Author Archives: Ivan Pepelnjak
Author Archives: Ivan Pepelnjak
Listening to (some) industry evangelists you would believe that there’s no future in being a networking engineer. After all, all workloads will move into the cloud, and all clients will connect through a universal 5G network… but even if that utopia eventually comes true, you can’t get away from the laws of physics (and the need networking infrastructure).
TL&DR: our new online course will help you master the shiny new world. You can register right now or keep reading ;)
Read more ...An anonymous (for reasons that will be obvious pretty soon) commenter left a gem on my Disaster Recovery Test Faking blog post that is way too valuable to be left hidden and unannotated.
Here’s what he did:
Once I was tasked to do a DR test before handing over the solution to the customer. To simulate the loss of a data center I suggested to physically shutdown all core switches in the active data center.
Read more ...A subscriber sent me this intriguing question:
Is it not theoretically possible for Ethernet frames to be 64k long if ASIC vendors simply bothered or decided to design/make chipsets that supported it? How did we end up in the 1.5k neighborhood? In whose best interest did this happen?
Remember that Ethernet started as a shared-cable 10 Mbps technology. Transmitting a 64k frame on that technology would take approximately 50 msec (or as long as getting from East Coast to West Coast). Also, Ethernet had no tight media access control like Token Ring, so it would be possible for a single host to transmit multiple frames without anyone else getting airtime, resulting in unacceptable delays.
Read more ...TL&DR: You automate the whole process. What else do you expect?
During the Tech Field Day Extra @ Cisco Live Europe 2019 we were taken on a behind-the-stage tour that included a chat with people who built the Cisco Live network, and of course I had to ask how they automated the whole thing. They said “well, we have the guy that wrote the whole system onsite and he’ll be able to tell you more”. Turns out the guy was my good friend Andrew Yourtchenko who graciously showed the system they built and explained the behind-the-scenes details.
Read more ...Dinesh Dutt added another awesome chapter to the EVPN saga last week explaining how (and why) you could run VXLAN encapsulation with EVPN control plane on Linux hosts (TL&DR: think twice before doing it).
In the last part of current Azure Networking series I covered external VNet connectivity, including VNet peering, Internet access, Virtual Network Gateways, VPN connections, and ExpressRoute. The story continues on February 6th 2020 with Azure automation.
You’ll need Standard ipSpace.net Subscription to access both webinars.
Gregor Hohpe published an excellent series on Martin Fowler’s web site focusing on various aspects of lock-in. If nothing else, you SHOULD read the shades of lock-in part, and combine it with my thoughts on lock-in in data center networking.
Grouping the features needed in a networking stack in bunch of layered modules is a great idea, but unfortunately it turns out that you could place a number of important features like error recovery, retransmission and flow control in a number of different layers, from data link layer dealing with individual network segments to transport layer dealing with reliable end-to-end transmissions.
So where should we put those modules? As always, the correct answer is it depends, in this particular case on transmission reliability, latency, and cost of bandwidth. You’ll find more details in the Retransmissions and Flow Control part of How Networks Really Work webinar.
You need free ipSpace.net subscription to watch the video, or a paid ipSpace.net subscriptions to watch the whole webinar.
How nice would it be to have a fabric health dashboard displaying a summary of numerous parameters you’re interested in (number of operational uplinks, number of BGP sessions…) for every switch in your fabric.
I’m positive you could hack something together using the customization capabilities of your favorite network management system… or you could write a simple data gathering solution like Stephen Harding did while attending the Building Network Automation Solutions online course.
A while ago I had an interesting discussion with someone running VMware NSX on top of VXLAN+EVPN fabric - a pretty common scenario considering:
His fabric was running well… apart from the weird times when someone started tons of new VMs.
Read more ...A Docker networking rant coming from my good friend Marko Milivojević triggered a severe case of Deja-Moo, resulting in a flood of unpleasant memories caused by too-successful “disruptive” IT vendors.
Imagine you’re working for a startup creating a cool new product in the IT infrastructure space (if you have an oversized ego you would call yourself “disruptive thought leader” on your LinkedIn profile) but nobody is taking you seriously. How about some guerrilla warfare: advertising your product to people who hate the IT operations (today we’d call that Shadow IT).
