Claire Tsai

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科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会

科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会
科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会

科技在发展,时代在进步,许多事情或许本质并没有改变,但呈现的方式已经日新月异,这或许就是我们常说的 — 未来。就像许多年前,我们还通过明信片和相册向亲友分享我们生活中的点点滴滴。许多年后,我们有了朋友圈、微博、Facebook、Instagram、抖音、各式博客。幼时还守着电视看着预录好的节目,接触外界的形形色色,现在我们透过直播的镜头,弹指间便能瞬息感受世界当下的脉动。


许多人都在电影中看到过极客指尖敲动,在数字的世界中急速驰骋的场景。然而现实生活中,这些人在哪儿不得而知。随着技术的发展,越来越多的年轻人加入了这个群体。在国外一直都有 DEF CON 这样的世界极客盛会。中国此前也还没有,直到去年 DEF CON 来到了中国,主办方斥巨资引进大会,想打造属于中国的技术社区,通过这样一个契机,将大家聚在一起,一同成长,最终构建一个属于中国自己的、真正的安全社区。于是,在 DEF CON 的名下,多了一个 DEF CON China。  

今年,DEF CON 经过一年的沉淀后,进入了正式版本 1.0,这个世界顶级的安全会议,在五月底,以 "Technology's Promise" — “科技点燃未来” 为主旨,于北京拉开了序幕,像是一位家长等待着 “孩子们” 一起过节。这个六一,还有什么能比来 DEF CON China 1.0 众乐乐更具意涵呢?

作为在中国地区的正式版本,DEF CON China 吸引了很多大咖前来参与,一直致力于网络安全的 Cloudflare,这次也前来共襄盛举,带来了最新的科技跟大家分享。

科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会
大会实况:Cloudflare 团队与DEF CON China 与会者和主办方进行交流 (DEF CON 创办人 Jeff Moss 与百度安全部总经理马杰)

六一儿童节前夕,小小参与者对新科技的好奇及探索新知识的向往令人对未来充满信心。(图源: Abhinav SP | #BugZee, DEFCON China )

DEF CON China 1.0 的徽章由 DEF CON 著名徽章设计师 Joe Grand 设计,采用柔性电路板打造,赋予冰冷的朋克气质艺术美感,用此激活点亮互动式艺术装置 “无极之树”。

科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会
Capture The Flag (CTF) 夺旗赛起源于DEF CON,是目前代表全球最高技术水平和影响力的 CTF。夺旗的赢家除了获得荣耀,也肩负一份责任,将极客精神传承并发扬光大。

Cloudflare 的使命是建立一个更好的互联网

Cloudflare 成立于 2009 年,是一家跨国科技公司,在全球 80 个国家部有 180 个数据中心。我们的性能和安全服务协同工作,以减少网站、移动应用程序和端到端 API 的延迟,同时防御 DDoS 攻击、滥用机器人和数据泄露。

此次大会是 Cloudflare 在区域深耕的第一小步。相信随着时间的推移,越来越多的用户会认识并了解 Cloudflare,此而加入我们。点此启用免费帐户,立即体验更快更安全的网络


Cloudflare 具有全球视野、本地化洞见的团队期待构建更好的全球互联网未来。我们北京和全球的办公室都在招聘人才,欢迎有志一同的伙伴加入我们!

科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会
Cloudflare 北京、新加坡、旧金山團隊齐聚一堂

Technology’s Promise – Highlights from DEF CON China 1.0

Technology's Promise - Highlights from DEF CON China 1.0
Technology's Promise - Highlights from DEF CON China 1.0

DEF CON is one of the largest and oldest security conferences in the world. Last year, it launched a beta event in China in hopes of bringing the local security communities closer together. This year, the organizer made things official by introducing DEF CON China 1.0 with a promise to build a forum for China where everyone can gather, connect, and grow together.

Themed "Technology's Promise", DEF CON China kicked off on 5/30 in Beijing and attracted participants of all ages. Watching young participants test, play and tinker with new technologies with such curiosity and excitement absolutely warmed our hearts!

It was a pleasure to participate in DEF CON China 1.0 this year and connect with local communities. Great synergy as we exchanged ideas and learnings on cybersecurity topics. Did I mention we also spoiled ourselves with the warm hospitality, wonderful food, live music, and amazing crowd while in Beijing.

Technology's Promise - Highlights from DEF CON China 1.0
Event Highlights: Cloudflare Team Meets with DEF CON China Visitors and Organizers (DEF CON Founder Jeff Moss and Baidu Security General Manager Jefferey Ma)

Going Global – a Localization Case Study at Cloudflare

Today Cloudflare serves nearly 10% of all global internet requests and more than 80% of our customers are based outside of the United States. Cloudflare is rapidly growing and there is nothing more important to us than being able to better serve our users across the world beyond our global offices in San Francisco, Austin, Champaign, Washington D.C., New York, London, and Singapore.

Earlier this year, we launched a team to focus on global expansion and growth. In June, we presented our agile global market expansion experiment framework at LocWorld Barcelona and wanted to report back on how things were going.

Getting started

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart" – Nelson Mandela

At Cloudflare, we are motivated by our users from all around the world. Of our top 15 countries by traffic volume, 10 have official languages other than English. As a large part of our users do not speak our primary language of business, our priority is to reach and engage with these users in their native languages through localization.

As a growing company, Continue reading