
Category Archives for "Systems"

Looking Ahead: My 2015 Projects

In this post, I’m going to discuss some projects that I’ve set out for myself in the upcoming year. I’ve done this in years past, and the feedback that I’ve gotten from readers is that they found these posts to be quite helpful.

I first started posting annual project lists in January 2012, when I posted a list of some projects for 2012. In January 2013, I graded myself on my progress (spoiler alert: I didn’t do very well), followed by a new 2013 project list in early February. The series of posts ends in January 2014 when I assessed my 2013 performance.

Here’s what I’m seeing for myself with regard to 2015 projects:

  1. Complete a new book. Having successfully transitioned the “Mastering VMware vSphere” series to Nick Marshall (who did an astounding job with the 5.5 release of the book), it’s time for me to get back into the book writing saddle. One of my projects for this coming year will be to complete a new book before the end of the year. This is a pretty significant effort, and it will absorb a large portion of my time and attention (as those who have written books can Continue reading

A Non-Programmer’s Introduction to Git

Git is a distributed version control system that is widely used by a number of open source projects. In this post, I’m going to provide a quick non-programmer’s introduction to Git, and encourage readers to spend some time getting familiar with Git. I think it is a time investment that will pay off down the road.

First, I’m going to provide some definitions/brief explanations in order to establish a foundation upon which you can build your Git knowledge. A version control system (sometimes just referred to as a VCS) is a system that tracks changes to files (or groups of files) over time.

The group of files that a VCS tracks is called a repository. The basic idea behind a VCS is that you could use it to “roll back” to an earlier version of any file (or group of files) in the repository in the event that the current version isn’t working or isn’t optimal. Almost all version control systems, including Git, support multiple repositories, and typically each repository would represent a particular project, component, or function. (I say “almost all version control systems” because there may be some VCS out there of which I am not aware that Continue reading

Case Study: Cogapp


Our latest Ansible Case study features Cogapp, who helps the BBC, MoMA, and others organize their digital media, use Ansible for environment provisioning and content deployment. 

We use Ansible to build out the servers for deployments and to provision development VMs for our team. We also use Ansible to populate sample content for our development environments.

Our development team is 12 people; at least half of them have written or edited playbooks, and all of them have run playbooks to provision environments. When we started working with Ansible, each new project would cannibalize the last one and take some of the Ansible content. Now we have built a more standard library of content so we can spin up new projects quicker. We also use Galaxy roles wherever possible to standardize our server hardening playbooks so they can be shared across deployments.

Read the full case study.


Citrix Acquires Sanbolic

I just saw the news that Citrix has acquired Sanbolic, a storage virtualization company that I’ve written about before. (TechCrunch also has a quick write-up as well.) Early this year, Sanbolic announced their storage virtualization product, completing a pivot from offering a Windows-only solution (file system and volume manager) to a multi-platform solution that encompasses multiple storage tiers, multiple operating systems, and multiple hypervisors.

It will be interesting to see how this acquisition affects the virtualization industry. With the exception of a few major players running open source Xen, Citrix has thus far been unsuccessful (to my knowledge, correct me if I’m wrong) in making any significant inroads with XenServer (either commercial or open source). KVM seems to be the open source hypervisor of choice while VMware’s vSphere continues to dominate (for now) the commercial market—leaving XenServer with leftovers. The same can be said for CloudStack, which—with a few exceptions—is losing to OpenStack on the open source side and VMware’s offerings on the commercial side.

So the big question becomes, “Will the Sanbolic acquisition change things?” Will the addition of a storage virtualization solution that supports multiple operating systems and multiple hypervisors give Citrix an edge that Continue reading

Converting URLs to Jekyll References

In my post about the story behind the migration, I mentioned that I made extensive use of regular expressions (“regexes”) to help reformat portions of the Markdown documents that are used by Jekyll to build this site. In this post, I wanted to briefly share one of the regexes I used (and am still using) to convert URLs to Jekyll references.

First, let me clarify what I mean by Jekyll references. Jekyll offers a tag (not to be confused with content tags, more like a function) named post_url that will automatically build the correct URL when passed the filename of a content source. For example, if my _posts directory had a Markdown file named, then I could use the filename (2015-01-02-my-first-blog-post-of-2015) inside a post_url tag, and Jekyll would automatically convert that to the appropriate permalink (URL) for that blog post. If the permalink ever changed for whatever reason, whenever the site is regenerated Jekyll would convert that tag to the new permalink. This helps you ensure that every time you update your site (which, when used on GitHub Pages like I’m doing, means every time you push commits to GitHub using git push origin Continue reading

Ansible Tower 2.1 Released


Today we're excited to release Ansible Tower 2.1, the next version of the UI, Server, and REST endpoint for Ansible Tower. This release adds several major new features:

Surveys may now be created with our easy form builder and can be attached to any job template in Ansible Tower.  When launching a job with an attached survey, the system will prompt the user to answer any number of questions - multiple choice, numeric, text, etc. The results of these questions will then be available as variables in Ansible Tower jobs.  Surveys are graphically constructed from within the interface with no programming required.