Read more ...Have you ever seen an Ansible playbook where 90% of the code prepares the environment, and then all the work is done in a few template and assemble modules? Here’s an alternative way of getting that done. Is it better? You tell me ;)
Anycast (advertising the same IP address from multiple servers/locations) has long been used to implement scale-out public DNS services (the whole root DNS system runs on massive anycast), but it’s not as common in enterprise networks.
The blog posts written by Tom Bowles should get you there. He started with the idea and described his implementation using Infoblox DNS.
Want to know even more? I covered numerous load balancing mechanisms including anycast in Data Centers Infrastructure for Networking Engineers webinar.
A while ago Johannes Weber tweeted about an interesting challenge:
We want to advertise our AS and PI space over a single ISP connection. How would a setup look like with 2 Cisco routers, using them for hardware redundancy? Is this possible with only 1 neighboring to the ISP?
Hmm, so you have one cable and two router ports that you want to connect to that cable. There’s something wrong with this picture ;)
Read more ...Remember Nicky Davey describing how he got large DMVPN deployment back on track with configuration templating? In his own words…:
Configuration templating is still as big win a win for us as it was a year ago. We have since expanded the automation solution, and reading the old blog post makes me realise how far we have come. I began working with this particular customer in May 2017, so 2 years now. At that time the new WAN project was on the horizon and the approach to network configuration was entirely manual.
Here’s how far he got in the meantime:
Read more ...Last week I covered network security groups, application security groups and user-defined routes in the second live session of Azure Networking webinar.
We also had a great guest speaker on the Network Automation course: Damien Garros explained how he used central source-of-truth based on NetBox and Git to set up a network automation stack from the grounds up.
Recordings are already online; you’ll need Standard ipSpace.net Subscription to access the Azure Networking webinar, and Expert ipSpace.net Subscription to access Damien’s presentation. Azure Networking webinar is also part of our new Networking in Public Clouds online course.
This is a guest blog post by Philippe Jounin, Senior Network Architect at Orange Business Services.
You could use track objects in Cisco IOS to track route reachability or metric, the status of an interface, or IP SLA compliance for a long time. Initially you could use them to implement reliable static routing (or even shut down a BGP session) or trigger EEM scripts. With a bit more work (and a few more EEM scripts) you could use object tracking to create time-dependent static routes.
Cisco IOS 15 has introduced Enhanced Object Tracking that allows first-hop router protocols like VRRP or HSRP to use tracking state to modify their behavior.
Read more ...I have exciting news I’d love to share with you: we’re launching a new online course focused on networking in public clouds starting in February 2020 (I’ve been mulling over this idea and polishing the concept for almost 18 months, and finally it all came together ;)
With Go To The Cloud becoming the answer to all questions (regardless of what the question is), you can find tons of materials describing various aspects of public clouds, so you might wonder why I decided to enter the fray. The answer is simple: with everyone being focused on developers, there’s not much that an infrastructure engineer could use to help him survive when the developers move on and he’s left to manage whatever they put in place.
Read more ...Every few weeks I stumble upon an article (or twitter storm) in which someone claims you don’t need formal education to get started as a Software Engineer (or whatever else) - all you need is a coding academy/bootcamp and you're all set.
George V. Neville-Neil wrote a hilarious rebuttal of this idea followed by some pretty good advice. Hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did ;)
A long while ago Daniel Dib wrote a nice blog post on “SDN will make the networking engineers obsolete” theme. While it sounds like beating a dead horse, the SDN craze isn’t subsiding, so another healthy dose of common sense might come handy.
Hint: if you’re not following Daniel’s blog, you should… even though he decided to make old farts’ life harder by publishing on LinkedIn.
Sick-and-tired of intent-based GUIs that are barely better than CiscoWorks on steroids? How about asking Siri-like assistant queries about network state in somewhat-limited English and getting replies back in full-blown sentences?
Warning: you might be reentering the land of unicorns driving flying DeLoreans... but then keep in mind what Arthur Clarke had to say on this topic ;).
Welcome to Net2Text, another proof-of-concept tool created by the group led by Laurent Vanbever… who joined us for a short chat to discuss it, resulting in Episode 105 of Software Gone Wild.