Today I am going to talk about the widely used protocol in the switching scenarios called as Rapid Spanning tree protocol. RSTP all you know that is a enhanced version of the STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) and is now used in many of the LAN networks there in enterprises.
Before we talk about RSTP further, I would like to tell you guys that we have our own youtube channel for various network videos that can further help you guys to study further. I will going to add many more videos soon on the channel, Please subscribe to the channel for the study network related videos
RSTP- Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
Replacing the concept of 5 port states in STP, RSTP comes up with the 3 port states only and these port states are discarding, learning and forwarding.
Fig 1.1- STP Topology |
STP has 5 states and these states are Blocking, Listening, Learning, Forwarding and Disabled where we replaced the blocking, listening and discarding with the discarding state in RSTP. Below is the table showing the states of the STP and RSTP
Fig 1.2- STP and RSTP Port States |