Portal Mode is a simplified view into Ansible Tower. If you have users who are not Ansible experts that need to run Ansible jobs, Portal Mode presents a simple two column view. On one side, there's a list of all the job templates they can launch. On the other side, there's a list of all the completed or in-progress jobs they can view, to know how their job is running.


Combined, these two features provide solid options for users that want to provide self-service features to others. For instance, admins can let developers or QA departments provision Continue reading

Technology Short Take #47

Welcome to Technology Short Take #47! This is the first Technology Short Take for 2015 and the first to be published on the new blog platform. I have quite a bit of information to share this time around, so buckle up and let’s get started!


  • Michael Webster isn’t a name that normally pops up here in the Networking section of my Technology Short Takes, but he recently wrote an article on installing Cumulus Linux from a MacBook Pro that I thought might be handy. I’m particularly jealous that Michael was able to get his hands on a Cumulus-supported switch while here I am—with a full NSX installation just ready to integrate with Cumulus—not making any progress on that front.
  • Speaking of Cumulus Linux, here’s a write-up on using Cumulus Linux on Dell Networking switches; in particular, this article describes how to install Cumulus Linux on a Dell S6000-ON. I spoke to some folks at Dell a while ago about getting my hands on a Cumulus-compatible switch, but never heard back. Sure would be nice…(hint, hint).
  • The folks over at Weave (who are building a lightweight overlay networking solution for Docker containers) recently posted some thoughts on life and Continue reading

The Story Behind the Migration

A number of people have asked me why I migrated from WordPress—which powered my blog for 9 years—to Jekyll and GitHub Pages. Now that the migration is finally complete, I can share with you the story behind the migration: why I migrated, the process I followed, and some of the tools I used.

Why I Migrated

“Why?” is a question I heard quite a bit as I was sharing updates on the progress of the blog migration over the Christmas/New Year holiday. It’s quite simple, really: I needed to walk the walk.

Allow me to explain. For the last couple of years, I’ve occasionally been giving presentations at VMUG meetings and other events on how to stay relevant in the fast-changing world of IT. The most recent instance was a whirlwind tour of Dallas, Chicago, and Phoenix in September of this last year, where I presented this deck, titled “Closing the Cloud Skills Gap.”

In that presentation, one of the recommendations I made to the audience was to become more familiar with the software development process. That includes tools like Git (and, by extension, GitHub), Vagrant (a quick introduction is available here), and others. I Continue reading

Upcoming Ansible Training Classes


We are pleased to announce to training courses. These courses are taught by members of the Ansible Team and will give a great look at how to get started using Ansible.

In this course, students will explore the origins of Ansible, how Ansible approaches automation, and the common use cases for Ansible. Students will learn about key Ansible concepts, including playbooks, plays, tasks, and modules, and the course will go through step-by-step creation of a playbook to deploy a full application from beginning to end. 

The cost is $199.

Choose from one of the dates below. 
Online Training: Introduction to Ansible - February 4th
Online Training: Introduction to Ansible - March 17th

Blog Migration Complete

The blog migration is finally complete! It’s taken quite a while, but I’ve finally managed to migrate the over 1,600 posts from my original WordPress installation over to Jekyll hosted on GitHub Pages. I’ll have another post later that goes into more detail on the process that I followed (and why) as well as some of the tools that I used in the migration.

As of right now, there are 2 outstanding issues:

  1. While all the content is here, what’s not here is the comments (yet). I’m still working through some issues with Disqus, but I hope to have the issues resolved soon.

  2. Also, depending on when you read this, my original domain (“”) may or may not be working with the new content.

I appreciate your patience as I work through these issues.

I’d also appreciate it if you could let me know if you find anything that’s not working, such as links to other blog posts, code listings, images, etc. Because this entire site is a GitHub repo, if you’re so inclined you’re welcome to clone the repo, fix the problems, and submit a pull request. If you don’t feel like doing that, just drop me Continue reading

GigaOm: NASA Uses Ansible to launch web infrastructure into the cloud

GigaOm published a great article on how NASA launches their web infrastructure into the cloud today. The article features our own Jonathan Davila.

