
Category Archives for "The Morning Paper"

An empirical guide to the behavior and use of scalable persistent memory

An empirical guide to the behavior and use of scalable persistent memory, Yang et al., FAST’20

We’ve looked at multiple papers exploring non-volatile main memory and its implications (e.g. most recently ‘Efficient lock-free durable sets‘). One thing they all had in common is an evaluation using some kind of simulation of the expected behaviour of NVDIMMs, because the real thing wasn’t yet available. But now it is! This paper examines the real-world behaviour of Intel’s Optane DIMM, and finds that not all of the assumptions baked into prior works hold. Based on these findings, the authors present four guidelines to get the best performance out of this memory today. Absolutely fascinating if you like this kind of thing!

The data we have collected demonstrate that many of the assumptions that researchers have made about how NVDIMMs would behave and perform are incorrect. The widely expressed expectation was that NVDIMMs would have behavior that was broadly similiar to DRAM-based DIMMs but with lower performance (i.e., higher latency and lower bandwidth)… We have found the actual behavior of Optane DIMMs to be more complicated and nuanced than the "slower, persistent DRAM" label would suggest.

Optane Continue reading

Understanding, detecting and localizing partial failures in large system software

Understanding, detecting and localizing partial failures in large system software, Lou et al., NSDI’20

Partial failures (gray failures) occur when some but not all of the functionalities of a system are broken. On the surface everything can appear to be fine, but under the covers things may be going astray.

When a partial failure occurs, it often takes a long time to detect the incident. In contrast, a process suffering a total failure can be quickly identified, restarted, or repaired by existing mechanisms, thus limiting the failure impact.

Because everything can look fine on the surface, traditional failure detectors or watchdogs using external probes or monitoring statistics may not be able to pick up on the problem. Today’s paper choice won the authors a best paper award at NSDI’20. It contains a study of partial failure causes, and a novel approach to fault detection using system-specific, auto-generated watchdogs.

Characterising partial failures

Before designing a better system for detecting partial failures, the authors set about understanding their nature and causes through a study of five software systems (ZooKeeper, Cassandra, HDFS, Apache, and Mesos). For each of these systems they crawled the bug databases to find critical issues Continue reading

When correlation (or lack of it) can be causation

Rex: preventing bugs and misconfiguration in large services using correlated change analysis, Mehta et al., NSDI’20


Check before you change: preventing correlated failures in service updates, Zhai et al., NSDI’20

Today’s post is a double header. I’ve chosen two papers from NSDI’20 that are both about correlation. Rex is a tool widely deployed across Microsoft that checks for correlations you don’t have but probably should have: it looks at files changed in commits and warns developers if files frequently changed with them have not been changed. CloudCanary on the other hand is about detecting correlations you do have, but probably don’t want: it looks for potential causes of correlated failures across a system, and can make targeted recommendations for improving your system reliability.

Improving system reliability through correlation

"If you change the foo setting, don’t forget that you also need to update all the clients…"

Large-scale services run on a foundation of very large codebases and configuration repositories. To run uninterrupted a service not only depends on correct code, but also on correct network and security configuration, and suitable deployment specification. This causes various dependencies both within and across components/sources of the service which emerge Continue reading

Characterizing, modeling, and benchmarking RocksDB key-value workloads at Facebook

Characterizing, modeling, and benchmarking RocksDB key-value workloads at Facebook, Cao et al., FAST’20

You get good at what you practice. Or in the case of key-value stores, what you benchmark. So if you want to design a system that will offer good real-world performance, it’s really useful to have benchmarks that accurately represent real-world workloads. In this paper, Facebook analyse three of their real-world RocksDB workloads and find (surprise!) that they all look quite different. More interesting, is that there are important differences between the way these real-world workloads behave, and workloads generated by the venerable YCSB benchmark.

Therefore, using the benchmarking results of YCSB as guidance for production might cause some misleading results… To address this issue, we propose a key-range based modelling and develop a benchmark that can better emulate the workloads of real-world key-value stores. This benchmark can synthetically generate more precise key-value queries that represent the reads and writes of key-value stores to the underlying storage system.

The tracing, replay, and analysis tools developed for this work are released in open source as part of the latest RocksDB release, and the new benchmark is now part of the db_bench benchmarking tool.

