Container orchestration would be easier to implement, more portable, secure, resilient, and faster if it was built into the platform.

Starting with Docker 1.12, Continue reading

Announcing the Docker for Mac and Windows Public Beta

Back in March, we launched a private beta for a new ambitious project called Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows. Our major goal was to bring a native Docker experience to Mac and Windows, making it easier for developers to work with Docker in their own environments. And thousands agreed. Over thirty thousand applied in the first 24 hours. And by last week, we let in over seventy thousand.

And now all you need to get started developing is Docker and a text editor. No more installing dependencies and runtimes just to debug applications.

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Introducing the Docker for AWS and Azure Beta

Today, we’re excited to announce Docker for AWS and Docker for Azure: the best ways to install, configure and maintain Docker deployments on AWS and Azure.

Our goals for Docker for AWS and Azure are the same as for Docker for Mac and Windows:

  • Deploy a standard Docker platform to ensure teams can seamlessly move apps from developer laptops to Docker staging and production environments, without risk of incompatibilities or lock-in.
  • Integrate deeply with underlying infrastructure to make sure Docker takes advantage of the host environment’s native capabilities and exposes a familiar interface to administrators.   
  • Deploy the Docker platform to all the places where you want to run containerized apps, simply and efficiently and at no extra cost.
  • Make sure the latest and greatest Docker versions are available for the hardware, OSs, and infrastructure you love, and provide solid upgrade paths from one Docker version to the next.

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Introducing Experimental Distributed Application Bundles

The built-in orchestration features announced today with Docker 1.12 will revolutionize how IT teams build, ship and run containerized apps. With Docker 1.12, developers and ops now share a set of simple and powerful APIs, tools, and formats for building agile delivery pipelines that ship software from development through CI to production in the cloud with Docker for AWS and Azure.

To facilitate that revolution, we’re introducing Distributed Application Bundles—an experimental open file format for bundling up all the artifacts required to ship and deploy multi-container apps: a DAB contains a description of all the services required to run the application and details images to use, ports to expose, and the networks used to link services.

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DockerCon Cool Hack Challenge: Tyrion Cannister Neural Style GUI

As students at Holberton School, a software engineering school based in San Francisco, Siphan and I are exposed to lots of exciting technology! The main goal of the school is to produce full-stack engineers in two years. Although we are only four months into the program, we are already learning how to use the Docker platform.

A few weeks ago, we held our very first hackathon at school – and of course it was focused on Docker! The school’s founders (one of whom was an original member of the Docker marketing #boomteam) thought now was the perfect time for us to participate in a hackathon, so they teamed up with Docker to make it happen.

In the spirit of DockerCon, our guidelines were basically the same as those of DockerCon Cool Hack Challenge: make the most awesome things we could think of using Docker, and do it in ten hours. Cue the intense music.

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Announcing Our Next Docker Hackathon!

In just a couple of days, over four thousand people will be joining us in Seattle for DockerCon 2016 to learn from top practitioners, take part in hands-on labs, engage with Docker ecosystem innovators and meet others in the Docker Community.

We realize that attendees were bummed when we didn’t announce an in-person hackathon but we have been working hard to remedy this by organizing an online hackathon for participants to hack on the newest features and products coming out of DockerCon!

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Help Docker’s Initiatives to Promote Tech Diversity Including Bump Up at DockerCon

Docker is actively working to improve opportunities for women and underrepresented minorities throughout the global ecosystem and promote diversity in the larger tech community.

We’re proud to have contributed close to $100,000 in sponsorships, scholarships and complementary tickets to DockerCon. In addition to these funds, the Docker Team has launched and supports several ongoing initiatives with like-minded partners. Continue reading

Open Source at Docker, Part 3: The Tooling and Automation

The Docker open source project is among the most successful in recent history by every possible metric: number of contributors, GitHub stars, commit frequency, … Managing an open source project at that scale and preserving a healthy community doesn’t come without challenges.

This post is the last of a 3-part series on how we deal with those challenges on the Docker Engine project. Part 1 was all about the people behind the project, and part 2 focused on the processes. In Part 3, we will cover tooling and automation.

There are many areas for automation in a project such as Docker. We wanted to present and share some of our tooling with you: the CI, the utility bots, and the project dashboards.

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Using Docker Datacenter for Enterprise-Ready Orchestration – The SA Home Loans Story

Orchestration for dockerized applications in production has been a huge reason for why today’s enterprises have begun to leverage Docker Datacenter.

Universal Control Plane, the management layer of the Docker Container-as-a-Service platform delivers production-level orchestration. The tool enables enterprise IT ops teams to manage, deploy and scale their applications across their multi-node clusters. These clusters can be comprised of nodes that exist both in cloud providers like Azure and AWS as well as in the datacenter. Universal Control Plane comes with Docker Swarm embedded into it, giving it the power to create clusters and scale applications across their environment, regardless of infrastructure type, all with support from the Docker team.

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Open Forum Track at DockerCon 2016 Includes Curated and Open BoF Sessions and Panels!

Ready for another new addition to DockerCon this year?

The Open Forum track is brand new to this year’s conference agenda! This room is our unique version of hybrid Birds-of-a-Feather sessions and interactive panel discussions. The goal is for a highly interactive conversational room around some guided topics. Be sure to stop in at some point during the conference and let us know what you think!

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Docker and HPE: Accelerating modern app architectures in enterprise datacenters

Docker has evolved tremendously over the last 3 years to empower developers and IT operations teams to maintain greater control over their own environments without sacrificing agility. From an ops tool used by the original dotCloud team, to Docker’s commercially supported Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS) platform, Docker Datacenter (DDC), Docker has been at the forefront of this evolution.

Today we are excited to announce the next evolution in the Docker story providing enterprises with infrastructure optimized for the Docker platform with the leading provider of cloud infrastructure – Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). Together, Docker and HPE will deliver integrated and fully supported Docker ready HPE x86 servers, bundled with Docker’s commercially supported Engine (CS Engine) right out of the box.

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