Phil Britt

Author Archives: Phil Britt

Zero Trust Adoption: 4 Steps to Implementation Success

According to the Fortinet vArmour senior vice president. “This enables organizations to not have to in essence boil the ocean and try and adopt unilateral controls too quickly, but instead lock down their crown jewels and understand the relationships those assets have to address resilience planning in a phased approach.” One of the biggest mistakes we see when implementing zero trust is insufficient investing in visibility, observability, and analytics across the organization, Kuehn added. “Without visibility, companies are limited Continue reading

What Is Zero Trust Data Protection?

As cyberattacks continue to escalate; companies grow their use of tech services outside of their network perimeters and the government and other organizations work with ever more sensitive personal, corporate, and government data, there is increasing adoption of zero trust data protection. So, What Is Zero Trust Data Protection? Zero trust data protection is a security methodology that includes a framework of technologies and best practices that an organization needs to define and adopt across their IT environments over time, explained Steve Malone, Sumo Logic director of security product. “It’s the culmination of something that’s been happening in security over the last 20 years, which is the perimeter is not the point of enforcement anymore because of the way that technology works today.” Interest in operating in a zero trust data protection environment has gained plenty of interest in the last few years, according to Michael Gorelik,