Zach Supalla

Author Archives: Zach Supalla

IDG Contributor Network: What’s so special about 5G and IoT?

The hype around 5G and its relation to the IoT (Internet of Things) industry has been growing exponentially since its initial launch in 2012. So far, numerous telecoms have promised that 5G will be the next-generation mobile network that provides everything from superfast bandwidth speeds, to ultra-low latency, to ten-times the geographic coverage.However, the attempts to decode what all this means for product creators and enterprises who have some investment in 5G and IoT typically lacks real substance and clarity. While 5G networks may fundamentally transform mobile cellular networks, they are still in early deployment stages despite the just-around-the-corner narrative that is being spread.To read this article in full, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: What’s so special about 5G and IoT?

The hype around 5G and its relation to the IoT (Internet of Things) industry has been growing exponentially since its initial launch in 2012. So far, numerous telecoms have promised that 5G will be the next-generation mobile network that provides everything from superfast bandwidth speeds, to ultra-low latency, to ten-times the geographic coverage.However, the attempts to decode what all this means for product creators and enterprises who have some investment in 5G and IoT typically lacks real substance and clarity. While 5G networks may fundamentally transform mobile cellular networks, they are still in early deployment stages despite the just-around-the-corner narrative that is being spread.To read this article in full, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: The 6 ways to make money in IoT

According to the McKinsey Global Institute, IoT will have a total potential impact of up to $11.1 trillion a year by 2025. With so much opportunity, it makes sense why so many companies are looking to connect their devices and enter the IoT arena.But simply adding an internet connection to your widget doesn’t mean your business will make immediate profits. IoT products come with significant ongoing costs – web infrastructure, networking, and other connectivity and data-related costs. If you can’t justify the additional value to your customers, those costs will eat away at your margins.To read this article in full, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: It’s time to start thinking differently about IoT

A steady churn of stunningly useless consumer devices has turned IoT into a running joke in the tech community. Worse yet, some applications have gone beyond the silly and into the realm of scary – like internet-connected teddy bears that record your kids (and skimp on security). But there’s a whole other side to IoT. Far removed from the world of consumer gadgetry, IoT is being used behind the scenes to solve real problems and create real value across a wide variety of applications and industries.To read this article in full, please click here