TL;DR Continue reading

Building an elastic query engine on disaggregated storage

Building an elastic query engine on disaggregated storage, Vuppalapati, NSDI’20

This paper describes the design decisions behind the Snowflake cloud-based data warehouse. As the saying goes, ‘all snowflakes are special’ – but what is it exactly that’s special about this one?

When I think about cloud-native architectures, I think about disaggregation (enabling each resource type to scale independently), fine-grained units of resource allocation (enabling rapid response to changing workload demands, i.e. elasticity), and isolation (keeping tenants apart). Through a study of customer workloads it is revealed that Snowflake scores well on these fronts at a high level, but once you zoom in there are challenges remaining.

This paper presents Snowflake design and implementation along with a discussion on how recent changes in cloud infrastructure (emerging hardware, fine-grained billing, etc.) have altered the many assumptions that guided the design and optimization of the Snowflake system.

From shared-nothing to disaggregation

Traditional data warehouse systems are largely based on shared-nothing designs: persistent data is partitioned across a set of nodes, each responsible for its local data. Analysed from the perspective of cloud-native design this presents a number of issues:

  • CPU, memory, storage, and bandwidth resources are all aggregated at each Continue reading

Millions of tiny databases

Millions of tiny databases, Brooker et al., NSDI’20

This paper is a real joy to read. It takes you through the thinking processes and engineering practices behind the design of a key part of the control plane for AWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS): the Physalia database that stores configuration information.

In the same spirit as Paxos Made Live, this paper describes the details, choices and tradeoffs that are required to put a consensus system into production.

The core algorithms (chain-replication, Paxos-based consensus) aren’t the stars of the show here, instead the paper focuses on how these algorithms are deployed, and the software engineering practices behind the creation of a mission-critical production system employing them.

A guiding principle

Engineering decisions involve making lots of trade-offs. If you want to emerge with a coherent design, then it’s well worth spending some time thinking about the principle(s) by which you’re going to make them. For Physalia, and for AWS more generally, the guiding principle is minimise the blast radius.

Over the decade since [the introduction of Availability Zones], our thinking on failure and availability has continued to evolve, and we paid increasing attention to blast radius and correlation of failure. Continue reading

Firecracker: lightweight virtualization for serverless applications

Firecracker: lightweight virtualisation for serverless applications, Agache et al., NSDI’20

Finally the NSDI’20 papers have opened up to the public (as of last week), and what a great looking crop of papers it is. We looked at a couple of papers that had pre-prints available last week, today we’ll be looking at one of the most anticipated papers of this year’s crop: Amazon’s Firecracker.

Firecracker is the virtual machine monitor (VMM) that powers AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate, and has been used in production at AWS since 2018. Firecracker is open source, and there are a number of projects that make it easy to work with outside of the AWS environment too, including Weave Firekube (disclaimer: Accel is an investor in Weaveworks). Firekube exists because none of the existing alternatives (virtualisation, containers or language-specific vms) met the combined needs of multi-tenant efficiency and strong isolation in the AWS environment.

The traditional view is that there is a choice between virtualization with strong security and high overhead, and container technologies with weaker security and minimal overhead. This tradeoff is unacceptable to public infrastructure providers, who need both strong security and minimal overhead.

Approaches to isolation

The first version of Continue reading

Gandalf: an intelligent, end-to-end analytics service for safe deployment in cloud-scale infrastructure

Gandalf: an intelligent, end-to-end analytics service for safe deployment in cloud-scale infrastructure, Li et al., NSDI’20

Modern software systems at scale are incredibly complex ever changing environments. Despite all the pre-deployment testing you might employ, this makes it really tough to change them with confidence. Thus it’s common to use some form of phased rollout, monitoring progress as you go, with the idea of rolling back a change if it looks like it’s causing problems. So far so good, but observing a problem and then connecting it back to a given deployment can be far from straightforward. This paper describes Gandalf, the software deployment monitor in production at Microsoft Azure for the past eighteen months plus. Gandalf analyses more than 20TB of data per day : 270K platform events on average (770K peak), 600 million API calls, with data on over 2,000 different fault types. If Gandalf doesn’t like what that data is telling it, it will pause a rollout and send an alert to the development team.

