We’re back again with a quick update to Galaxy. In the last release we did some cool things to make searching roles much easier. This release is a mini release focused on fixing a few bugs and adding minor enhancements we couldn’t squeeze into the last cycle.
Galaxy issues are tracked publicly at https://github.com/ansible/galaxy-issues. Here are the issues addressed in release 1.1.1:
#88 Role Data Should Show Last Modified Instead of Created Date
#86 `ansible-galaxy -r roles.txt` - Incorrect Example
#84 README.md Fails to Render When it Contains a Variable String Like
#82 "Sign in" Option Should Appear on Home Page Header
#81 Better Filter for RHEL/Centos -> EL in Platform Search
#53 Adding a Role Called "Ansible" Results in Un-named Role
#14 Add Galaxy support for Debian Jessie
#9 Periods in Role Names Cause Installs to Fail
As part of fixing issue #81, Better Filter for RHEL/Centos -> EL in Platform Search, we changed the way the new role filtering works. A lot of times you know what you’re looking for, and don’t want to wait for autocomplete suggestions. For example, you might be looking for a Platform value of ‘centos’. Typing Continue reading
Kolla provides production-ready containers and deployment tools for operating OpenStack clouds that are scalable, fast, reliable, and upgradable, using community best practices. Kolla entered the OpenStack Big Tent during the Liberty cycle by submitting Kolla to OpenStack technical committee oversight -- enabling the Kolla project and its contributors to have access to community resources such as marketing, technical resources, bi-yearly conference space and voting rights in the OpenStack Technical Committee election.
During the creation of the Kolla mission statement, we agreed as a community not to permit the selection of technology choices in our mission statement. Still: we knew we would choose Docker as our container runtime technology, and Ansible as our orchestration system. We made these choices not only because “that’s what all the cool kids are doing’ -- but also because they solve real technical problems for our problem domain. Docker solves our image management process and Ansible solves our multi-node deployment process. We could have chosen other technologies to solve these problems, but both Docker and Ansible do something orders of magnitude better than competitors: a complete and absolute focus on simplicity coupled with a high degree of capability.
Since a fundamental factor in outcome of Continue reading
Today at the OpenStack Summit in Tokyo, Rackspace announced Carina, a new containers-as-a-service offering that is currently in beta. I took a few minutes to sign up for Carina today and work with it for a little while, and here is a quick introduction.
First, if you’re at all unfamiliar with Docker and/or Docker Swarm, have a look at some of these articles off my site. They’ll help provide some baseline knowledge:
A Quick Introduction to Docker
Running a Small Docker Swarm Cluster
I point out these articles because Carina essentially implements hosted Docker Swarm clusters. You can use the Carina CLI tool (as I will in this article) to create one or more clusters, each of which will expose a Docker API endpoint (just like your own homegrown Docker Swarm cluster) against which you can run the Docker client.
Let’s take a quick look. These instructions assume that you’ve already created an account and downloaded the CLI tool from GitHub. I’m assuming you’re running Linux or OS X; the commands for Windows would be quite different than what I’ll show below.
First, you’ll need to set some environmental variables. I prefer to do this in a file that Continue reading
Mark Collier, COO of the OpenStack Foundation, takes the stage to kick things off. He starts with a story about meeting new people, learning new things, and sharing OpenStack stories, and encourages attendees to participate in all of these things while they are here at the Summit.
Mark then transitions into a discussion of Liberty (the latest release), and revisits Jonathan Bryce’s discussion of the new organizational model (“the Big Tent”). He specifically calls out Astara and Kuryr as new projects in the Big Tent model. Out of curiosity, he looked at development activity for all the various projects to see which project was the “most active”. It turns out that Neutron was the most active project across all of the various OpenStack projects. According to the user survey last year, 68% were running Neutron. In the most recent user survey, that number climbed to 89%—meaning the vast majority of OpenStack clouds in production are now running Neutron.
So why is networking (and Neutron) so hot right now? Mark believes that this is due to the increasing maturity of software-defined networking and network virtualization. Mark shows data from Crehan Research that states SDN is growing twice as fast as server Continue reading
This is a liveblog of the Day 1 keynote at the OpenStack Summit here in Tokyo, Japan. As is quite often the case at conferences like this, the wireless network is strained to its limits, so I may not be able to publish this liveblog until well after the keynote ends (possibly even later in the day).
After a brief introduction by one of the leaders of the OpenStack Japan User Group (I couldn’t catch his name), Jonathan Bryce takes the stage. Jonathan takes a few minutes to welcome the attendees, thank the conference sponsors, and go over some logistics (different hotels, meals, getting help, etc.). Jonathan announces the first individual certification for OpenStack—the Certified OpenStack Administrator. The certification test will be available starting in 2016. Not many details are given; I assume that more details will be released in the coming days and weeks.
Jonathan also takes a moment to talk about Liberty, the 12th release of OpenStack. Based on the features added, he feels that manageability, scalability, and extensibility were the key themes for Liberty. This leads Jonathan into a discussion of users and developers, sometimes (not beneficially) separated by sales and product management. Jonathan feels that Continue reading
Deploying OpenStack can be a challenging process, and securing it can be even more daunting. Fortunately, there's a new project in the OpenStack big tent that wants to make this process easier: openstack-ansible-security.
Securing an OpenStack deployment involves multiple levels of configuration:
The goal of openstack-ansible-security is to tackle the second level -- securing the host. A spec was proposed for the Mitaka release of OpenStack to secure OpenStack infrastructure hosts using the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG).
