
Category Archives for "Systems"

Your Docker agenda for VMworld 2014

Next week starts the gigantic VMworld conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California. If you are attending the conference, come visit us at the Docker booth #230 and make sure to attend the following Docker-related talks, demos, discussions and meetups where you can meet and chat with fellow Dockerites:


Monday, August 25th:

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM, Moscone West, Room 2014

VMware NSX for Docker, Containers & Mesos by Aaron Rosen (Staff Engineer, VMware) and Somik Behera (NSX Product Manager, VMware)

This session will provide a recipe for architecting massively elastic applications, be it big data applications or developer environments such as Jenkins on top of VMware SDDC Infrastructure. We will describe the use of app isolation technologies such as LxC & Docker together with Resource Managers such as Apache Mesos & Yarn to deliver an Open Elastic Applications & PaaS for mainstream apps such as Jenkins as well as specialized big data applications. We will cover a customer case study that leverages VMware SDDC to create an Open Elastic PaaS leveraging VMware NSX for Data communication fabric.


5:30 PM – 6:30 PM, Moscone West, Room 2006

VMware and Docker – Better Together by Ben Golub (CEO, Continue reading

Orchestrating Docker containers in production using Fig

In the last blog post about Fig we showed how you could define and run a multi-container app locally.

We’re now going to show you how you can deploy this app to production. Here’s a screencast of the whole process:

Let’s continue from where we left off in the last blog post. First, we want to put the code we wrote up onto GitHub. You’ll need to initialize and commit your code into a new Git repository.

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

Then create a new repository on GitHub and follow the instructions for how to set up a remote on your local GitHub repository. For example, if your repository were called bfirsh/figdemo, you’d run these commands:

$ git remote add origin [email protected]:bfirsh/figdemo.git
$ git push -u origin master

Next, you’ll need to get yourself a server to host your app. Any cloud provider will work, so long as it is running Ubuntu and available on a public IP address.

Log on to your server using SSH and follow the instructions for installing Docker and Fig on Ubuntu.

$ ssh root@[your server’s IP address]
# curl -sSL |  Continue reading

Announcing Docker 1.2.0

The hardworking folk at Docker, Inc. are proud to announce the release of version 1.2.0 of Docker. We’ve made improvements throughout the Docker platform, including updates to Docker Engine, Docker Hub, and our documentation.


Highlights include these new features:

restart policies

We added a --restart flag to docker run to specify a restart policy for your container. Currently, there are three policies available:

  • no – Do not restart the container if it dies. (default)
  • on-failure – Restart the container if it exits with a non-zero exit code.
    • Can also accept an optional maximum restart count (e.g. on-failure:5).
  • always – Always restart the container no matter what exit code is returned.

This deprecates the --restart flag on the Docker daemon.

A few examples:
  • Redis will endlessly try to restart if the container exits
docker run --restart=always redis
  • If redis exits with a non-zero exit code, it will try to restart 5 times before giving up:
docker run --restart=on-failure:5 redis

–cap-add –cap-drop

Currently, Docker containers can either be given complete capabilities or they can all follow a whitelist of allowed capabilities while dropping all others. Further, previously, using --privileged would grant all capabilities inside a container, rather than applying a whitelist. This was not Continue reading

Announcing DockerCon Europe 2014


Today we are very happy to announce DockerCon Europe 2014, the first official Docker conference organized in Europe, by both Docker, Inc. and members of the community. The conference will take place in Amsterdam, at the NEMO science center, December 4th and 5th.


We will also have a full day or training prior to the conference, led by Jérôme Petazzoni on December 3rd.

The official website is still under construction as we are finalizing the last details, but today we can announce that the Docker team will be present as well as incredible speakers from the Docker community including:

Call for papers opens today, you can submit your talk here. If you are interested in our sponsorship options, please contact us at [email protected].

We also want to give a special thanks to Pini ReznikHarm BoertienMark ColemanMaarten Dirkse and the Docker Amsterdam community, who are working with us to bring the best of Docker to Europe.

Save the dates and stay tuned for more announcements!

Automagical Deploys from Docker Hub

I want the speed and other advantages of a static site generator, but with the flexibility of a database-backed CMS.

I want performance, flexibility, and ease of maintenance.

From cars to computers, getting both flexibility and performance all too often requires a carefully weighed set of trade-offs. Generating content for your readers and fans on the web is no exception. On the one hand, techies have recently embraced static site generators such as Jekyll, and for good reason, as these systems provide a lot of advantages (e.g., deploying straight to Github pages, high performance, and ease of keeping your content in version control). However, they are not without their own challenges such as steep learning curves and slow, cumbersome workflows.

On the other hand, flexible, database-backed content management system such as WordPress can be a better choice in some situations. It’s very nice to have the flexibility to allow non-technical people to edit and update content, and for authors to edit online from anywhere without needing a special suite of software and skills. However, CMSs such as WordPress can also be slow, temperamental, and hard to optimize.

Lately, I’ve been trying to find a good balance for my website. Currently, it Continue reading

File encryption on the command line

This list is just a reference which hopefully saves some googling. Let's make it clear that we're talking about symmetric encryption here, that is, a password (or better, a passphrase) is supplied when the file is encrypted, and the same password can be used to decrypt it. No public/private key stuff or other preparation should […]

The New Ansible Tower Command Line Tool

Today we're happy to announce a new update to Ansible Tower CLI (link) that provides near 100% coverage of all REST functions within Ansible Tower from a CLI perspective.  The CLI tool can also be imported and used as a library from other python programs.   Tower CLI is open source, under the Apache 2.0 license, so it can be easily mixed into other projects, and we're also happy to take pull requests and ideas on this project.



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