Since its introduction, Gandalf has significantly improved deployment times, cutting them in half across the entire production fleet. As teams gained more experience with Gandalf, and saw how it was Continue reading

Meaningful availability

Meaningful availability, Hauer et al., NSDI’20

With thanks to Damien Mathieu for the recommendation.

This very clearly written paper describes the Google G Suite team’s search for a meaningful availability metric: one that accurately reflected what their end users experienced, and that could be used by engineers to pinpoint issues and guide improvements.

> A good availability metric should be meaningful, proportional, and actionable. By "meaningful" we mean that it should capture what users experience. By "proportional" we mean that a change in the metric should be proportional to the change in user-perceived availability. By "actionable" we mean that the metric should give system owners insight into why availability for a period was low. This paper shows that none of the commonly used metrics satisfy these requirements…

The alternative that Google settled on is called windowed user-uptime and it’s been used in production across all of G Suite for the past year. We’ll look at how windowed user-uptime works in a moment, but first let’s review commonly used approaches to availability reporting and why they failed Google’s test.

Counting nines

The basic form of an availability metric is the ratio of ‘good’ service to the total demanded service: Continue reading

AnyLog: a grand unification of the Internet of things

AnyLog: a grand unification of the Internet of Things, Abadi et al., CIDR’20

The Web provides decentralised publishing and direct access to unstructured data (searching / querying that data has turned out to be a pretty centralised affair in practice though). AnyLog wants to do for structured (relational) data what the Web has done for unstructured data, with coordinators playing the role of search engines. A key challenge for a web of structured data is that it’s harder to see how it can be supported by advertising, so AnyLog needs a different incentive scheme. This comes in the form of micropayments. Micropayments require an environment of trust, and in a decentralised context that leads us to blockchains.

There have been several efforts to create a version of the WWW for "structured" data, such as the Semantic Web and Freebase. Our approach differs substantially by (1) providing economic incentives for data to be contributed and integrated into existing schemas, (2) offering a SQL interface instead of graph based approaches, (3) including the computational and storage infrastructure in the architectural vision.

Note that AnyLog also differs from projects such as DeepDive or Google’s Knowledge Graph. These aim at extracting Continue reading

Extending relational query processing with ML inference

Extending relational query processing with ML inference, Karanasos, CIDR’10

This paper provides a little more detail on the concrete work that Microsoft is doing to embed machine learning inference inside an RDBMS, as part of their vision for Enterprise Grade Machine Learning. The motivation is not that inference will perform better inside the database, but that the database is the best place to take advantage of enterprise features (transactions, security, auditing, HA, and so on). Given the desire to keep enterprise data within the database, and to treat models as data also, the question is can we do inference in the database with acceptable performance? Raven is the system that Microsoft built to explore this question, and answer it with a resounding yes.

… based on interactions with enterprise customers, we expect that storage and inference of ML models will be subject to the same scrutiny and performance requirements of sensitive/mission-critical operational data. When it comes to data, database management systems (DBMSs) have been the trusted repositories for the enterprise… We thus propose to store and serve ML models from within the DBMS…

The authors don’t just mean farming inference out to an external process from within the RDBMS, Continue reading

Cloudy with a high chance of DBMS: a 10-year prediction for enterprise-grade ML

Cloudy with a high chance of DBMS: a 10-year prediction for enterprise-grade ML, Agrawal et al., CIDR’20

"Cloudy with a high chance of DBMS" is a fascinating vision paper from a group of experts at Microsoft, looking at the transition of machine learning from being primarily the domain of large-scale, high-volume consumer applications to being an integral part of everyday enterprise applications.

When it comes to leveraging ML in enterprise applications, especially in regulated environments, the level of scrutiny for data handling, model fairness, user privacy, and debuggability will be substantially higher than in the first wave of ML applications.

Throughout the paper, this emerging class of applications are referred to as EGML apps: Enterprise Grade Machine Learning. And there’s going to be a lot of them!