To help with the nitty gritty details of transferring those applications to AWS and setting up new servers, NASA used the Ansible configuration-management tool, said Davila. When InfoZen came, the apps were stored in a co-located data center where they weren’t being managed well, he explained, and many server operating systems weren’t being updated, leaving them vulnerable to security threats.

Without the configuration-management tool, Davila said that it would “probably take us a few days to patch every server in the environment” using shell scripts. Now, the team can “can patch all Linux servers in, like, 15 minutes.”

Read the full article on GigaOm.

Read our case study on How NASA Uses Ansible Tower.



Blog Migration in the Works

You might have noticed that blog content has been a bit sparse over the last few weeks. The reason I haven’t generated any new content is because all my spare time is taken up with preparing to migrate this site to a new hosting platform.

Sometime over the holiday season, I’ll be migrating this site from a hosted WordPress installation to Jekyll running on GitHub Pages. Given that I have 9 years of content (over 1,600 blog posts), this is a pretty fair amount of work.

Most of the “structural” work on the new site is already complete; you can get a preview of the site by visiting There’s no content there yet (other than some boilerplate content), but you’ll be able to get a feel for how the new layout will look and work. As you can see, I’ll be using the Lanyon theme, which provides a nice clean layout and a good mobile as well as desktop experience.

There’s still some additional “structural” work to be done, such as adding support for comments (which will be handled via Disqus), but I hope to have that done in the next few days.

Once the Continue reading

Blog Migration in the Works

You might have noticed that blog content has been a bit sparse over the last few weeks. The reason I haven’t generated any new content is because all my spare time is taken up with preparing to migrate this site to a new hosting platform.

Sometime over the holiday season, I’ll be migrating this site from a hosted WordPress installation to Jekyll running on GitHub Pages. Given that I have 9 years of content (over 1,600 blog posts), this is a pretty fair amount of work.

Most of the “structural” work on the new site is already complete; you can get a preview of the site by visiting There’s no content there yet (other than some boilerplate content), but you’ll be able to get a feel for how the new layout will look and work. As you can see, I’ll be using the Lanyon theme, which provides a nice clean layout and a good mobile as well as desktop experience.

There’s still some additional “structural” work to be done, such as adding support for comments (which will be handled via Disqus), but I hope to have that done in the next few days.

Once the Continue reading

Ansible Automation on AWS: Webinar Recording

We were proud to have DualSpark join us for a great webinar this week on automation on AWS using Ansible. Presenting from Ansible was Dave Johnson and Patrick McClory handled the discussion from the DualSpark side. 

Ansible Automation on AWS: Best Practices by Battle-Hardened Experts

- Using Ansible to manage infrastructure in multi-tier deployments 
- Using CloudFormation and Ansible to manage configuration for more complicated scenarios 
- How Tower adds visibility to systems at runtime

Be sure to follow Ansible on Twitter to be informed of all our upcoming webinars.
Download a free trial of Ansible Tower here.

Ansible Named a Top 10 Open Source Project by


We are pleased to announce that Ansible has been named a Top 10 Open Source Project for 2014 by Be sure to watch Michael DeHaan's presentation on why your IT infrastructure should be boring, read his interview with's Jen Krieger and learn about one of his favorite Star Trek quotes.

View the full list here.



Compliance and Automation Using Ansible

Compliance is a big deal in many industries, from e-commerce and PCI, to healthcare and HIPAA, to federal government and FedRAMP. At the core, compliance is all about making sure that IT systems are secure. The controls for the various industries will inevitably have some overlap; there are fundamental security controls that (should) apply to all IT systems. However, as technology advances, even the fundamental controls need to be refreshed in order to address the ever increasing advancements in security threats. 

When the need comes for your IT environment to be both compliant and automated, Ansible makes the most sense.

Why? For simple but very powerful reasons; readability, encryption, architecture and transport.

For starters, Ansible requires the smallest architecture. In it’s simplest form, none whatsoever, just its installation on your laptop (presuming linux or OSX). Even in our enterprise offering it is a single server. With Ansible there is no notion of Masters, Slaves, Masters of Masters, etc.

Secondly, you don’t/shouldn’t need to change anything. If you run a linux shop, SSH over port 22 is probably already in place for all servers and if you’ve been doing any sort of Windows automation, you likely already have remote Continue reading

Sorting Bookmarks in Safari for Mac OS X

If you’re anything like me, then you may just be a bit OCD or ANAL when it comes to some things. One of those things is, I like my bookmarks/favorites in alphabetical order with folders sorted first....

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