The STIG is a collection of best practices for securing a host and its services against common attacks. The collection is broken up into multiple sections, called categories. The STIG Viewer service makes these categories easier to review. The categories include:
These are meant to be stackable, so an extremely sensitive system would require categories 1, 2 and 3. Each STIG item provides a description of what needs to be changed, why it should be changed, how to change it, and Continue reading
Now that Ansible is a part of Red Hat, some people may wonder about the future of the Ansible project. Specifically, a few people have expressed concerns that Ansible may become more Red Hat-centric at the expense of other platforms or open source projects. Here is the good news: the Ansible community strategy has not changed.
As always, we want to make it as easy as possible to work with any projects and communities who want to work with Ansible. Now that we have the resources of Red Hat behind us, we plan to accelerate these efforts. We want to do more integrations with more open source communities and more technologies.
One of the reasons that Red Hat purchased Ansible in the first place was because Red Hat understands the importance of a broad and diverse community. Google “Ansible plus <open source project>” for nearly any project and you will find Ansible playbooks and modules and blog posts and videos and slide decks and all kinds of other information, all intended to make working with that project easier. We have thousands of people attending Ansible meetups and events all over the world. We have millions of users. We Continue reading
Welcome to Technology Short Take #55! Here’s hoping I’ve managed to find something of value and interest to you in this latest collection of links and articles from around the web on networking, storage, virtualization, security, and other data center-related technologies. Enjoy!
We began by searching for an orchestration and configuration management tool for our test lab, and we ended up with Ansible playbooks that we ship with our product.
Automation is a key tenet of our engineering team at AppFormix. Repetitive tasks are automated, such as those surrounding continuous integration, host configuration, maintenance, and backups. This saves time and allows us to document a task, which in turn enables others to understand, contribute, and use the automation. Our engineers spend their time creating our product that provides infrastructure performance optimization for cloud-based datacenters, leaving the mundane work to computers.
We began our automation with Python and Bourne shell scripts, since we were familiar with these languages. Such scripts worked great for a set of steps to perform on a single host, but become very complex when managing several hosts (like in a cloud). We used ssh, scp, and Fabric, but found it challenging to maintain configuration about every host and handle errors robustly.
As our engineering team and deployments grew in size, we needed a sustainable tool to configure our testbeds and deploy our software. We chose Ansible for a number of reasons, including:
We are really excited to announce the release of Galaxy 1.1. It’s only been a few short weeks since Galaxy 1.0 debuted, and here we are again!
This time we added some powerful enhancements to make searching Ansible roles a much better experience. With over 3,500 roles in Galaxy and more being added every day, it can be a real challenge to sift through platforms, categories and descriptions to find exactly what you need. In Galaxy 1.1 we solved this problem.
As the author of a role, you know better than we do how to describe the role and what terms users will search to discover the role. So to make describing roles better for authors and users, we replaced our limited set a categories with Galaxy Tags, allowing the author to add a list of free-form search terms to a role.
Let’s take a quick look at creating a role with Galaxy and using the new Galaxy Tags feature. We start by creating a role using the ansible-galaxy command line utility that comes installed with Ansible:
ansible-galaxy init ansible-role-myrole
This creates the following directory structure and some supporting files for the new role:
ansible-role-myrole/ Continue reading
In this post I’ll share a few commands I found for adding a network interface to an OpenStack instance after launching the instance. You could, of course, simply launch the instance with multiple network interfaces from the very beginning, but these commands are handy in case you messed up or in case the requirements for the instance changed after it was launched. Please note there’s nothing revolutionary or ground-breaking in the commands listed here; I’m simply trying to help share information in the event others will find it useful.
I tested these commands using OpenStack “Juno” with VMware NSX providing the networking functionality for Neutron, but (as you can tell if you check the articles in the “References” section) this functionality has been around for a while. These commands should work with any supported Neutron plug-in.
First, create the Neutron network port:
neutron port-create <Neutron network name>
If you want to attach a security group to the port (probably a good idea), then modify the command to look like this:
neutron port-create --security-group <Security group name>
<Neutron network name>
Note that you can add multiple --security-group
parameters to the command in order to specify multiple security groups on the Continue reading
This is something I’ve had the pleasure of organizing at VMworld over the last couple of years, and I’d like to start doing it at the OpenStack Summits as well. So, next week in Tokyo, I’d like to offer Christians attending the Summit the opportunity to gather together for a brief time of prayer before the day’s activities get started.
If you’re interested in attending, here are the details.
What: A brief time of prayer
Where: The pool outside the Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa (the pool outside the red building on this map of the Summit campus)
When: Tuesday, October 27 through Thursday, October 29, at 8:00 am each day (this should give you time to grab some breakfast before the keynotes and sessions start at 9:00 am)
Who: All courteous attendees are welcome, but please note that this will be a distinctly Christian-focused and Christ-centric activity. This is not to exclude anyone, but rather to focus on like-minded individuals. (I encourage believers of other faiths/religions to organize equivalent activities.)
Why: To spend a few minutes in prayer over the day, the Summit, and the other attendees gathered there
You don’t need to RSVP to let me know Continue reading
Regular readers of this site know that my wife, Crystal, organizes spouse activities (aka “Spousetivities”, like the combination of “spouse” and “activities”) at conferences. This year she’s adding activities in Tokyo, Japan, in conjunction with the Fall OpenStack Summit!
Here’s a quick look at what is planned:
More details on these activities is available on the Spousetivities site.
The activities are funded in part by VMware NSX and Blue Box (their sponsorship helps reduce the cost of activities for participants). If you have a loved one (spouse, domestic partner, family member, friend, whatever!) traveling with you to Tokyo, head on over to the registration page to get them signed up for some great activities while you’re at the Summit.