Enterprises in every industry are developing strategies for digitally transforming their businesses at every level. The core idea is to continuously monitor all aspects of the business, actively interpret the observations using advanced data analysis – including ML – and integrate the learnings into appropriate actions that improve business outcomes. We predict that in the next 10 years, hundreds of thousands of small teams will build millions of ML-infused applications – Continue reading

Migrating a privacy-safe information extraction system to a Software 2.0 design

Migrating a privacy-safe information extraction system to a software 2.0 design, Sheng, CIDR’20

This is a comparatively short (7 pages) but very interesting paper detailing the migration of a software system to a ‘Software 2.0’ design. Software 2.0, in case you missed it, is a term coined by Andrej Karpathy to describe software in which key components are implemented by neural networks. Since we’ve recently spent quite a bit of time looking at the situations where interpretable models and simple rules are highly desirable, this case study makes a nice counterpoint: it describes a system that started out with hand-written rules, which then over time grew complex and hard to maintain until meaningful progress had pretty much slowed to a halt. (A set of rules that complex wouldn’t have been great from the perspective of interpretability either). Replacing these rules with a machine learned component dramatically simplified the code base (45 Kloc deleted) and set the system back onto a growth and improvement trajectory.

A really interesting thing happens when you go from developing a Software 1.0 (i.e., traditional software) to a Software 2.0 system. In Software 1.0 we spend Continue reading

Programs, life cycles, and laws of software evolution

Programs, life cycles, and laws of software evolution, Lehman, Proc. IEEE, 1980

Today’s paper came highly recommended by Kevlin Henney and Nat Pryce in a Twitter thread last week, thank you both!

The footnotes show that the manuscript for this paper was submitted almost exactly 40 years ago – on the 27th February 1980. The problems it describes though (and that the community had already been wrestling with for a couple of decades) seem as fresh and relevant as ever. Is there some kind of Lindy effect for problems as there is for published works? I.e., should we expect to still be grappling with these issues for at least another 60 years? In this particular instance at least, it seems likely.

As computers play an ever larger role in society and the life of the individual, it becomes more and more critical to be able to create and maintain effective, cost-effective, and timely software. For more than two decades, however, the programming fraternity, and through them the computer-user community, has faced serious problems achieving this.

On programming, projects, and products

What does a programmer do? A programmer’s task, according to Lehman, is to "state an algorithm Continue reading

Let’s Encrypt: an automated certificate authority to encrypt the entire web

Let’s encrypt: an automated certificate authority to encrypt the entire web, Aas et al., CCS’19

This paper tells the story of Let’s Encrypt, from it’s early beginnings in 2012/13 all the way to becoming the world’s largest HTTPS Certificate Authority (CA) today – accounting for more currently valid certificates than all other browser-trusted CAs combined. Beyond the functionality that Let’s Encrypt provides, the story stands out to me for two key ingredients. Firstly, whereas normally we trade-off between security and ease-of-use, Let’s Encrypt made the web more secure through ease-of-use. Secondly, Let’s Encrypt managed to find a sustainable funding model for a combination of an open source project and free online service, as compared to the more normal pattern which sadly seems to involve running a small number of beneficent maintainers into the ground.

Since it’s launch in December 2015, Let’s Encrypt has steadily grown to become the largest CA in the Web PKI by certificates issued and the fourth largest known CA by Firefox Beta TLS full handshakes. As of January 21, 2019, the CA had issued a total of 538M certificates for 223M unique FQDNs… Let’s Encrypt has been responsible for significant growth in HTTPS deployment.

Continue reading

Watching you watch: the tracking system of over-the-top TV streaming devices

Watching you watch: the tracking ecosystem of over-the-top TV streaming devices, Moghaddam et al., CCS’19

The results from this paper are all too predictable: channels on Over-The-Top (OTT) streaming devices are insecure and riddled with privacy leaks. The authors quantify the scale of the problem, and note that users have even less viable defence mechanisms than they do on web and mobile platforms. When you watch TV, the TV is watching you.

In this paper, we examine the advertising and tracking ecosystems of Over-The-Top ("OTT") streaming devices, which deliver Internet-based video content to traditional TVs/display devices. OTT devices refer to a family of services and devices that either directly connect to a TV (e.g., streaming sticks and boxes) or enable functionality within a TV (e.g. smart TVs) to facilitate the delivery of Internet-based video content.

The study focuses on Roku and Amazon Fire TV, which together account for between 59% and 65% of the global market. The top 1000 channels from each service are analysed using a custom-built crawling engine, and traffic is intercepted where possible using mitmproxy.

How they did it

For each service, a list of the top 1000 channels was compiled, as Continue reading

Cloudburst: stateful functions-as-a-service

Cloudburst: stateful functions-as-a-service, Sreekanti et al., arXiv 2020

Today’s paper choice is a fresh-from-the-arXivs take on serverless computing from the RISELab at Berkeley, addressing some of the limitations outlined in last year’s ‘Berkeley view on serverless computing.’ Stateless is fine until you need state, at which point the coarse-grained solutions offered by current platforms limit the kinds of application designs that work well. Last week we looked at a function shipping solution to the problem; Cloudburst uses the more common data shipping to bring data to caches next to function runtimes (though you could also make a case that the scheduling algorithm placing function execution in locations where the data is cached a flavour of function-shipping too).

Given the simplicity and economic appeal of FaaS, it is interesting to explore designs that preserve the autoscaling and operational benefits of current offerings, while adding performant, cost-efficient and consistent shared state and communication.

The key ingredients of Cloudburst are a highly-scalable key-value store for persistent state (Anna), local caches co-located with function execution environments, and cache-consistency protocols to preserve developer sanity while data is moved in and out of those caches. Oh, and there’s a scheduler Continue reading

POTS: protective optimization technologies

POTS: Protective optimization technologies, Kulynych, Overdorf et al., arXiv 2019

With thanks to @TedOnPrivacy for recommending this paper via Twitter.

Last time out we looked at fairness in the context of machine learning systems, coming to the realisation that you can’t define ‘fair’ solely from the perspective of an algorithm and the data it is trained on. Start pulling on that thread, and you end up with papers such as ‘Delayed impact of fair machine learning‘ that consider the longer term implications for groups the intention was to protect, when systems are deployed and interact with the real world creating feedback loops in a causal graph. Today’s paper looks even wider, encompassing the total impact of an algorithm, as part of a system, embedded in an environment. Not only for the groups explicitly considered by that algorithm, but also the impact on groups outside of consideration (the ‘utility function’) of the service provider. For example, navigational systems such as Waze can have negative impacts on communities near highways that they route much more traffic through, and Airbnb may have perfectly fair algorithms from the perspective of participants in the Airbnb ecosystem, whilst also having damaging consequences Continue reading

The measure and mismeasure of fairness: a critical review of fair machine learning

The measure and mismeasure of fairness: a critical review of fair machine learning, Corbett-Davies & Goel, arXiv 2018

With many thanks to Ben Fried and the ACM Queue editorial board for the paper recommendation.

We’ve visited the topic of fairness in the context of machine learning several times on The Morning Paper (see e.g. [1]1, [2]2, [3]3, [4]4). I’m still picking up new insights every time I revisit the topic though, and today’s paper choice is no exception.

In 1911 Russell & Whitehead published Principia Mathematica, with the goal of providing a solid foundation for all of mathematics. In 1931 Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem shattered the dream, showing that for any consistent axiomatic system there will always be theorems that cannot be proven within the system. In case you’re wondering where on earth I’m going with this… it’s a very stretched analogy I’ve been playing with in my mind. One premise of many models of fairness in machine learning is that you can measure (‘prove’) fairness of a machine learning model from within the system – i.e. from properties of the Continue reading

Seamless offloading of web app computations from mobile device to edge clouds via HTML5 Web Worker migration

Seamless offloading of web app computations from mobile device to edge clouds via HTML5 web worker migration, Jeong et al., SoCC’19 [^1]

This paper caught my eye for its combination of an intriguing idea (opportunistic offload of computation from mobile devices to the edge) and the elegance of the way the web worker interface supports this use case. It’s live migration – but for web workers instead of the more usual VMs or containers.

Why would we want to live migrate web workers?

Emerging mobile applications, such as mobile cloud gaming or augmented reality, require strict latency constraints as well as high computer power… A survey on the latency of games has reported that less than ~50ms of network latency is preferred for time-critical games, which is hard to achieve with a traditional cloud system where computing servers are located in datacenters far from clients…

So you’ve got mobile devices without the computing power needed to deliver a great experience, and cloud computing that has all the needed power that’s too far away. Edge servers are the middle ground – more compute power than a mobile device, but with latency of just a few ms. The kind of Continue reading